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Any news on paid or free FACTION changes and/or services


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Basically, I want to know if there will be paid services. It would be great if things like this were a service included in the 8.99 a month but of course, that is fantasy. I am a little surprised these options were not already here from the very beginning.


Paid transfers, paid look changed, name changes.. sex changes, hell even paid FACTION changes!


Imagine how constructive it would be if the over populated EMPIRE were able to pay to switch say a Operative for a Scoundrel, or .. Perhaps a Sorcerer for a Sage.


I think BioWare dropped the ball on this one and what makes it even more unbelievable is that EA didn't want something like this rolled out. Imagine the extra revenue their missing out on.


It's inevitable, someone will say.. "Whats to stop someone paying to swtich to EMPIRE .. well simply that if Empire is more populated on a particular server then the option to switch faction that way would be blocked on that server.



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Paid transfers, paid look changed, name changes.. sex changes, hell even paid FACTION changes!


Not gonna happen 6 weeks into the game. The entire game is based on story, Republic vs. Empire, the SW universe and you think they're already gonna put in faction changes? Nope, you're a long ways off from that, if it ever happens. Sounds like you must be a PVP'er. They aren't going to change around the entire structure of the game just due to faction imbalance in PVP....that's something that should eventually correct itself if people want to actually PVP rather than just grinding loot and gear in PVP settings.

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I remember how loudly the minority used to insist these services shouldn't come to wow, and that they wouldn't.


Hilariously they seemed to think they had a majority vote on the subject, the millions blizzard makes from there services disagrees loudly.


At this point I'd pay to move my 50 to a high pop server.


And re-customization for one or two of my toons to.

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I remember how loudly the minority used to insist these services shouldn't come to wow, and that they wouldn't.


Hilariously they seemed to think they had a majority vote on the subject, the millions blizzard makes from there services disagrees loudly.


At this point I'd pay to move my 50 to a high pop server.


And re-customization for one or two of my toons to.




Right, 5 years after the game was released. If you want to wait that long have fun :)


Option A


Reroll and reach level 50 in few weeks



Option B


Wait few years for the service

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This game is about story, so changing from lvl 50 Sith Sorc to lvl 50 Jedi Sage you will lose a lot of story. You don't know a thing about what it is like to play jedi sage. All this time you've been a heartcrushing sith and suddenly you must be a glorified jedi.


I like this game because of it's story. Faction changes will partly destroy the story of the game. And BW is proud of it because of the story soo... faction changes are not going to happen.

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The point of this game is its story, swapping over charectors or factions is a pointless idea.


This pretty much this.

This ideia doesnt make sense at all in this game. The way the game is designed as well the current direction of the legacy system seems to take points out that they dont have this ideia in mind, for the future in this game. Also its abit pointless when you can re roll and alt and experience its story. If you want to swicth to republic roll an alt there thats what i did diferent story class.


Also the ideia to pay to swicth faction makes me vomit. sub isnt enough?

Edited by Spartanik
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The point of this game is its story, swapping over charectors or factions is a pointless idea.


What about if they did something like Everquest 2 where you betray your faction.



It could add an entire aspect to the game as you could defect from your original faction.

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This game is about story, so changing from lvl 50 Sith Sorc to lvl 50 Jedi Sage you will lose a lot of story. You don't know a thing about what it is like to play jedi sage. All this time you've been a heartcrushing sith and suddenly you must be a glorified jedi.


I like this game because of it's story. Faction changes will partly destroy the story of the game. And BW is proud of it because of the story soo... faction changes are not going to happen.


I could play my shadow exactly as evil as I played my assassin. The quest dialogues have evil options and if I had chosen to play all of them it would have been the same as my 50 assassin. There is not much difference in playstyle, and if they make it so that faction change is paid, but that you have to go through a short quest line to do the actual change to fix the possible problems with story in the future it would be beneficial for the underdog side and for bioware as they could earn a decent amount on it. Faction change won't destroy story if done properly, however just a faction change where you suddenly becomes a republic shadow and are given the story for the shadow as reference for future expansions would be wrong.


If a sith figures out that the best way for him to ensure his power and his benefits is by betraying the empire he has no second thoughts about it. Sith's aren't tied to the empire by some mysterious invisible rope, they are a part of empire as empire is the one place that makes it possible for them to gain the power they want and desire.

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To do a faction change, not only would they have to change all of your abilities, they would have to change all of your companions as well to their counterparts on the other side.


How do you suggest they handle companion affection and companion storylines? Set all storylines to the beginning and all companion affection to zero?

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Right, 5 years after the game was released. If you want to wait that long have fun :)


Option A


Reroll and reach level 50 in few weeks



Option B


Wait few years for the service


EA seen what money they can do with it so its not gonna be 5 years, more like 5 months, like it or not, most players dont really give a crap about lore so server transfers, faction and race changes will come pretty soon. Ea is into making money and they cater for masses.

Edited by Forsbacka
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Right, 5 years after the game was released. If you want to wait that long have fun :)


Option A


Reroll and reach level 50 in few weeks



Option B


Wait few years for the service


So you live in a weird universe where every game is completely isolated from each other.


Do you honestly believe it took them 5 years to develop the service?


When they decide to add these services, server transfers, re-customization perhaps even faction transfers I can assure you it wont take them anywhere near as long and if a company can make more money from you it's a damn safe bet they will.


After blizzard discovered how lucrative these services can be they started rushing them out, a month after the first paid service came out they had broken one of there other golden rules of no pve to pvp server transfers.


Don't be naive and think it wont be the same here.

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Basically, I want to know if there will be paid services. It would be great if things like this were a service included in the 8.99 a month but of course, that is fantasy. I am a little surprised these options were not already here from the very beginning.


Wait!!!! 8.99 a month?!? I'm getting ripped off! :eek:

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