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Why do sorcerers get all the attention? Why can't sage be over powered too?


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Because the animation delays that STILL exist make it so they're really not OP'd. I'm sure if hey functioned correctly they would be OP'd. Lets be honest though, it's broken and the most recent patch slightly improved SOME things. But it wasn't a fix.
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Because the animation delays that STILL exist make it so they're really not OP'd. I'm sure if hey functioned correctly they would be OP'd. Lets be honest though, it's broken and the most recent patch slightly improved SOME things. But it wasn't a fix.


Seriously, now more than ever the player base needs damage meters to run their own diagnostics (metrics), whatever you want to call it. I don't trust the work Bioware does. From just plain anecdotal evidence I seem to survive longer in warzones with my sorcerer than sage. Plus, my level 17 sorcerer always gets higher total damage numbers than my level 35 sage. But, like I said it's anecdotal. It may be just my perception is skewed. That's why I want to see hard numbers from various players.

Edited by Chiricahua
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Because some select and vocal servers like complaining about Empire without looking at the servers where Republic is very successful.




Ha ha haaa i bet 80% of the servers see at min four sorcs in a WZ in the 50 bracket,wow just wow.

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well i play both


sorc and sage


57 valor on one 62 on the other


and I can tell you ... I can live longer ... get my stuff off quicker ... and have just an overall more fluid experience on my IMP than Reublic character


the differences are glaring for anyone who plays both to high levels


Sorcerer > SAGE in almost every way cept one little heal glitch sometimes that goes off for Sage but hardly makes up for the insta cast and no animation delays and knocking my opponet to ground as IMP is a benefit becuase the animation of them having to get back up ... on my sage it just stops them in place and they can begin fighting quicker


i cannot believe there has not been more of an uproar since the stealth animation added with 1.1 that noe puts republic players on their backs enmasse by sith warrior ... /boggles how people dont realition the animation dealy standing back up to get in fight is a huge disadvantage to republic


I have to afmit i like my republic character better just becuase thats how im built but the disadvanatges to republic are numerous so i am more succesful on my IMP char

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Because some select and vocal servers like complaining about Empire without looking at the servers where Republic is very successful.

I am on the server that is fairly successful for Republic (like: we are not permacamped with 5 to 1 ratio and we win a decent amount of warzones). That does not change nothing. Sorcs are still WAY more popular from Sages. So the nerf cries goes vs. Sorcs. If they get nerfed, Sages will as well so whatever.


Almost every time I start a new WZ and we collide with Empire team, all I can see is a tsunami of force lightnight. When doing WZ with friends on teamspeak I sometimes play a minigame "how many Sorcs will there be on the WZ summary screen". Very often I get 4-6. Pretty decent for a 8-man team. Half of Imps doing PvP on my server are Sith Inqs. and VAST majority of them are Sorcs.


I can go 1v1 with every other class and have a chance to win. Operatives? Hard to survive their opening but outside of that they are rather weak. Mercs? Just interrupt the Tracer Missile spam and it's a good start. Sorcs? *** I do vs a Sorc? Interrupting them does nothing becouse if I interrupt their damage they will use the time to heal or use some utility. Mercs cant really do that becouse they go "OOM" pretty easy if they start to spam everything. Sorcs can spam everything at least for as long as is needed to make sure I end up dead.

Edited by Aweus
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Because all the whine babies play republic I guess?

You are correct. All Empire players are mature people and pro gamers. While all Republic players are 12 years old noobs. They also probably have problem with their sexuality. It has been scientifically proven by most respected Anons!

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Both abilities hit before the global is over.


doesnt help if they click very close to same time IMP always gets his off ... ALWAYS


even if he clicked it a fraction of second AFTER repub ... global cooldaown means nothing in PvP when a 1/4 sec matters on a click going through or not

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i cant belive in this whole thread no one has stated the obvious!!!!!


republic are the good guys


imperials are the bad guys




i mean come on of course there spells hit harder and they are harder to kill then there MIRROR CLASS sage counter parts...there imperials and they cheat..


/roll eyes



one thing i forgot to mention is.. of course u live longer as a sorc then a sage.. the reason is rebels are to busy respawning which cuts down on there damage and survivability

Edited by gloaria
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Hahahaha Joke? a Caster really crying on forum? the most OP class ingame and by that the most played... How hard can it be to not make casters OP in every MMO... no mitigation on hits and one hit wonder spell, shield uselessness against spells..... get a grip and stop trolling.. no need to nerf just stop trolling...
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It's pretty simple and one of the biggest design flaws of the game to be honest



A sage hits you with small rocks (TK) then a big rock (project) then waves his hand in front of his face (stun) then moves his hand quickly side to side (mind snap) then moves his hand to his head (mind crush / dot) when fighting you. What you see if a number of spells that have different effects and a clearly complex class.


A sorc hits you with lightening, hits you with lightening, hits you with lightening, hits you with lightening, then hits you with lightening to do the same effects. You see one ability being spamming over and over again and at the end you are somehow dotted, snared, stun, interrupted and dead.

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