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Sorc/Sage if you die to someone other than sorc/sage you are wrong


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Title says it all. Its as simple as this



Bubble, Affliction, Stun, Chain lightning, Chainlighting Check bubble(if down force run away/rinse and repeat)..



Force run needs a 3min CD, Bubble needs a 2min CD(non-healer spec), Chain lightning needs to not do as much damage as the sniper series of shots w/ 50% snare.



I think there will be a sorc nerf that comes through with OP nerf. It seems they are holding the OP nerf back a bit.




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wait you forgot our insta-kill and multi-chain lightnings.


I agree. Lets make it so sorcerers have to just stand there and die. That'll teach us!


You don't know the class or its limitations. Troll elsewhere please.

Edited by Terrestrial
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Sorry I have a 50Op, 41 Sniper now and a mid level Sorc. You cannot defend your broken sorc. There is a reason 50% of the server population plays one


Don't worry! As a new player, you are not expected to know everything or be good at PvP yet!


Give it time and hang in there, little buddy!

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Sorry I have a 50Op, 41 Sniper now and a mid level Sorc. You cannot defend your broken sorc. There is a reason 50% of the server population plays one


I'd be interested to see the data which you base your claims on.


You claim 50% of the population are sorcs? not "most of the players in the warzones I have been in on one server" but 50% of the playerbase?


Please back this up.

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Good Sorcs are beaten by good players.


Why is it so difficult for people to understand that it's more you than the design. Some things may be unbalanced, but nothing is totally out of whack. Why don't you run some matches with a VR 60+ sorc, and talk to them about what gives them problems? Try and learn.

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Title says it all. Its as simple as this



Bubble, Affliction, Stun, Chain lightning, Chainlighting Check bubble(if down force run away/rinse and repeat)..



Force run needs a 3min CD, Bubble needs a 2min CD(non-healer spec), Chain lightning needs to not do as much damage as the sniper series of shots w/ 50% snare.



I think there will be a sorc nerf that comes through with OP nerf. It seems they are holding the OP nerf back a bit.





People who script and oversimply PvP are usually really good at it.


PvP is all about anticipation and counters. The only valid place to prove your script is unbeatable, is in game while you play.


Oh and I think you are wrong.


And bad.

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It is unfortunate, but fairly standard in most mmos to fixate on a class like this and make complaints without much foundation. I personally enjoy seeing so many sorcs. They die fairly quick to my scoundrel, commando, sage and knight in 1v1 fights.


I know right!!!


I hate you damn Scoundrels. I typically die by them the most in WZs. Cant say I die much in Illum because I sit there with the Sith zerg and just lag AOE lol for 30 mins then get the heck out of there.


But yes there are particular classes that are designed to handle their so called nemisis class.


Learn how to exploit our weaknesses and you will do better against us.


...or roll a smuggler and kick me in the snooch all day long!

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wait you forgot our insta-kill and multi-chain lightnings.


I agree. Lets make it so sorcerers have to just stand there and die. That'll teach us!


You don't know the class or its limitations. Troll elsewhere please.


Hey look, you're starting to sound like operatives now.

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I thought it was because 70% play Sith! =p


Let's see you can fire a gun, use a knife, fire missles from your wrist, use a lightsaber, or shoot frickin lightning from your hands. Now which of these would you pick in real life?

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Im at a road block at the moment. I would love to play my operative or sniper however, if I don't play my sorc I am limiting my usefullness a ton in PvP. I thought bioware said all classes would be on fair playing field and you wouldn't be pigeon holed into one?
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Im at a road block at the moment. I would love to play my operative or sniper however, if I don't play my sorc I am limiting my usefullness a ton in PvP. I thought bioware said all classes would be on fair playing field and you wouldn't be pigeon holed into one?


Don't be discouraged. Once you get more experience playing your main characters, you won't feel so overwhelmed with all the new experiences of PvP like you do now.


Oh, and you really should not feel guilty admitting you're new. I know that people do this because they want to be taken seriously on forums, but trust me, we'll take you seriously even if you admit you're a new player. Its ok. I promise!

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Don't be discouraged. Once you get more experience playing your main characters, you won't feel so overwhelmed with all the new experiences of PvP like you do now.


Oh, and you really should not feel guilty admitting you're new. I know that people do this because they want to be taken seriously on forums, but trust me, we'll take you seriously even if you admit you're a new player. Its ok. I promise!


Broken record?

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To the OP. It is rare to find a Sorc that will say they are overpowered. With such a large percentage of people playing one, you are going to be hard pressed to get a lot of people to support your arguments, especially on thse forums. They are no different than any other class in that they don't want to get nerfed. You should understand that from playing an operative. I will say that there is a reason that so many people play Sorcs, and its not just because they shoot lightning.
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To the OP. It is rare to find a Sorc that will say they are overpowered. With such a large percentage of people playing one, you are going to be hard pressed to get a lot of people to support your arguments, especially on thse forums. They are no different than any other class in that they don't want to get nerfed. You should understand that from playing an operative. I will say that there is a reason that so many people play Sorcs, and its not just because they shoot lightning.


I would agree with you and thanks. Yea, I believe the operative nerf was needed as unfortnuate as it was. I just can't stand playing a class that so many people play (sorc/sage). I think we should come together as a community and discuss what needs to change on the sorc so that they don't get nerf to oblivion like the Operative will be.

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I think we should come together as a community and discuss what needs to change on the sorc so that they don't get nerf to oblivion like the Operative will be.


I think you should leave that to the vets. You new guys should really just focus on improving your skills.

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