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Fanboy be raging : - (


swtor goty 2003


Please define "fanboy"..


What goes into making a "fanboy"?


Is it a club you can join or a mentality?


Is it meant as an insult or a compliment?


Why would you use it in this way when it makes you sound ignorant to those who fail to grasp its meaning?


Is it humor, designed to make you seem like a funny upbeat guy?


Is it the only thing you can think of at the moment?




I ask the above because until I saw this term on these forums a few weeks ago, I have never heard of it before. I have been on these forums for a while and yet, you bring this term in from nowhere...EXPLAIN YOURSELF NOW!

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/raises hand if they would have offered a lifetime fee I would have bought it, looking at mmo's coming up ther is nothing that intrests me, more sword and board fantasy games, just want the mmo market needs NOT... look an elf /yawn look an orc /yawn how many more ways can you you swing an axe.. I played a little gw2 at pax nothing special to me at least, Diablo 3, I'll play it when it goes on the bargin bin. but thats just me..:)


like blizz will ever let d3 go to the "bargain bin" in your lifetime

sc2 has been out for what 2 years now? and its still sixty bucks and has DRM out the ***

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why would you sign up for 6 months on a new game, which after the first month you should have figured out has already plowed into the iceberg and the captain is just chuggin this baby along while the engine rooms flood


but not to worry the wealthy elite in first class still have their champagne



Well a night out your looking at 25 bucks for dinner 15 for a movie and that's if you don't get drinks or need to talk a cab. So 40 bucks for lets say 6 hours of entertainment. I can sub for three months for that. I think it's worth it and since everyone just likes to text on their phone at dinner anyway, and movies for the most part at complete garbage I'll take my mmo sub.



Please note, I'm taking basic guess at costs for movies and dinner this is not universally accurate, if you get it cheaper great. But I don't need to hear about it.

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