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Love the Bag System. Let's Take it to the Next Level, BW:


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What about the people that haven't gotten an item in 20+ bags? Are they expecting instant gratification?

pretty much... thats less than a week of pvp... if i get one piece a week or a couple a month its good for me. like i said i dont want to get geared too fast, it would get old, quick.

its all about the journey, not the destination...

and id like to see numbers of people who actually got geared quickly, i would imagine its a very small amount of the BM playerbase. but i dont want to throw out stats without the hard data. the people who do that on the forums are usually proven to be exaggerating greatly. OMG I GOT 40 BAGS WITHOUT ONE PIECE AND MY FRIEND OPENED 6 AND GOT 4 PIECES. that is a fluke and while VERY lucky, it is not how it happens to most players... and probably didnt really happen

Edited by Gnarl
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Great post. I look at MMOs the same way as I look at most other uses of my time. Do the rewards from this activity justify the time spent? For a game, fun is usually the reward. However, spending hours and hours doing dailies and warzones in order to get gear and then leaving my return on time invested up to RNG is not fun, nor is it something I see myself doing long-term. Please Bioware, give me a reason to continue playing after my pre-paid three months are over.
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I love the concept of this thread.



Shouldn't have been bags for gear anyways. To be honest i'm not one of those haters, but Bioware could have done something to make pvp progression different. As I see myself as one of those "Play to win" type of guys.



After every match i'm doubting weather I won because I was skilled, or because I had better gear and expertise.

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in the spirit of your pvp system, i would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?



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Thank you for your ideas, we at Bioware take all user submitted suggestions with the utmost seriousness and can assure you it will be given all the attention it deserves.

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You know what might be cool if it was a trade-in kind of upgrade system, say where you buy Centurion gear with WZ comms and then trade the Centurion gear in with additional WZ comms for the matching Champion gear and trade the Champion Gear with additional WZ comms for the Battlemaster gear.



Centurion Mainhand costs 1000 WZ comms

Champion Mainhand costs Centurion Mainhand + 1000 WZ comms

Battlemaster Mainhand costs Champion Mainhand + 1000 WZ comms


Something like that for example, idn.

Edited by MorgonKara
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OP has some great idea.


Here's another idea. The people that started working for the company 30 days ago were paid $100k a week. But you started 30 days later so now you get a random chance of getting a paycheck every 2 weeks while they get to keep their $100k a week.

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