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I don't raid so what am I suposed to do?


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I just cancelled my account. You can all have my stuff. Got to level 35 and didn't even have a desire to log in. Here were my issues.


NO EXPLORATION. Yes I prefer sandbox mmo's. SWG was perfect for me. But since I enjoyed WOW for years as well I thought this game would be fun still. But even the worlds in WOW had day/ night cycles or something to make it more fun to travel and see the world than what SWTOR offers. This is just long roads with walls on either side it feels.


UNINTERESTING CRAFTING/ ECONOMY. The crafting in this is the most uninteresting crafting system I've run by. Not only that but there is no economy in the game. Player built items mean nothing. At no time will I have to search for someone with a maxed out profession to help me make something which adds to community. Let's not even start on the games "auction house".


PVP. The PVP in this game is no fun. As someone who spent a lot of time doing PVP in SWG and WOW for years and years and years I know a fun battleground or all out war when I see one. Unfortunately because of the faction imbalance all I ever get is Huttball...omg Huttball...


ENDGAME TO KEEP PLAYERS LIKE ME ENTERTAINED. This is the big one. It kind of involves everything I stated above. I don't enjoy raiding that much. People who have said "just wait for them to release more content" are just telling me to wait for new raids. For players like me who were spoiled by the old SWG and old WOW ( who werent raiders ) we want exploration, crafting that matters, player housing, fun PVP, real space combat, and other things that not only entertain us at max level but keep a community going.


So thats my opinion on the matter. There's potential with hopefully soon to be released sandbox games like Archeage and even theme park games like Guild Wars 2 which actually are a different kind of mmo. But as for SWTOR its not for me and many others. Unless you wanna raid theres not much they offer us unless they rebuild componets from the game ground up. No...im not rolling a alt either.

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Go play WoW, seriously do what you did in WoW when you finished raiding for cryin out loud! this game is similar to THAT game! jeeeze


Uhh no. I wont play WOW again. But when I did play WOW crafting and gathering materials was what I did. Selling my things on the auction house in a economy that was actually alive is what I did. Thats not SWTOR. Not that that's wrong. But not for me.

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Uhh no. I wont play WOW again. But when I did play WOW crafting and gathering materials was what I did. Selling my things on the auction house in a economy that was actually alive is what I did. Thats not SWTOR. Not that that's wrong. But not for me.


Excuse me, but the fact that the crafting system in this game has been known for many years ago I wonder why you bought the game knowing that the crafting system in SWTOR wasn't going to be a mindless grind like THAT game ???

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Uhh no. I wont play WOW again. But when I did play WOW crafting and gathering materials was what I did. Selling my things on the auction house in a economy that was actually alive is what I did. Thats not SWTOR. Not that that's wrong. But not for me.



Please, enlighten me. What is the fundamental difference between this game ans wow? You said you won't play wow ever again, but I don't know what it is that you're staying away from.

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Uhh no. I wont play WOW again. But when I did play WOW crafting and gathering materials was what I did. Selling my things on the auction house in a economy that was actually alive is what I did. Thats not SWTOR. Not that that's wrong. But not for me.

Did what you did and I was raiding a lot as well. It's quite fun, once you get sucked in, you should try raiding. It is like different game opens up.

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Please, enlighten me. What is the fundamental difference between this game ans wow? You said you won't play wow ever again, but I don't know what it is that you're staying away from.


I guess you don't know how to comprehend when you read. He said he doesn't have much to do at end game in this game.

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Got to level 35 and didn't even have a desire to log in.


ENDGAME TO KEEP PLAYERS LIKE ME ENTERTAINED. This is the big one. It kind of involves everything I stated above. I don't enjoy raiding that much. People who have said "just wait for them to release more content" are just telling me to wait for new raids. For players like me who were spoiled by the old SWG and old WOW ( who werent raiders ) we want exploration, crafting that matters, player housing, fun PVP, real space combat, and other things that not only entertain us at max level but keep a community going.

Because you got to the endgame.
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SWTOR just celebrated 1month live since launch.


If you want an MMO that has everything by the time you play, wait after atleast 4 patches before buying it.


Give MMOs time to grow. Have some faith and patience.




I used to agree with this philosophy. I don't any longer. After I played the fiasco that was FF14 and then played through the bugs in this beta where endless reports were submitted yet never addressed I find there is a point where your patience must come to an end.

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SWTOR just celebrated 1month live since launch.


If you want an MMO that has everything by the time you play, wait after atleast 4 patches before buying it.


Give MMOs time to grow. Have some faith and patience.




I am so sick and tired of this argument. Yes, mmos grow over time. But on launch they are expected to have at least equal features to the games released a decade ago. Not content, features. Content and new innovative features get added later on, bugs are getting constantly ironed out. But the standard features are expected to be there at launch. This game has less features than EQ1 had at launch.

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I am so sick and tired of this argument. Yes, mmos grow over time. But on launch they are expected to have at least equal features to the games released a decade ago. Not content, features. Content and new innovative features get added later on, bugs are getting constantly ironed out. But the standard features are expected to be there at launch. This game has less features than EQ1 had at launch.


I have to agree with this chap.

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Uhh no. I wont play WOW again. But when I did play WOW crafting and gathering materials was what I did. Selling my things on the auction house in a economy that was actually alive is what I did. Thats not SWTOR. Not that that's wrong. But not for me.


Well, actually from what I read, you didn't play WoW....You just got a job on a finite virtual space and gathered a sum of virtual money for your efforts. I suspect that if you redirect this effort to a real-life situation it will yield better results. If you already have done that, then re-double your efforts. Staying in a game to re-enact what you can do in real life, is sad.


Criticizing a game the size of SW:TOR the way you do, after 1 month of being live, is counter-productive and outright mistaken, unless you have forgotten what the people who played WoW from day 1 were put through with all the lag, disconnects, server crashes etc. But then again even comparing SW:TOR to SWG and WoW is in itself wrong, SWG being arguably one of the worst MMO's ever created, apart from a few facts, and WoW being a game with a target group of 7-10 yo's.


If you bothered noticing the game and comparing the details that mattered, then you would understand the effort that has been put into it, in order not to be another WoW-clone. And by WoW-clone, I don't mean devoid of all the mechanics that an MMO must have in order to afford usability to the players but devoid of all the little things that actually were annoying and outright insulting (time-sinks anyone?).


So before going to the forums, whining that you quit the game (like so many have done to WoW's forums over the years) you might wish to re-examine the approach that you have taken to MMO's as games.

Edited by NathPetro
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Excuse me, but the fact that the crafting system in this game has been known for many years ago I wonder why you bought the game knowing that the crafting system in SWTOR wasn't going to be a mindless grind like THAT game ???


No it wasn't. The system was explained and I guess maybe I was fooled into believing this.


The best stuff is always going to come from other players, and then be made by other players. There will be stuff that you can craft that is among the best stuff in the entire game.



Edited by Chromiie
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No it wasn't. The system was explained and I guess maybe I was fooled into believing this.






YES it was known that this game was going to be SIMILAR to "that" game especially the crafting system where millions of people posted since 2-3 years ago that "we" didn't want the "grindiness" that WoW had which made WoW lose thousands of subscriptions in the last 2 years and it's continuing to decline. SWTOR is for casual players and those hardcores that want to be casual from now on play SWTOR. If you want to keep playing the hardcore style GO TO WoW and use the Random dungeon finder endlessly for 8 hours a day and have no life it's your choice.

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YES it was known that this game was going to be SIMILAR to "that" game especially the crafting system where millions of people posted since 2-3 years ago that "we" didn't want the "grindiness" that WoW had which made WoW lose thousands of subscriptions in the last 2 years and it's continuing to decline. SWTOR is for casual players and those hardcores that want to be casual from now on play SWTOR. If you want to keep playing the hardcore style GO TO WoW and use the Random dungeon finder endlessly for 8 hours a day and have no life it's your choice.


What the hell are you talking about?

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I am so sick and tired of this argument. Yes, mmos grow over time. But on launch they are expected to have at least equal features to the games released a decade ago.


Anyone who "expects" this has never played an MMO at launch. It's irrational, and has never once been true.


They are certainly *not* expected to be have every feature of every other MMO at launch by anyone who's been through this process before.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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YES it was known that this game was going to be SIMILAR to "that" game especially the crafting system where millions of people posted since 2-3 years ago that "we" didn't want the "grindiness" that WoW had which made WoW lose thousands of subscriptions in the last 2 years and it's continuing to decline. SWTOR is for casual players and those hardcores that want to be casual from now on play SWTOR. If you want to keep playing the hardcore style GO TO WoW and use the Random dungeon finder endlessly for 8 hours a day and have no life it's your choice.


You have obviously not tried to unlock high level recipes if you think that crafting in this game is "less grindy" than crafting in WoW.


The idea is good, but it needs major refinement.


Having to RE a couple dozen blue items, each of which takes a good 7k in mats, to learn a purple version is the definition of grinding. Even worse, it's grinding with a heavy dose of F-You-Over RNG.

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The only thing I want to say is that this game, the game as a living world, is NOT up to the standards I am used to seeing from Bioware. I have just about every single game they have ever published since Baldur's Gate was a brand new game and many of the things they have in their other games did not even make it into TOR.


For instance when companions are in a quest conversation why can't their helmets be removed? Bioware already knows how to do this in games like Dragon Age, and Mass Effect so why is that not in TOR?


Also random audio very often will play on after I have clicked on a quest giver NPC and now both conversations are playing at the same time which makes the game look extremely beta...Random audio completely sucks in TOR


The planets all seem the same, and even out doors sometimes high walls block all views making it seem like you are in doors. The world seems dead at no point in any exploration have I felt the least bit of awe or OMG! that is a beautiful sight! Even WoW had some of that, this game not once because its all so confined and closed in.

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The only thing I want to say is that this game, the game as a living world, is NOT up to the standards I am used to seeing from Bioware. I have just about every single game they have ever published since Baldur's Gate was a brand new game and many of the things they have in their other games did not even make it into TOR.


For instance when companions are in a quest conversation why can't their helmets be removed? Bioware already knows how to do this in games like Dragon Age, and Mass Effect so why is that not in TOR?


Also random audio very often will play on after I have clicked on a quest giver NPC and now both conversations are playing at the same time which makes the game look extremely beta...Random audio completely sucks in TOR


The planets all seem the same, and even out doors sometimes high walls block all views making it seem like you are in doors. The world seems dead at no point in any exploration have I felt the least bit of awe or OMG! that is a beautiful sight! Even WoW had some of that, this game not once because its all so confined and closed in.



It's just strange, I left WoW because of the lack of open world..there was nothing to do, everybody sat in their home cities and queued for Battlegrounds or did raids with their guild, there wasn't much reason to leave the city aside from daily quests.


This is why I left WoW, because I had hoped that SWTOR being a game designed by well known RPG makers would understand that players enjoy living and breathing environments in their MMOs but instead I find myself sitting of the Imperial Fleet and remembering the open world that I once took for granted with WoW even if nobody used it. :(

Edited by MalakDawnfire
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