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I don't raid so what am I suposed to do?


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I am so sick and tired of this argument. Yes, mmos grow over time. But on launch they are expected to have at least equal features to the games released a decade ago. Not content, features. Content and new innovative features get added later on, bugs are getting constantly ironed out. But the standard features are expected to be there at launch. This game has less features than EQ1 had at launch.


I agree too with this. Its like buying a car but without an engine. Oh, you wanted an engine with that car?? Well, its new and pretty and the stereo sounds great. Maybe in a year or so we'll add an engine for you. Never mind all the other companies made cars with engines.... If you follow what I'm saying here.


Frankly I could do with less story at each and every quest. It would have stayed fresher if the npc's, talking for what sometimes feels like forever, just to get a simple quest might have been better just to limit that to the class quest and more effort put into other options.


SWG spoiled me to space quest, achievements and being able to do the harder quest with friends. Having different ships you could fly and building parts for the ship allowed people actually have different stats on the ship. SWTOR once you hit 50 and can buy all the upgrades everyones ship is the same. Plus at 50 what does it matter. I'm level 45 and get a big 5xp on missions and I'm so tired of all the lower level gray quest and not high enough level to buy the last upgrades to be able to complete the harder missions.


Crafting -- what crafting?? The crafted armor/weapons seem from what I've seen aren't the best in the game and they should be. It gives crafters something to make money on and a reason to craft. But you don't actually craft either. You just throw money at companions and poof there you go. I'd much rather go out and get the materials myself and make the item myself. Oh, the fun of surveying till you got the highest percent on a resource and putting down a harverster, collecting it and going back to my crafting hall to created the best I could to stock my store with. SWG crafting, the best in any game, ever.


Things that should have been in the game from the beginning -- fishing, hunting (meat, hides, bone), cooking, quest to get decorations to put in your ship although I'd have preferred a home. There was so much that could have been done to allow people to craft items and sell them. Craft the speeders not buy them, craft furniture, deeds for houses. Being able to explore the planets and actually finding something besides walls or mountains that won't let you pass.


Those are just a few things that came to mind to do between questing and at the end of game for those that don't pvp and raid.

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I'm really hoping they add some kind of DAoC-ish frontier to fight over. That was such a great endgame.
OMG YES! DAOC still the greatest endgame ever. They just got pvp right, but failed on pve. TRUE BALANCE WILL ONLY BE CREATED THROUGH IMBALANCE!! And thats what DAOC did in RVR ( PVP) it was an still is awsome. A Alb for life!
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Crafting weapon and armor mods are the whole point of crafting in this game. The fact is that Bioware implemented a system to where a player could be entirely self sufficient with gathering and crafting that didn't require him to completely stop what he was doing in order to actually craft.


I love the crafting system in TOR...they solved all the things I hated about crafting and gathering in WoW.

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Crafting weapon and armor mods are the whole point of crafting in this game. The fact is that Bioware implemented a system to where a player could be entirely self sufficient with gathering and crafting that didn't require him to completely stop what he was doing in order to actually craft.


I love the crafting system in TOR...they solved all the things I hated about crafting and gathering in WoW.


Wow just wow. What you describe is the reason I hate the TOR crafting system. Being self sufficient removed the social aspects of crafting. I don't need anyone else to say craft Rakata bracers because I can just send my companions to get the stuff.


And no crafted mods are not great. Do your dailies and you get much much better mods.

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Gotta agree on the exploration part.


While planets/cities are beautiful when you actually look up and around, its just way to linar for a Star Wars mmo. They should have taken the SWG route, massive planet/world, player cities, npc city hubs that players actually stay in, unlike the crappy fleet.


The novelty after reaching 50 and realizing the ordeal you have to go through if you ever want to do an alt gives me a massive surge of "boredom", i have zero desire to revisit any of the planets.


There is nothing for the player or guilds ect to evolve on, its just flat out empty and linar.


I think BW played it way to safe with this mmo, and im betting this will hit em hard in month time or so.

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I barely Raid either and I have tons to do...the OP is crying because he dosen't want to craft or Do The Ilum solo missions or PVP or do heroic Flash points or explore and discover the reams of hidden advanced Bonus quest, or do the crafting missions or do the Datacron exploration, or......


Yeah there isn't anything to do.



Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Yeh because the ones who like raids and pvp are absolutely thrilled by the endgame content.


That isn't even the point the point is there is a crap ton to do beside Raiding to begin with...it isn't Bioware's fault if it isn't the type of things the whiners want...what he is asking for are solo raids like RIFT which isn't going to happen.


There is tons to do non-raiders get very cool gear and the Raid game gets to keep it's integrity...this is by far the most fair system available in MMO's today.

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"NO EXPLORATION. Yes I prefer sandbox mmo's. SWG was perfect for me. But since I enjoyed WOW for years as well I thought this game would be fun still. But even the worlds in WOW had day/ night cycles or something to make it more fun to travel and see the world than what SWTOR offers. This is just long roads with walls on either side it feels."


This is the soul reason i left. The storylines are great, but i rather not run the same boring side quests and planets to reach them. I know i can pvp to 50, but it gets repetitive after a while.

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"NO EXPLORATION. Yes I prefer sandbox mmo's. SWG was perfect for me. But since I enjoyed WOW for years as well I thought this game would be fun still. But even the worlds in WOW had day/ night cycles or something to make it more fun to travel and see the world than what SWTOR offers. This is just long roads with walls on either side it feels."


This is the soul reason i left. The storylines are great, but i rather not run the same boring side quests and planets to reach them. I know i can pvp to 50, but it gets repetitive after a while.







Ummmmm then what are all the Bonus Advanced quest I am finding by exploring the planets I have already been to? And what about exploring for Datacrons and I and also getting advanced crafting missions that are requiring me to explore Hoth to find certain Components.


I mean yeah that doesn't come close to getting a mission on a terminal and driving by boring azz landscape for twenty minutes just to shoot two tards standing by a flag like I did in SWG or exploring miles of nothingness just so I could build my Twile'k S&M city...yeah that was the Pinnacle of entertainment and just oozed Star Wars.



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SWTOR just celebrated 1month live since launch.


If you want an MMO that has everything by the time you play, wait after atleast 4 patches before buying it.


Give MMOs time to grow. Have some faith and patience.




:D we had already some patches and honestly the game wont change totally, swtor is like it is.

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Ummmmm then what are all the Bonus Advanced quest I am finding by exploring the planets I have already been to? And what about exploring for Datacrons and I and also getting advanced crafting missions that are requiring me to explore Hoth to find certain Components.


I mean yeah that doesn't come close to getting a mission on a terminal and driving by boring azz landscape for twenty minutes just to shoot two tards standing by a flag like I did in SWG or exploring miles of nothingness just so I could build my Twile'k S&M city...yeah that was the panicle of entertainment and just oozed Star Wars.




Bonus Quests? Really? That's just regular quests imo it's no better than quests in WoW.


I have all the datacrons took around 3-4 hours to get them on my Inqisitor and took an hour to get the +10 datacron. The only reason it took so long to get it in the first place was because of how buggy it was to activate the MGSS but still I have all datacrons.




Exploring in SWG was great finding a remote outpost with a group of friends and then setting up a camp to rest for a bit and just talk while further penetrating the forest on Endor. Good times.

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I mean yeah that doesn't come close to getting a mission on a terminal and driving by boring azz landscape for twenty minutes just to shoot two tards standing by a flag like I did in SWG or exploring miles of nothingness just so I could build my Twile'k S&M city...yeah that was the Pinnacle of entertainment and just oozed Star Wars.




And now your driving around in linar world shooting 30 to 40 tards by a "flag" for 30min, providing you dont get a stage bonus then its probably more like 70 tards and collect/destroy 10-15 items, now its an hour or more!. Two can play that game lol ;)


And guild/player/social cities (especially SWG) were probably the best gift to a mmo player in any mmo, ever. Even for a loner.

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OP only has himself to blame. ALL of his problems are things that were well-known about before launch.


It is hard to feel sorry for someone who knows what they are going to get, then complains because that is what they got.

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Bonus Quests? Really? That's just regular quests imo it's no better than quests in WoW.


I have all the datacrons took around 3-4 hours to get them on my Inqisitor and took an hour to get the +10 datacron. The only reason it took so long to get it in the first place was because of how buggy it was to activate the MGSS but still I have all datacrons.




Exploring in SWG was great finding a remote outpost with a group of friends and then setting up a camp to rest for a bit and just talk while further penetrating the forest on Endor. Good times.


That might have been fun once.....But there were nothing at those outpost....it was just a empty wasteland with a few mobs to kill that really didn't get you anywhere..it was boring it was why SWG won coaster of the year three times in a row. Sorry I'll take the fun I'm having in TOR over that Train Wreck any day I get that some folks liked it but then again some folks like Train Simulators too.

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OP only has himself to blame. ALL of his problems are things that were well-known about before launch.


It is hard to feel sorry for someone who knows what they are going to get, then complains because that is what they got.




It's all his fault for enjoying the game his own way and taking it at his pace! HOW DARE HE!




That's you, abridged version.

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And now your driving around in linar world shooting 30 to 40 tards by a "flag" for 30min, providing you dont get a stage bonus then its probably more like 70 tards and collect/destroy 10-15 items, now its an hour or more!. Two can play that game lol ;)


And guild/player/social cities (especially SWG) were probably the best gift to a mmo player in any mmo, ever. Even for a loner.


No I am currently Hunting down a traitor to the Sith empire, I am also a undercover agent for the Republic....and my Jedi Knight is leading a Team in to Kanon to Rescue survivors.


And Player cities were and are pox on the genre and were righteously sacked bombed off the face of every planet before that Train Wreck closed down.

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No I am currently Hunting down a traitor to the Sith empire, I am also a undercover agent for the Republic....and my Jedi Knight is leading a Team in to Kanon to Rescue survivors.


And Player cities were and are pox on the genre and were righteously sacked bombed off the face of every planet before that Train Wreck closed down.


Actually, you are watching a cutscene telling you that you are hunting down a traitor or whatever else. The actual process of hunting him involves killing X amount of mobs and clicking Y amount of items as a bonus. Or the other way around.

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No I am currently Hunting down a traitor to the Sith empire, I am also a undercover agent for the Republic....and my Jedi Knight is leading a Team in to Kanon to Rescue survivors.


And Player cities were and are pox on the genre and were righteously sacked bombed off the face of every planet before that Train Wreck closed down.


Wooho, i got a story!. I dont need no stinking mmo features!.


Funny you mention train-wrecks all the time, considering how railed TOR is. :D


Ah enough of that. I better get some sleep.

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Actually, you are watching a cutscene telling you that you are hunting down a traitor or whatever else. The actual process of hunting him involves killing X amount of mobs and clicking Y amount of items as a bonus. Or the other way around.


Yes but I'm enjoying it and so are millions of other players millions that SWG never had, SWG also never had fifty plus rave reviews two GOTY awards nor was it named the fastest selling MMO of all time and it never recived a 5/5 from G4....SWG did win coaster of the year though three years running, and has this ambassador.


I'm also not on a MMO forum of a game I don't like crying in my Beer.



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Yes but I'm enjoying it and so are millions of other players millions that SWG never had, SWG also never had fifty plus rave reviews two GOTY awards nor was it named the fastest selling MMO of all time and it never recived a 5/5 from G4....SWG did win coaster of the year though three years running, and has this ambassador.


I'm also not on a MMO forum of a game I don't like crying in my Beer.




SWG entered a marketplace where there were only a few million total players in the genre. SWG launched when at least half of those sites didn't even exist yet. GOTY awards are given out like candy since there's about 50 of them, now. It received a lot of its negative press only after they pulled the major blunder that is thinking theyc could force people to play a game by launching a new one onto an already existing player-base. The fact they did so approximately a week after releasing a new expansion which featured rewards for classes that were entirely removed from the game might have had something to do with that...


Two important truths of MMO development were learned from this:


"You can only launch once"


"You design for the community you have, not the community you wish you had"


Both of which are very relevant to TOR. Let's not forget that many people put the blame for SWG's later issues squarely on LucasArts. Please take a moment to scan the logos at the bottom of the website carefully.

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