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Installing SWTOR on a separate partition?


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I have formatted my PC like 5 times since december, and it's always a pain in the balls to have to download all the updates for swtor and wow


Would it be possible to simply install those 2 games on a separate partition, so when I format my PC the games will remain?


The reason I ask is because formatting your pc causes delets the registry, and i'm not sure how that would impact the game. would it work out?

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I have formatted my PC like 5 times since december, and it's always a pain in the balls to have to download all the updates for swtor and wow


Would it be possible to simply install those 2 games on a separate partition, so when I format my PC the games will remain?


The reason I ask is because formatting your pc causes delets the registry, and i'm not sure how that would impact the game. would it work out?


Yes. Tha'ts how I run the game. 1 partition for the OS. Another for SW, WoW, and all my media.

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Just watch on install that you don't let windows reformat the whole drive. Best thing to do is have separate game and OS drives. I have an SSD for games and this way if I need to reinstall the OS i can format the whole drive and not loose my big MMO files.
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I haven't tested it, but yes the game DOES let you choose where to install, so you could install on a different partition.


As far as the registry, my first attempt would be to run regedit and export/save the HKLM/Software/EA (Bioware? I'll have to check) registry tree to a file. Then after formatting the computer and reinstalling the OS, you just click on the file and it puts it right back in.

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I have formatted my PC like 5 times since december, and it's always a pain in the balls to have to download all the updates for swtor and wow


Would it be possible to simply install those 2 games on a separate partition, so when I format my PC the games will remain?


The reason I ask is because formatting your pc causes delets the registry, and i'm not sure how that would impact the game. would it work out?


Usually the registry really doesn't matter, or if it does, you can manually go in and edit the registry to point to the new location with regedit


Most PC games however, you can just Copy & Paste the entire game folder to some other folder, run the .exe, and it works fine. The install process isn't always necessary.


I've just Copy & Pasted game files from one COMPUTER to another, much less one partition to another, and it worked fine. Note: The game was NEVER installed on the second computer, yet it runs flawlessly.


Again, sometimes this doesn't work, but you can usually fix it by installing the latest directx or something else the installer might have intalled.


If you google for "____ game registry" people post example registry files so you can take those, modify the file location, and then just import that registry file to your machine.



So, yes. You can install the game on a different partition, and then when you reformat your main OS partition you'll still have the game files. You're right it won't be installed then, but I don't think that'll prevent the game from working. *IT MIGHT* but I don't think it will. Good luck! :D

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Usually the registry really doesn't matter, or if it does, you can manually go in and edit the registry to point to the new location with regedit


lol... just lol..... Try getting (for instance) office to work with you manualy modifying your registry :p see you in 2020 :p


Anywho.... SWTOR (And most games actualy) do not use the registry anymore. so yes. installing on a different partition will work. You will have to re-create your shortcut though but that is all.

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Yes. Tha'ts how I run the game. 1 partition for the OS. Another for SW, WoW, and all my media.


Same, always use the same partition for all games and a seperate one for OS and important progs.


Prob is though, you'll get some registry messups if you clear 1 partition and don't reinstall stuff on the other, if it contains a lot of programs etc. If it's only media it doesn't matter.

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Don't worry Bout the registry. After an install just run your launcher and it will get you set up in no time. Same for WoW. You can even copy your current install to your second drive - no need for a reinstall after you reinstall windows again.
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