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Hutt Ball is broken on my server


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It generally goes about 2 sorecers who got to grind of low lvls cause they git 50 so fast. So now there geard. And then they sit on the ledge coming out of our spawn and just sit there, u cant kill them when they just pop bubble after bubble on each other. They knock you off, the fire comes on way to much to cross and kill them. And they just score, a guy with light armor is way better then any tank when they can just sprint with the ball. And these same sorecers in any game mode have a tank. After 1 match this sorecer had 666k healing and this tank friend had 236k protection, lets alone they also had over 200k dps. Both had 0 deaths. I just dont want to pvp anymore with this amount of bull ****. Thanks for reading my rant and probably trolling it, i wont be looking at it again.
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It generally goes about 2 sorecers who got to grind of low lvls cause they git 50 so fast. So now there geard. And then they sit on the ledge coming out of our spawn and just sit there, u cant kill them when they just pop bubble after bubble on each other. They knock you off, the fire comes on way to much to cross and kill them. And they just score, a guy with light armor is way better then any tank when they can just sprint with the ball. And these same sorecers in any game mode have a tank. After 1 match this sorecer had 666k healing and this tank friend had 236k protection, lets alone they also had over 200k dps. Both had 0 deaths. I just dont want to pvp anymore with this amount of bull ****. Thanks for reading my rant and probably trolling it, i wont be looking at it again.


its "broken" because people are better than me.


yep sounds broken.

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It generally goes about 2 sorecers who got to grind of low lvls cause they git 50 so fast. So now there geard. And then they sit on the ledge coming out of our spawn and just sit there, u cant kill them when they just pop bubble after bubble on each other. They knock you off, the fire comes on way to much to cross and kill them. And they just score, a guy with light armor is way better then any tank when they can just sprint with the ball. And these same sorecers in any game mode have a tank. After 1 match this sorecer had 666k healing and this tank friend had 236k protection, lets alone they also had over 200k dps. Both had 0 deaths. I just dont want to pvp anymore with this amount of bull ****. Thanks for reading my rant and probably trolling it, i wont be looking at it again.


1: bubble has a 20 second debuff you cant bubble each other back to back it doesnt work mechanically


2: leap force push them off the ledge, aoe knock back ect knock them in the hole


3: get someone with champ/battle master to kill them take them all of 3-4 seconds to burn them down once there escpaes are on cooldown.


people need to grow up sorcs/sages are not that frikkin hard to kill learn to interrupt force lightning, interrupt heals, and abuse line of sight. They do not have the burst to kill even a fresh 50 as fast as say an op or merc does...


Also gaurdian/jugg are WAY better ball runners then a sorc! intercede, force leap, push + leap they can navigate the field faster and are way more durable...


people need to just get over it gear>skill if your not full champ/battlemaster just accept your going to die vs anyone that is... sorc has alot of tools but mostly gets nulled once your facing high end geared folks who can survive your damage longer then 1 lightning chain. Kind of sick of hearing it lol


also! devs don't care if you whine =3 they only care about metrics!

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"2 players are better than me, whole game mode is therefore broken."


No get it right, its "2 players using excellent teamwork, situational awareness and tactics as well as enviromental advantage are better than me, whole zone is broken then"


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"2 players are better than me, whole game mode is therefore broken."


No get it right, its "2 players using excellent teamwork, situational awareness and tactics as well as enviromental advantage are better than me, whole zone is broken then"


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Thank you all for the trolls, one wrote out a whole entire essay for me. I am lvl 50, i have valor rank 41. You must be an imperial, or you are very lucky and play on a server where all the republic is good. On my server we win about 1 of every 10 games. On my server i top the score bored for the republic 90% of the time. On my server each imperial has about 25 kills as the end of the game and the imperial who is on the top has about 60. Please come and try to get out of my spawn with people who use "excellent teamwork" to spawn trap my team.


I am sure you have plenty of great people who are super good on YOUR server. But i dont. There isnt much point in trying to kill them, because if you play balanced pvp, generally the scores are close instead of majority of the empire having less then 3 deaths and the majority of republic players have more then 10. Of course you going to die, but when you walk out of you spawn in hutt ball and cant go anywhere, what else are you going to do but die.

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Thank you all for the trolls, one wrote out a whole entire essay for me. I am lvl 50, i have valor rank 41.


Hey, don't be discouraged. You'll eventually learn how to play your class better once you get some experience PvP-ing, and won't have so many problems.


Its ok to admit you're new, by the way. There is no need to hide it or claim you're experienced (since is obvious you're new to PvP). We'll still respect what you say. Honest!

Edited by Zaodon
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Hey, don't be discouraged. You'll eventually learn how to play your class better once you get some experience PvP-ing, and won't have so many problems.


Its ok to admit you're new, by the way. There is no need to hide it or claim you're experienced (since is obvious you're new to PvP). We'll still respect what you say. Honest!

Sry I guess I have to average 600k damage to be good and know how to play my class. I only manage 200k. But teach me how to play since you must be valor 60 in battle master hear and have all ur alts in champion gear. I am vangaued assault specialist. I am so willing to learn .

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Sry I guess I have to average 600k damage to be good and know how to play my class. I only manage 200k. But teach me how to play since you must be valor 60 in battle master hear and have all ur alts in champion gear. I am vangaued assault specialist. I am so willing to learn .


Ahh, now I can see the error you're making. Its ok, though, all new players like you make the same error. I will teach you.


The badges you get in Warzones, or the damage you do, its not a measure of your "skill". Also, the amount of gear you have is also unrelated to skill. In fact, you can be the worst player in the game, and if you play 20 hours a day, and lose every warzone, you can have many level 50 characters, all with valor rank 60 and battlemaster gear. But, you'd still be a poor player.


Being good isn't about damage delt, badges earned, or level/gear. Its about whether or not you post threads like this one on forums or not.


Like I said, eventually you'll get good. For now, just make the best of it, learn from each match, and work on improving your skills and knowledge.


Good luck, padawan!

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Ahh, now I can see the error you're making. Its ok, though, all new players like you make the same error. I will teach you.


The badges you get in Warzones, or the damage you do, its not a measure of your "skill". Also, the amount of gear you have is also unrelated to skill. In fact, you can be the worst player in the game, and if you play 20 hours a day, and lose every warzone, you can have many level 50 characters, all with valor rank 60 and battlemaster gear. But, you'd still be a poor player.


Being good isn't about damage delt, badges earned, or level/gear. Its about whether or not you post threads like this one on forums or not.


Like I said, eventually you'll get good. For now, just make the best of it, learn from each match, and work on improving your skills and knowledge.


Good luck, padawan!

then u must *********** suck. Look at your signature. The more pages you have the worse you are. Has your account exploded or you just a robot. U must have the title troll in game. Bio ware tells me that means worse player ever. Thanks I have learned not to suck like and to stop posting in forums.
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then u must *********** suck. Look at your signature. The more pages you have the worse you are. Has your account exploded or you just a robot. U must have the title troll in game. Bio ware tells me that means worse player ever. Thanks I have learned not to suck like and to stop posting in forums.


I'm sorry, could you translate this to English?



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Let me get this straight, you are talking about huttball, and your saying 2 sorc's are getting on the top lvl of the ramps on your side and somehow preventing your entire team from getting out to play the match?


Now I am just guessing here because you have been kinda vague on the details but they are using their dmg reduction bubble on each other and prolly healing each other and you guys cannot seem to bring em down, this is a tactic used in objective based warzones to keep your team focused on something other than the objective. Have you or anyone on your teams ever tried ignoring them on their high perch? Just drop down in the pit rather than run up the ramps like a bunch of lemmings.


Does anyone on your team know how to use a force leap + kncockback combo to remove undesireables from your ramps? ever heard of cc'ing them to run past? how about a coordinated attack?


Failing on all these basic PvP principles, in huttball when you go out the door instead of dropping off that ledge down to where you go up the ramps, stay on the ledge and follow it to one side or the other behind the fence it will dump you out around to the side of the pit about halfway to the middle where the ball is.


I can say with 100% confidence that I could get past these two mean ole sorc's and into the match proper even as a naked lvl 10 back before they removed the 50's from regular PvP, i wouldnt last long but they couldnt keep me from getting out. Of course I have a functioning brain that puts forth the effort to figure these things out instead of comming to the forums and crying about it....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Sry I guess I have to average 600k damage to be good and know how to play my class. I only manage 200k. But teach me how to play since you must be valor 60 in battle master hear and have all ur alts in champion gear. I am vangaued assault specialist. I am so willing to learn .


Here's an actual helpful tip - pull them up onto the ledge using harpoon - it will instantly kill them.

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OMG, Huttball is broken on my server, too!


90% of the people I play with have their Throw Ball ability disabled, they are restricted from positioning themselves for a pass when everyone is beating on the carrier, are unable to ground the ball to keep a possession alive.


It's a terrible, broken mess. ;)

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2 players stop my whole entire team from getting out of spawn, the game there for isnt broke,


LIAR!!! You said you wouldn't look at this post again!!!


All of your arguments, no matter how invalid and lacking in proof, are now defeated as you cannot stick to your convictions...

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As a courtesy to Zaodon...


then u must *********** suck. Look at your signature. The more pages you have the worse you are. Has your account exploded or you just a robot. U must have the title troll in game. Bio ware tells me that means worse player ever. Thanks I have learned not to suck like and to stop posting in forums.


I'm sorry, could you translate this to English?






By your logic, I believe you must be a poorly skilled player. Please take note of your forum signature. Your inability to succeed in this game is directly correlated to the number of pages you've posted in the past. Bioware has, in fact, confirmed that in a long line of unskilled players, they have some semblence of proof that you are the lowest scorer in all available data categories. Please accept my humblest thanks as I have learned much from you and will not be posting on these forums henceforth...



Mr. Incomprehensible


(I believe that's what he was getting at, but I couldn't really hear him above all the Meth)

Edited by TheFishes
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