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Any news on paid or free FACTION changes and/or services


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So you live in a weird universe where every game is completely isolated from each other.


Do you honestly believe it took them 5 years to develop the service?


When they decide to add these services, server transfers, re-customization perhaps even faction transfers I can assure you it wont take them anywhere near as long and if a company can make more money from you it's a damn safe bet they will.


After blizzard discovered how lucrative these services can be they started rushing them out, a month after the first paid service came out they had broken one of there other golden rules of no pve to pvp server transfers.


Don't be naive and think it wont be the same here.


Amen brother. I spent over 300 euros on top of monthly fees on character services and vanity items on that original version of this game. I know many that did it also on different amounts, i know that majority dont care about Lore, or faction pride, i know that EA and BW likes money more than anything. Add that up, 5 months top.

Edited by Forsbacka
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  • 3 weeks later...
Why not a betrayal system like Everquest 2? It was a a tedious task but it did not ruin the story you have already created with your character. Basically you would meet secretly with the Republic and do quests to gain their trust. This would make you lose faction with Empire and eventually become KOS to Empire only areas (guard and such). There would be a point where you were exiled neither Empire nor Republic and KOS to both. In Everquest 2 you lost all your spells. You have to relearn all the spells and get new gear if it was class specific. Just a thought. It doesn't have to be this complicated or difficult, but it also doesn't need to be an easy task. There should be an option though. The server imbalances are ruining the PVP in this game. I know it's not a top priority but with very little end game content at the moment it's pretty much the only thing to do. Edited by -Yume-
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Basically, I want to know if there will be paid services. It would be great if things like this were a service included in the 8.99 a month but of course, that is fantasy. I am a little surprised these options were not already here from the very beginning.


Paid transfers, paid look changed, name changes.. sex changes, hell even paid FACTION changes!


Imagine how constructive it would be if the over populated EMPIRE were able to pay to switch say a Operative for a Scoundrel, or .. Perhaps a Sorcerer for a Sage.


I think BioWare dropped the ball on this one and what makes it even more unbelievable is that EA didn't want something like this rolled out. Imagine the extra revenue their missing out on.


It's inevitable, someone will say.. "Whats to stop someone paying to swtich to EMPIRE .. well simply that if Empire is more populated on a particular server then the option to switch faction that way would be blocked on that server.




Your snide comments about these things being in the game at launch are ridiculous. Expecting these things to be in the game at launch shows how little you know about MMOs and how a typical launch goes.

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The point of this game is its story, swapping over charectors or factions is a pointless idea.


The point of the game for you is the story. I'm sure BW has figured out that the story and VO only got them so far. Now that a lot of players have hit 50, they realize that story won't carry this game where they want it to go. They need features and content other than the VO.


If I want a story, I'll read a book or watch a movie. Many of us just want play a game where we can melt faces or run Ops with our friends. But, regarding the OP, I am a bit surprised as well that EA didn't see that opportunity to make a few extra bucks with paid services.

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  • 10 months later...
Your snide comments about these things being in the game at launch are ridiculous. Expecting these things to be in the game at launch shows how little you know about MMOs and how a typical launch goes.


Not true at all. Had they wanted to they could very well have had all of these services available at launch. TERA had most if not all of the same paid services as WoW at launch. I don't give a rat's *** about a faction change but I would like to see paid server xfers, character re-customizations, name changes and possibly even AC changes. I'd also like to see dual spec but not as a paid service. What I don't understand is that routinely I see EA/BW putting out updates about the new things they're working on but the things they talk about are NOT the things that the community is BEGGING for on the forums. The things people are screaming for aren't even hinted at.


And I just realized that I resurrected an old, old thread but...oh well. These things still haven't been addressed a year after launch.

Edited by callmegideon
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To do a faction change, not only would they have to change all of your abilities, they would have to change all of your companions as well to their counterparts on the other side.


How do you suggest they handle companion affection and companion storylines? Set all storylines to the beginning and all companion affection to zero?

yup or make a dlc of your squad switching side (with you losing a few companions)
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