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Sorc/Sage if you die to someone other than sorc/sage you are wrong


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I eat sorcs with every other class that I've played. The people complaining are BAD. I've also played a sorc and eaten everyone else. Again, BAD.


The classes are extremely close to being balanced but unless you are a good player and have experience playing most or all of them, you wouldn't know that.


You see from my perspective every class other than the one I'm playing at that very moment appears under powered. But I've played those classes enough to know that It's no different. It's players themselves that are lacking.


Congrats on being faceless cannon fodder.


How to fight a sorc 1v1:


Start with a low resolve stun or a slow. Some sorcs will waste their cc break to run away.

Beat on them

When they try to cast a heal, knock them back

beat on them

they will usually start running by now

when they stop to heal again, interrupt them

beat on them some more

when they are near death <35% hp, use your long stun or a short stun on them and kill them.


If you cannot kill a player with 16,000 hp within about 15 seconds, then imbalance isn't your problem, your gear sucks, or they are getting heals from someone else.


Stop asking for classes to be nerfed just because you got killed by a player that is more skilled than you. Admit it that you aren't the best and probably never will be. PVP isn't a game where everyone wins.


Side Note: I will either be flamed or ignored but damn kids these days can't handle not being told they are special or the best. Welcome to a glimpse of the real world through a video game. You aren't the best, you aren't even average. Justify your existence or die.

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Ill look through your post history... See if I can get any hints from that.


But back to the topic.



Force run--> 2Min CD

Bubble--> 1min CD

Force Lightning--> decrease snare and damage ( it does as much damage as mach level 36 sniper ability that has a 15sec CD)



Do these and we have balance


I agree with the Force Run on on a 90s up from 20/30.


I also agree with Bubble on a 1 min up from 20s in DPS Spec, heal spec should be able to use the current version of it.


Force lightning should not have a snare attached unless its talented.(dps tree)

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Just remove Force Speed from Sorcs. It's like the icing on top of their OP control cake. They don't need it and it doesn't make sense from a lore perspective either. Imagine Palpatine running at super speed.


Imagine shooting lightning and being annoying...


No wait, that sounds about right. Still, a halfassed jugg and a green-geared padawan managed to kill him, so i don't see why anyone else should have an issue. I mean come on, Darth Vader can't even aoe, and Luke doesn't even dual-wield.


seriosuly though, i agree that they have a bit too much CC. The dmg is fine, but a lot of the utility needs to be tweaked, the reason the dmg seems bad is because you're not able to respond.

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I eat sorcs with every other class that I've played. The people complaining are BAD. I've also played a sorc and eaten everyone else. Again, BAD.


The classes are extremely close to being balanced but unless you are a good player and have experience playing most or all of them, you wouldn't know that.


You see from my perspective every class other than the one I'm playing at that very moment appears under powered. But I've played those classes enough to know that It's no different. It's players themselves that are lacking.


Congrats on being faceless cannon fodder.


How to fight a sorc 1v1:


Start with a low resolve stun or a slow. Some sorcs will waste their cc break to run away.

Beat on them

When they try to cast a heal, knock them back

beat on them

they will usually start running by now

when they stop to heal again, interrupt them

beat on them some more

when they are near death <35% hp, use your long stun or a short stun on them and kill them.


If you cannot kill a player with 16,000 hp within about 15 seconds, then imbalance isn't your problem, your gear sucks, or they are getting heals from someone else.


Stop asking for classes to be nerfed just because you got killed by a player that is more skilled than you. Admit it that you aren't the best and probably never will be. PVP isn't a game where everyone wins.


Side Note: I will either be flamed or ignored but damn kids these days can't handle not being told they are special or the best. Welcome to a glimpse of the real world through a video game. You aren't the best, you aren't even average. Justify your existence or die.


Well, that would 19k hp if you add a bubble, and then they also have interrupts, multiple stuns, etc, etc.


your example was a terrible sorceror, is that the tactic you would use when you pvp as a sorc? exactly.


I don't have an issue beating (atleast making them run with 10% hp) 1v1, but because of the interrupts and stuns it's not always easy to kill them before they have back-up. Also know as the famous "Imp-zerg".


Add instant casts, LoS, roots, snares and general knowledge of how to pvp to your sorc in the quote, and it's a totally different class.

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I eat sorcs with every other class that I've played. The people complaining are BAD. I've also played a sorc and eaten everyone else. Again, BAD.


The classes are extremely close to being balanced but unless you are a good player and have experience playing most or all of them, you wouldn't know that.


You see from my perspective every class other than the one I'm playing at that very moment appears under powered. But I've played those classes enough to know that It's no different. It's players themselves that are lacking.


Congrats on being faceless cannon fodder.


How to fight a sorc 1v1:


Start with a low resolve stun or a slow. Some sorcs will waste their cc break to run away.

Beat on them

When they try to cast a heal, knock them back

beat on them

they will usually start running by now

when they stop to heal again, interrupt them

beat on them some more

when they are near death <35% hp, use your long stun or a short stun on them and kill them.


If you cannot kill a player with 16,000 hp within about 15 seconds, then imbalance isn't your problem, your gear sucks, or they are getting heals from someone else.


Stop asking for classes to be nerfed just because you got killed by a player that is more skilled than you. Admit it that you aren't the best and probably never will be. PVP isn't a game where everyone wins.


Side Note: I will either be flamed or ignored but damn kids these days can't handle not being told they are special or the best. Welcome to a glimpse of the real world through a video game. You aren't the best, you aren't even average. Justify your existence or die.




Well put sir.

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Force lightning its real killer 500-600 a tick on well geared (2,5K in 3K ) in 3 s try to kill some1 only spaming Force.

yes i can easly any udergeared class but with good players i need to use all tricks to win 1v1



3k every 3s means they need 16 seconds to kill another person with 16k hp. Assuming they are turreting (aka standing still).


Do you really think that's OP ? Compared to other turrets in heavier armour like snipers and mercs? OR burst melee classes who hit me for 5k?


Let's face it the real reason why people whine about sorcs is because we are masters of mobility. Toe to Toe we won't stand a chance against people that mitigate 35% (mercs) or 45% damage (snipers), or any melee class.


We need this CC so we're not a faceroll. Put it this way, if you remove then you give us heavy armor and call us mercs.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Just remove Force Speed from Sorcs. It's like the icing on top of their OP control cake. They don't need it and it doesn't make sense from a lore perspective either. Imagine Palpatine running at super speed.


Palpatine does flips through the air, Palpatinebadger dont give a damn.

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I eat sorcs with every other class that I've played. The people complaining are BAD. I've also played a sorc and eaten everyone else. Again, BAD.


The classes are extremely close to being balanced but unless you are a good player and have experience playing most or all of them, you wouldn't know that.


You see from my perspective every class other than the one I'm playing at that very moment appears under powered. But I've played those classes enough to know that It's no different. It's players themselves that are lacking.


Congrats on being faceless cannon fodder.


How to fight a sorc 1v1:


Start with a low resolve stun or a slow. Some sorcs will waste their cc break to run away.

Beat on them

When they try to cast a heal, knock them back

beat on them

they will usually start running by now

when they stop to heal again, interrupt them

beat on them some more

when they are near death <35% hp, use your long stun or a short stun on them and kill them.


If you cannot kill a player with 16,000 hp within about 15 seconds, then imbalance isn't your problem, your gear sucks, or they are getting heals from someone else.


Stop asking for classes to be nerfed just because you got killed by a player that is more skilled than you. Admit it that you aren't the best and probably never will be. PVP isn't a game where everyone wins.


Side Note: I will either be flamed or ignored but damn kids these days can't handle not being told they are special or the best. Welcome to a glimpse of the real world through a video game. You aren't the best, you aren't even average. Justify your existence or die.


So if you have no stuns you just lose then?


You literally need to chain CC them to kill them?

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