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What are 3 things that iritate you the most ?


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1. WZ queue times. Literally no WZs at all at L50 before dailies refresh, and even then the wait times can go up to 30 minutes+.


2. Cast bar / effect disconnect. If I use a heal, I'd assume I get healed instantly when the cast bar is complete, not wait a second or two while the animation triggers. (even if this is by design (is it? I hope not), it's still irritating given that the other MMOs I have played don't have this disconnect).


3. Ugly endgame armor. Supposedly to be fixed in the (near?) future, however.

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1. Let me zoom out a bit more, it annoys me that I can't play from a sort of birds eye perspective


You can set the max camera distance to 100% and you can scroll back FAR.

This is what happens when people are not knowledgeable about game features and threads like the ones about the LFG tool is lost in the complaints and pointless threads like this. See the link in my sig.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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1) Forum community whiners who expect an MMO to be perfect right from the start. Add to that the hordes of WoW kiddies who come here to bash the game because they can't deal with competition.


2) PVP system where dying has ZERO consequences. There's no risk involved whatsoever. It's like PVP'ing using training wheels, "PVP light" if you want.


3) Speeder bug: Sometimes I can't get back into a WZ because for some stupid reason the speeders won't show up anymore after I respawn.


Points 1) and 3) aren't as bad because I can simply ignore the idiots, and I'm sure they'll fix the speeder bug. Point 2) is slightly more annoying, but I never bought this game expecting it to be the best PVP MMO (Eve deserves that crown).


Overall, I'm loving SWTOR so far. Good story and although I prefer more "hardcore" PVP with real risks, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Huttball :)

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1)... WoW kiddies who come here to bash the game because they can't deal with competition.

What you have been smoking, I would like to get same delusional. Helps a lot dealing with every day stress. Competition you say, more likely TOR is struggling to survive.

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3. Nerfing classes before even combat log is in place or some damage meters, when most of the classes cant even fluently play due to ability delay and abilities bugged so most classes cant even really play on full throttle anyway. Yes talking about operatives nerfed due to some videos showing 6k crits from battlemaster operative hitting on 15lvl sorc. Pathetic.


So sick and tired of people claiming OPs got nerfed because of forum whine and youtube videos. Please get a grip, they have their database and large numbers to go from.


1: How the game world is built up, linear and dull.

2: Ability delay issues.

3: No LFD tool.

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What you have been smoking, I would like to get same delusional. Helps a lot dealing with every day stress. Competition you say, more likely TOR is struggling to survive.


Thanks for proving my point :p


You might wanna read up on the threads proving there are entire WoW guilds posting here to bash the game...they're not exactly hiding it either.


And no, you can't have what I'm smoking ;)

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2) PVP system where dying has ZERO consequences. There's no risk involved whatsoever. It's like PVP'ing using training wheels, "PVP light" if you want.


I'm curious, what kind of "consequences" would you like?

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1) The group windows, both normal and operation mode, not having the group order be sensible, as in F1, the player, at the top (or top left), then the player underneath that is F2, then F3, and down the line. The normal mode is reversed. Op mode has the rest of the team from top to bottom, but inserts the player somewhere in the middle. Have other UI issues as well, but this is the one that annoys me most frequently.


2) Lack of appearance gear tab. I don't want to have to move mods or need special code changes made so set bonuses can be moved, etc. I want an extra set of gear slots where I can put whatever and that's what is shown. This is, of course, related to so much gear being ugly, but even if I liked it all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'd rather not everyone looked the same.


3) Certain obviously broken things still haven't been fixed. The type of thing that should have been noticed if anyone on the dev team played the game enough to get to 50 (and several things even if they didn't). I'm talking about gathering nodes getting broken, Defend the Shipment getting broken, Cybertech only have its A mods. And so on.

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Thanks for proving my point :p


You might wanna read up on the threads proving there are entire WoW guilds posting here to bash the game...they're not exactly hiding it either.


And no, you can't have what I'm smoking ;)


What exactly is your point? The fact that entire groups of players who bought this game hoping to play it for years to come got so disappointed by it that they end up bashing it and regretting making the purchase is somehow a merit? You don't get access to post on this forum without buying the game first, you know.

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Thanks for proving my point :p


You might wanna read up on the threads proving there are entire WoW guilds posting here to bash the game...they're not exactly hiding it either.


And no, you can't have what I'm smoking ;)

Sorry but you bought it up again. Yes, I have been playing WoW and most nerfed class, a hunter.

Yes, WoW is god of MMO customization and flexibility.

No, I won't return back to WoW because I'm sick of fantasy games.

Actually I was really hoping that this game will be my new "home" for many years, like WoW used to be.

In current game state, not a chance in the hell.


And I still want your snuff. :p

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So lets hear it gamer, trolls, people of SWTOR.

What are 3 ( three ) things that iritate you the most in SWTOR ?

What do you think should change in order to make this game better?


Try not to flame too much. Although I know most people must run "Holy Crusade against pagans that have diferent views then me ".


For me:

1. No LFD server wide tool. - Just searching for people on specific planet or fleet is iritating at best and, for me, useless. Simple tool would help find PUGs so much easier.

2. No dual spec - As much as there are people that belive dual spec is root of all evil and you should endure your choice, I like to have fun. Im sorry 1337 kids, I just want to find a group and according to their needs be tank or DPS or why not healer or DPS.

3. End game content. - Even though Im not there yet, many of my guildies are. And most of them report lack of endgame. But I suppose this will be fixed as time goes by.


This post is simply for all of us to see what bothers most players. From casuals to hard cores that want to be first and best.


TL;DR: Go back to school and learn to read if this is too much text for you. Otherwise apply for job at McDonalds and bring me a BigMac menu, hold the spit.


Really enjoy the game, though there are things that anoy me. And the top three would be:


1. The constant chase for PvP class balance. Factions are balanced (mirror classes). Why cant some classes be better in 1v1 pvp? Why cant there be a support role class, that sucks in 1 vs 1, but excels in group vs group? Let the pvp min/maxers have a couple of classes that are better for pvp, and have some classes that are better in pve. (A certain balance must ofc exist, but not perfect balance imho.) Let som classes be better in groups, while others are better in single target dps etc... My humble opinion anyways...


2. The nerfing of classes due to PvP balance... It's allready started.


3. The fear of this becoming more and more like WoW. Theres a reason i quit that game. And the 2 points above is some of many reasons that.


IMHO, let there be some imbalance between classes, as long as its not so imbalanced that playing PvP or PvE will be impossible for some classes...


Interrested to hear if anyone agrees whith me, or if this is just me being an old grumpy fart?

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1. The UI. Let me move things around, let me resize them, let me have more than two windows open at a time. Drives me insane when I have windows open doing something and my stupid droid comes back from a crew mission and forces windows closed!


2. GTN. In all my years playing MMO's I've never seen such a poor interface for a buy/sell system.


3. Customization of looks - give us more options for customizing how our armor looks. More orange options, or the ability to create orange items (perhaps taking any blue/purple armor piece to a mod station, pay 1000 credits, and it turns it into an orange version with no mods currently installed, for example). Along those lines, also give me the option to just pull mods out of green/blue/purple gear to stick in my orange gear (destroying the item in the process). I love the concept of the modifiable items, it should be the norm so that we can customize our looks.


Also, as part of #3 - let people decide hood up/hood down, and also if hood or head items show for companions.

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Only 3? ...hmm... hard to chose then, but I guess it would be

1) No LFD tool

2) No UI customization (or addons in general)

3) No dual-spec


In close competition with the above is also: awful GTN interface, no combat log, close to zero guild functionality.

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Haha, great idea for a thread, anyway, here's my three:


1. Let me zoom out a bit more, it annoys me that I can't play from a sort of birds eye perspective


2. Give Conealment Operatives a gap closer, and remove the gap closer from Sorcs, they don't need it


3. Allow us to view weapons in the ctrl-click screen, and not just armor




Preferences->Controlls (if i remember correctly)->Ajust max zoom bar from default 20% to 100%

Any more zoom than that, and you whont even see your char.

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1) An option to turn off ALL chat from C2-N2/2V-R8. These droids REALLY annoy me.


2) Camera options (Zooming and NOT saving my camera angle/zoom everytime I zoon, this really annoys me big time).


3) No UI modification (I hate side bars, I prefer all bars at the bottom, and would like to resize them)


4) I know, only 3, but hey...crew missions popping up during fighting (including PVP) and closing out current windows (ever put in a bunch of search things on the GTN and have it close as you're browsing? It sucks!)


5) The GTN in general sucks, sorry, it had to be said.

a) It should NOT auto price things (this is VERY bad for the economy, let the chips fall where they fall).

b) I hate when I delete the price of something as I'm trying to sell it, and it FORCES an extra 1 in there. When I delete text in a box, do not FORCE me to have a number in there, please.

c) Sub-categories, awesome option, but again, do not FORCE me to use them to browse/search for something.

d) Why do I have to search, then filter the search? Why can't I search by name?

e) Why do we have options for time to expire, when people can't bid in the first place? I would much rather have bidding, not just "Buy It Now" prices. If forced to have only "Buy It Now" prices, let us put items for sale up there longer (ie, 5 days, 10 days, etc.)

f) Remember my item prices. If I'm a crafter, and want to sell my wares, and yesterday, I sold "ABC Item" for 5k creds, then put that price in, not some stupid arbitrary number generated by taking the vendor sell price and multiplying it.


I have more, but top 5 is enough for now :)

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1) People with names such as googledotcom, datass.. well basicly I can't stand when people play a rpg but come up with some name that is either some perverted word or sentence, or just trying to make some kind of joke name.


2) It's hard to play assassin tank when high


3) the lag that comes when you are getting data from the server, such as inventory or character pane.

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The many many bugs and low fps (around 20 with my core i7) are two things that where obvious from the beginning. But i think the devs are aware of it. Well i hope..


1. traveling: why do i spent so much time traveling. The speed of the vehicles is way to slow. if i finaly find a group, then the first 15 minutes is lost, couse there are no summon abilities. Traveling during qsting is ok. I have no problem to explore places and be slow. But i dont want to waist time on this during other stuff in game. I did it way to much in wow and i am sick and tired of it. Skyrim has a beautifull way of doing this and it ads so much fun to pure gameplay. swtor is sciencefiction: cant we warp to places in stead of walking or slowly hoovering?


2.content repetitive: i hit 37 yesterday and started on a new planet. it all look the same, i saw the qstion symbols, looked at the landscape and the setup of mobs.. ive done this for 4 weeks now and suddenly i lost my drive. Damn again and i am only 37.. the story telling is awsome. I am a huge bioware fan. But i cant explain.. its yust not good enough to put so much time in.


3.no Lfd: what i like about playing mmo's is doing harder content like in swtor heroic's. early lvling finding ppl for it is easy and it gives that extra to all the lvling grinding. Nice to meet other ppl, sometimes awsome and sometimes worse. but when i became 15+ it became herder to find ppl. Then round 20 i stopped searching and skipped the whole idea of beiing it part of my lvling. the main reasons are that there is no good tool we can use. Like the pvp tool is fine. Why didnt the devs implement it for pve?


I am sorry to say, but yesterday i canceled my subscribtion. Sorry Bioware, i am a big fan of your work, but swtor needs to be more polished and more focesed on good gameplay without time waisting and oldfashion elements, will i play it again.

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