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Are MMos supposed to be 24/7?


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Sorry, where did TOR say it was going to last 7 years? All I remember was that each class had up to 200 hrs play but nothing about lasting 7 years. To last that long it would need expansions.


I too love Skyrim and will be playing it for hours, but it won't last years as a single player games.


And why can some people not accept that TOR is not a sandbox game. It never market itself as one.


Unfortunately rightly or wrongly, they went down the theme park route and they want to make as much profit as they can by making a game accessable to the masses ala WoW.


In the end, it might be just not the game for you or others. Simple as that. No harm no foul. I am sure there are plenty of other MMos out there that you don't like so chalk this down as another and move on.


HERP DERP whoosh, I guess that comparison just went right over your head huh. What other game that has been out for 7 years is this supposed to kill, lets see, could my statement have been an allusion as to how this game is supposed to be taking on a bigger game that maybe has 7 years worth of content... I dont know, nope, I just dont know. Also whether the game SHOULD or SHOULDNT be a sandbox was NOT my point. I don't know if youre being obtuse or what. Older MMO's let people play for hundrends, even thousands of hours because they had sandbox content that let them keep themselves occupied while new content was being developed. That was my point. I guess you didn't even read your own first post because you seem to be misconstruing my responses pretty heavily. Or are you just being intentionally obtuse?

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Yes, this game feels significantly better if you don't play it.


I agree.


The guys I have played with for years all played OU, EQ, DAOC and were very competitive, good players in those games. Back then they were attending college full time, working, etc.


All these years later they are still working full time, etc. None of them would touch this game with a 10 foot pole due to the inherant issues with the game.


Lack of meaningful content does not mean a game is good for people with a life.

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...


Im pretty sure you've summed up the reason for the first two lines. There are addiction centers for people like you.

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so whats your point?

me pointing out how this game is tuned for casual gaming and agreeing with the Original Post makes me stupid? right...


i won't expect much from a casual single player gamer


You are an idiot, you think (in your mind) you are hardcore. Wow there is something to be proud of , look up at me i am a hardcore gamer. My opinion is more valid then a casual gamer, did i mention you are an idiot.

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There's a big difference, I'm not paying a subscription for any of my single player games, this makes EVERYTHING you say completely invalid.


Other than claiming invalidity for no reason, I agree that the subscription makes a huge difference. When I sit down and play Uncharted 3, I constantly remember that I am currently paying to play TOR yet I'm not playing it. I may let my subscription run out for a month in March so I can play ME3 guilt-free and would do that with other single-player games as well, if possible. I still don't fully understand how this subscription business works, so I'll have to read up on that soon.

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Geesh! how anyone can play for that long is beyond me! 0_0 I played everquest and we used to pull all nighters.....but we still had plenty of times AWAY From the computer.


With that said....the biggest problem with playing TOR with other games is $$$$ Like...I wouldn't mind getting back and playing WoW with my husband...but I cant afford both. Id have to pick one or the other....

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Other than claiming invalidity for no reason, I agree that the subscription makes a huge difference. When I sit down and play Uncharted 3, I constantly remember that I am currently paying to play TOR yet I'm not playing it. I may let my subscription run out for a month in March so I can play ME3 guilt-free and would do that with other single-player games as well, if possible. I still don't fully understand how this subscription business works, so I'll have to read up on that soon.




Not saying your wrong in any way shape or form.


But... (always a but eh) you pay say 70 bucks for a game and play casual, within a month or two your pretty much done. If there are any bugs/exploits in said game, your pretty much hooped for getting it fixed. I tried Alice 2 Madness returns, wholly hell that thing was riddled with bugs and no fixes in sight, Not saying this will be every single player game but you get the idea.


You pay 70 bucks for an MMO and play casual, chances are your not done or even close to done in a month. We also get the 'joy' of the 'community' ( i use these words lightly because i think that WoW has de-evolved the majority of the gaming community into grunting drones, slightly) to play with. Also pay another 15 dollars and you get constant tweaking of the game mechanics and what not.

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HERP DERP whoosh, I guess that comparison just went right over your head huh. What other game that has been out for 7 years is this supposed to kill, lets see, could my statement have been an allusion as to how this game is supposed to be taking on a bigger game that maybe has 7 years worth of content... I dont know, nope, I just dont know. Also whether the game SHOULD or SHOULDNT be a sandbox was NOT my point. I don't know if youre being obtuse or what. Older MMO's let people play for hundrends, even thousands of hours because they had sandbox content that let them keep themselves occupied while new content was being developed. That was my point. I guess you didn't even read your own first post because you seem to be misconstruing my responses pretty heavily. Or are you just being intentionally obtuse?


So once again, where does it say it's a WoW killer? We, the community have hyped this game up to be the next WoW killer, the same as Rift and GW2 and any future MMo. WoW was a fluke, a perfect storm if you would, right game, right time.


I think it is you who is misreading and or not understanding. Sandbox MMos don't bring in the dollar today like they did when you or I was playing them. SWG was on it's death bed and what else is out there that is a great sandbox game? (geniune question). I know EVE is a Sandbox but if you read many posts by developers all over the world, they are lamenting the loss of sandbox games because publishers and game companies want the dollar and themepark MMos for the "casual" gamer is where it's at.


Not saying I agree or disagree with this. My job is to play games and have fun.


Calm down. Take a chill pill m8.:)

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Other than claiming invalidity for no reason, I agree that the subscription makes a huge difference. When I sit down and play Uncharted 3, I constantly remember that I am currently paying to play TOR yet I'm not playing it. I may let my subscription run out for a month in March so I can play ME3 guilt-free and would do that with other single-player games as well, if possible. I still don't fully understand how this subscription business works, so I'll have to read up on that soon.


And that's the problem for a lot of people, they feel because they are paying £9 squid a month, they are compelled to play. For me, I view it as £9 entertainment that I have budgeted for since 1997, so every month I have nearly payed for some MMo and I no longer feel the need to play constantly in that month.


In other words I am used to paying monthly for my gaming experience as well as paying for any new single player game that comes out that I fancy. I don't smoke, I like a drink in the house and I go to Archery weekly, but I don't spend money on gym, or nightclubing etc so gaming is my main entertainment cost (shesh sounds like I am a right sad bustard).


If I think I am not going to play for over a month, then I unsubscribe and come back when I am ready to play.


It's a simple as that for me and I acknowledge it's not that simple for everyone else:)

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Hi peeps,


I have been playing MMos since U/O (ah I loved my 9600 modem), but it wasn't until I played EQ that I understood the 24/7 mentality that that MMos had. EQ definately became Evercrack. WoW was simular, the same and so was DAOC (with insert every other MMo in here too).


However, one thing that MMos did was to spoil my enjoyment of single player games that were released. 100s of top class games were released that I missed simply because they couldn't match my addiction to MMos.


Now, looking through older eyes, I realise that the reason why I am enjoying TOR is that I don't feel the need to play it every day 24/7 and thus not "burnt" out by reaching 50 within 6 days, starting an alt and reaching 50 again, getting battlemaster title and doing the Operations, all within the first 5 weeks of release!


I don't think MMos of today are made for players to play non stop. All these posts I see about people being bored with nothing to do in TOR, makes me wonder why they are not playing other games. I think a good MMo should be supplimented with other games.


I am currently playing Skyrim and ME2 (for the 8th time) and like to play TOR for a few hours every now and then.


So, nope, I'm not telling all you powerlevellers or people who play TOR 24 hours a day to change your play style, I am saying that if you play an MMo like a single player game and play it 8 hours a day +, then you are eventually going to burn out within weeks. Check your /played time, mine is on 5 days played and I have one toon at level 40. Thats over 100hrs played already. Not many single player games give you that type of enjoyment...


those people are in gaming for the 'achievement fix'.


this achievement fix is supposed to replace the need they have it for in their normal lives.


the toon on the screen is projected as self, and then this toon's progress and 'achievement' is interpreted as the self's.


thats why you have that kind of endless addiction and boasting and a lot of other irritating behavior in mmos and the forums.


when someone comes and opens a thread with a title "i am 50, so now what ? im bored", s/he is not saying that s/he is not able to find 'content' at level 50 - s/he is basically exhibiting his/her success for all to see "look, how fast i have reached 50 - im that good". its a subconscious action.


the magnitude of 'boredom' displayed in the thread, and the extent of 'irritation and disdain' that is felt for 'not having anything to do', is proportional to their need to exhibit their achievement.




you cant fix those people. they will do it in ALL games. they are not in games for entertainment. they are there for appeasing the achievement complex.


we all have been there at one point. some grow out of it fast, some slow.


REGARDLESS of how hard you make a game and how bad a treadmill a game will be, these people will exhaust everything in lightning speed and just move to other games by suspending their subscriptions in a mmo.


and no - they do not like single player games much - you cant show off any 'accomplishment' in these. pointless.


they cannot take on any REAL competitive gaming, like counterstrike, starcraft etc either. that is also too much for them. they need guaranteed 'success'.


and as you can understand, they are the most vocal of any crowd. and complain about everything.


those complaints are actually expressions of need for attention and approval.




and, i was one of these for a long time. except that i wasnt as irritating and jerk-like.

Edited by Enako
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those people are in gaming for the 'achievement fix'.


this achievement fix is supposed to replace the need they have it for in their normal lives.


the toon on the screen is projected as self, and then this toon's progress and 'achievement' is interpreted as the self's.


thats why you have that kind of endless addiction and boasting and a lot of other irritating behavior in mmos and the forums.


when someone comes and opens a thread with a title "i am 50, so now what ? im bored", s/he is not saying that s/he is not able to find 'content' at level 50 - s/he is basically exhibiting his/her success for all to see "look, how fast i have reached 50 - im that good". its a subconscious action.


the magnitude of 'boredom' displayed in the thread, and the extent of 'irritation and disdain' that is felt for 'not having anything to do', is proportional to their need to exhibit their achievement.




you cant fix those people. they will do it in ALL games. they are not in games for entertainment. they are there for appeasing the achievement complex.


we all have been there at one point. some grow out of it fast, some slow.


REGARDLESS of how hard you make a game and how bad a treadmill a game will be, these people will exhaust everything in lightning speed and just move to other games by suspending their subscriptions in a mmo.


and no - they do not like single player games much - you cant show off any 'accomplishment' in these. pointless.


they cannot take on any REAL competitive gaming, like counterstrike, starcraft etc either. that is also too much for them. they need guaranteed 'success'.


and as you can understand, they are the most vocal of any crowd. and complain about everything.


those complaints are actually expressions of need for attention and approval.




and, i was one of these for a long time. except that i wasnt as irritating and jerk-like.



Wow, very interesting.


You made me think at least.


Not sure I agree with you totally, but enough to say I understand what your saying and well written.



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those people are in gaming for the 'achievement fix'.


this achievement fix is supposed to replace the need they have it for in their normal lives.


the toon on the screen is projected as self, and then this toon's progress and 'achievement' is interpreted as the self's.


thats why you have that kind of endless addiction and boasting and a lot of other irritating behavior in mmos and the forums.


when someone comes and opens a thread with a title "i am 50, so now what ? im bored", s/he is not saying that s/he is not able to find 'content' at level 50 - s/he is basically exhibiting his/her success for all to see "look, how fast i have reached 50 - im that good". its a subconscious action.


the magnitude of 'boredom' displayed in the thread, and the extent of 'irritation and disdain' that is felt for 'not having anything to do', is proportional to their need to exhibit their achievement.




you cant fix those people. they will do it in ALL games. they are not in games for entertainment. they are there for appeasing the achievement complex.


we all have been there at one point. some grow out of it fast, some slow.


REGARDLESS of how hard you make a game and how bad a treadmill a game will be, these people will exhaust everything in lightning speed and just move to other games by suspending their subscriptions in a mmo.


and no - they do not like single player games much - you cant show off any 'accomplishment' in these. pointless.


they cannot take on any REAL competitive gaming, like counterstrike, starcraft etc either. that is also too much for them. they need guaranteed 'success'.


and as you can understand, they are the most vocal of any crowd. and complain about everything.


those complaints are actually expressions of need for attention and approval.




and, i was one of these for a long time. except that i wasnt as irritating and jerk-like.


Top class post, made me think, is the golden age of MMORPG's over? Back when people did stuff for a community sense? Now the game is filled with people who think they deserve to be rewarded for every toadtstol they walk over

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Top class post, made me think, is the golden age of MMORPG's over?


its over. at least as we know it. eq/wow was just new back then. and 'gamers' in general did not know such stuff. we all went into eq/wow, played it. we also attracted a lot of non-gamers and casuals to these games due to the advocacy factor. we all played the game. and eventually got bored.


its impossible to do the same thing over and over and not get bored over the years.


this goes valid even with expansions. vanilla, bc, wrath, rinse and repeat. after a point, all the 'mechanics' and the 'progress' becomes repetitive - you progress, hit max level, do some stuff, expansion comes, you start over again.


so what's left if you take this from the equation ?


story. thats all that there is.


so far, the only exp with a semi-good and interesting story among wow, was wrath of the lich king. and that was generally because they ripped the entire concept of lotr, and also some earth mythology (titans, dragons etc) and put in it in a good fashion. wrath also coincides with the apex of wow - the highest subscribers, the most active players and so on.


and then what did they do ? cataclysm. rehash of OLD stuff, with same old stuff - the ambiguous, convoluted and uninteresting wow lore.


and they started losing people.




Back when people did stuff for a community sense? Now the game is filled with people who think they deserve to be rewarded for every toadtstol they walk over


that was long gone after eq crowd moved into wow and wow became popular in the earlier years. it was all a piss contest. and guilds increasingly became kinda a 'workforce' that only came together for the progress of the guild.


i have been in numerous such guilds. and to boot, i generally was in rp guilds too - the places which had the minimum 'hardcore progressives' and psychopaths. and high age average.


even despite that, i can easily say that guild environment was a 'mild workplace' than a gaming environment at its best.

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when someone comes and opens a thread with a title "i am 50, so now what ? im bored", s/he is not saying that s/he is not able to find 'content' at level 50 - s/he is basically exhibiting his/her success for all to see "look, how fast i have reached 50 - im that good". its a subconscious action.


the magnitude of 'boredom' displayed in the thread, and the extent of 'irritation and disdain' that is felt for 'not having anything to do', is proportional to their need to exhibit their achievement.



You can't be that thick. There's legions of level 50s around since 3 days after release. You honestly think that the (at least 10) threads opened this very week on that subject are for bragging?!

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You can't be that thick. There's legions of level 50s around since 3 days after release. You honestly think that the (at least 10) threads opened this very week on that subject are for bragging?!


yes. all of the threads include varying amounts of the subconscious drives :


- bragging. exists in all.

- irritation in having the 'progress achievement fix' stopped with exhausting content

- expression of subconsciously felt elitism over the masses which are not in the same position, hence being 'unachievers'

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yes. all of the threads include varying amounts of the subconscious drives :


- bragging. exists in all.

- irritation in having the 'progress achievement fix' stopped with exhausting content

- expression of subconsciously felt elitism over the masses which are not in the same position, hence being 'unachievers'


It's been 1.5 month since release, you defy logic man. When people say that there's nothing to do at 50, they say it because there's nothing to do at 50. Get your head out of the sand. Sure, there's players who would like to brag about hitting 50 early, trying to disguise it as something else, but it's been freaking 1.5 month. This game is probably the easiest MMO ever to hit level cap in.

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Ive not been playing it for 3 days and went back to Rift. I'm enjoying my SWTOR experience so much more now!


And yet you feel the need to post here? Why? You have left, you made your statement to Bioware by unsubscribing (I assume). Why are you posting here?


Because you haven't left have you?;)

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It's been 1.5 month since release, you defy logic man. When people say that there's nothing to do at 50, they say it because there's nothing to do at 50. Get your head out of the sand. Sure, there's players who would like to brag about hitting 50 early, trying to disguise it as something else, but it's been freaking 1.5 month. This game is probably the easiest MMO ever to hit level cap in.


1.5 months and reached the level cap. This is the problem. Biowares for not making levelling longer and people for getting to 50 as fast as they could. Hence the whole reason for my original opening post.


1 year to reach 60 in EQ 8 months in vanila WoW. 2 months in TOR.


However at least with TOR I can play a new story when I get to 50 if I wish and by the time I have got to 50 again on another toon, new stuff may have come out that makes me go back to my other 50. So on and so on.


However, TOR will suppliment ME3 and D3 nicely thank you very much...:)

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This game is probably the easiest MMO ever to hit level cap in.


there is your problem then.




i have 9 toons. 1 level 40, 1 level 30, 1 level 20 and numerous 15+.




if you are playing games to cap the level, you are rushing content, and its your problem.


no company except the ones who are out to exploit your crowd will be catering to you by constantly giving you treadmills to suck your time away.

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs,

Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...


Good luck with your life...you wont be missed.

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