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A Challenge for Gabe Amantangelo.


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Hey Gabe,


a lot of us Concealment specced Ops have doubts about the upcoming patch.


We've listened to your interview with Cynical Brit and you say we're doing too much damage and the numbers/metrics support the nerf.


But see, we can't see your numbers all we have to go on is our gameplay experience and my gameplay experience is telling me you are wrong. So I have a challenge for you to prove that you understand the class and how it plays.


I want to see you post a video of you playing a 31pt Concealment Operative in a Huttball match.


If you do this at least we will know you have some understanding of the class.


as a bonus if you top the scoreboard in either damage dealt or number of kills I promise I'll stop complaining about the 1.1.1 patch on the forums.





(anyone else agree with me please /sign below)

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I play both classes, the Operative and the Scoundrel, both on test server and on my main server. I know for a fact that this nerf will be completely crippling in PvE because I can see the difference right now.


If you read this thread and then maybe you can understand what we are talking about, please please read and please show us that you know this class!



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The burst is too high but to be honest thats all we got. Instantly killing bad geared people was our niche. The opener was hiding the lack of utility and bad class design so far.


Lethality is a strange mix of close, mid and long range abilities and healing is fine if you dont look at the bad AOE healing and only heal PvE. For PvE a sorc or BH is better anyways.


The way they do this nerf shows me that they have no clue about the current flow of PvP.

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Hidden strike losing 20% is not a big deal - you only get one off with a 1v1 match - ok two if you have a spare cloaking screen. But in the later case I cant see how you can lose.


The acid blade armor reduction I really cant guestimate how much of a difference in damage it will make.


The 3 to 1.5 seconds will make quite a difference, I guess most players will wait it out - the question is whether resolve will be filled - I assume not. Anyone know from the test server?

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A 1.5 seconds knockdown as a 2 point top tier talent is a bad joke. Nobody will take it anyways. 4 seconds stun beats 1.5 seconds knockdown causing a full resolve. Its worthless in PvP and in PvE 1.5 seconds wont help much either.


Give us some utility or more surviveabilty. A healing debuff would be nice or perhaps a run speed buff for some seconds. Some kind of defensive CD would be fine too.


Or seperate the knockdown from the damage and give us a hidden strike ability with no CC at all but higher damage and another ability with a longer CC knockdown but with low or no damage.


Many smart options. I still dont get the heavy nerf all at once approach. This will kill concealment PvP and worse PvE.

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