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A Lot of Quitters in PvP


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I've a theory that a lot of those quitter are because their gulidies are on the other side so they want to help their guildies for an easy win. However I have no explanation for why people do this in Voidstar/Alderaan without ever seeing the enemy on the Empire side, given the fact that Empire seems to win about 75% of those games. I mean, if you're on the Republic side, I can undestand feeling doomed, but people on the Empire side quit too without ever seeing the opposition that we're supposed to be crushing.
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There needs to be penalties for players being awful as well.



No there shouldnt and certainly not based on what you think makes a good player. Man I hate scuzy players who look down on others because they arnt gaming obsessed like the whiners on this thread.

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could it be because people are sick of having to team up with others who don't know the most basic of stratagies and team play?.



Spot on.


I'm ******* tired of proccing a BG to get to play with freaking noobs. Even when marking the lead ennemy healer with a BIG GOD "DAM" CROSSHAIR, they ain't capable of slowing/debuffing/bursting it.


Don't wonder why they lame around instead of focusing on the ball in the HuttBall as well.



Either I live, or if the game is funny enough to farm opposant noobs, I stay around and semi-afk until I can kill one on 1vs1 to kill time.


If they say "get your butt moving you "sithead"" I just reply "I CBA to, you're not worth my efforts" and /ignore them. (And hope to get them on opposing team next time :D )


Tl,dr :

L2P basic pvp strategies if you don't want to play with other noobs and get BM/dedicated hardcore PvP'rs to leave when they join/see you're terribad.;)

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How hard is it type a few tips into the ops chat really? If you know better, then give tips, even if you have to repeat yourself every game.


It takes time to learn tatics and if ppl aren't willing to help or give pointers then they will learn it the hard way by losing a few games. Speed up that curve and give some tips!


A hint or tip is not being caps-lock hero or being condescending. If you can type "I can't be bothered to play with you because you are crap." you could just have easily given a pointer.


I agree that some ppl won't listen, but all 7 other members every game? It only takes a few people to make a difference.


When i first started huttball it took me 3 games of asking ppl where the pass ball before i found it, some ppl just are plain unhelpful. Sure I could have looked in the general tab, but being a newb (not noob) I just couldn't find it at the time.


Well guess what I couldn't pass the ball, or through it on the floor to reset when i wanted to.


Little tips help your team, even small things.

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I have seen more crappy players in Battlemaster who quit thinking they are playing with noobs then any other kind. I saw this guy quit 2 in a row in less then 30 seconds... and we won both of them.


I asked him why he quit.. he said he didnt feel like losing with a bunch of noobs. I told him well we won.. you should of never left.


guess what his comment back was? Thanks to himself that we won.... LOL


idiots like this guy and you who complain on these forums claiming to be pvp gods who are the ones who truly suck. You quit because you cant carry a team. A great player can make his team better. The crappy ones cant. face it.


Tell that to Walter Payton and Joe Montana who no matter who they played with they made the team better.


same goes for pvp in a BG or WZ or Scenario.


learn 2 play instead of quitting like a bunch of sorry hurt players.

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How hard is it type a few tips into the ops chat really? If you know better, then give tips, even if you have to repeat yourself every game.


When I try to tell people what to do, when and how, they quickly begin to tell me to just shut up and play :rolleyes:



And usually, they're either


A) the worst DD or healer at the end of the WZ


B) just don't listen, don't play objectives, die alot by playing rambo solo style and leave prematurely. ;)



At the end of the day, good players identify themselves and either:


A) Just queue for their 3 WZ to win, if they get faceroll'd they leave, wait 3 min before re-queuing hoping to not get with the previous noobs.


B) Wait for their friends who know how to play their classes and make a premade. Before you know it they're now in the opposing team in HuttBall and roflstomp you.



Moral of the story:

If you're a noob, listen to good pvpers (you know, those with highest objective points, less deaths and the most kills/healing done usually), and/or follow their lead.

Don't play rambo style who know everything or don't want to be lectured. Or don't queue at all if you don't feel secured about your class/spec.


LV10-49 should be enough to learn your class and WZ strategies but meh, whatever.


I CBA to teach people anymore, esp since I learn myself with Google and self logic. Can't play for other people.

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The only time I'll leave if is we're outnumbered like 6 to 8 at the start. Sorry. I rage when BW does that and I make a heat-of-the-moment decision I regret for a bit if we get hard-capped in Aldaraan/Voidstar or a fast-score in Huttball because of it.


It's not hard to fill the game up before it begins: players don't need 75 seconds to accept a queue, especially when said queue is only about that long to begin with. It's not like WoW where you have to be out of combat to accept queue after all. Give people 20 seconds, tops. They can always catch the next one if they are too busy.


But, not excusing the behavior even from myself. Yes, there needs to be a punishment. No idea why this wasn't implemented.

Edited by McVade
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Fix the issue instead of penalizing people for leaving games they are being steamrolled in.


Change daily wins to matches played, double the matches from 3 > 6 and 9 > 18.


Queue premades vs. premades, pugs vs. pugs. There we go no more leavers, now we can just focus on afkers.

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I have seen more crappy players in Battlemaster who quit thinking they are playing with noobs then any other kind. I saw this guy quit 2 in a row in less then 30 seconds... and we won both of them.


I asked him why he quit.. he said he didnt feel like losing with a bunch of noobs. I told him well we won.. you should of never left.


guess what his comment back was? Thanks to himself that we won.... LOL


idiots like this guy and you who complain on these forums claiming to be pvp gods who are the ones who truly suck. You quit because you cant carry a team. A great player can make his team better. The crappy ones cant. face it.


Tell that to Walter Payton and Joe Montana who no matter who they played with they made the team better.


same goes for pvp in a BG or WZ or Scenario.


learn 2 play instead of quitting like a bunch of sorry hurt players.



while this is correct, the core problem is that when you take 1 million players and only 1-5% dont suck, you get alot of fail in these pugs.


there is no penalty for leaving a game right now, i personally will stay for just about every game unless im pressed for time and gotta get the daily done.


but realistically I can see how its frustrating for people to join a WZ, see the other team with a 4 premade and 3/8 healers......and then you look at your team and its you + 7 tools, none of which are healers


in the end the only solution is for people to premade also, but thats easier said then done on republic side

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I've noticed a lot of BMs quit without even seeing the oppositon. I guess they're not comfortable if they're not with 3 other BMs in a premade, but then why did they queue solo in the first place?


There was a quote I saw when a guy describes his enemy: "This guy is a spineless coward, so if you see him come after you one day, run for your life, because he will only show up when he has no possibility of losing." That seems to describe a lot of players too. I know if I see certain players on the enemy side, I'm about to lose very badly because there's no way that guy would dare to stay in the game without having the deck stacked in his favor.

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Fix the issue instead of penalizing people for leaving games they are being steamrolled in.


Change daily wins to matches played, double the matches from 3 > 6 and 9 > 18.


Queue premades vs. premades, pugs vs. pugs. There we go no more leavers, now we can just focus on afkers.


completely agree can't gear up properly with bags depending on wins when the opposing team always steam rolls you. Hence why people leave. Gotta fix the pvp issues at hand instead of penalizing someone who doesn't want to waste their time on a lost match.

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Fix the issue instead of penalizing people for leaving games they are being steamrolled in.


Change daily wins to matches played, double the matches from 3 > 6 and 9 > 18.


Queue premades vs. premades, pugs vs. pugs. There we go no more leavers, now we can just focus on afkers.


people getting steamrolled is not an issue, people getting steamrolled and then not practicing and learning is the issue.......


people need to learn what there roll becomes based on allies and enemies within the WZ, this is not something that gets typed out in ops chat. this is class know how and knowledge. I am a sentinel, my job is merc/sorc/agent in that order 90% of the time, if i have range help around me i dont worry about the objective as they should be the ones interupting caps while i burn down the tracer spammers/healers/casters........but anyway the point is your roll is not always the same, sometimes you snare and interupt, sometimes you dps, sometimes your shield or heal. all of these factors are constantly changing and it happens on the fly. you cant expect people to ops chat what YOU are suppose to do every single time. YOU gotta know it, research it, practice it !!! hopefully oneday the playerbase will realize what its really like to play an MMO, until then tunnel visioned clickers that are pro "s" gamers will remain the frightining majority.

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Right and how many of those people actually tried to help their team? OPs chat is nearly dead in most WZ's I play.


We won a Huttball which I hate by scoring 2 goals in the last few minutes to win 2-1. Quitters especially with a prestigious title should be penalized and hard!


I agree, If you don't want to play then don't or find some friends if you can't handle losing. There should be a big loss in valor and a min of a 30min penalty

Edited by Pvtcarnage
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I leave matches all the time, why stay in a 20 minute huttball when the other team is steamrolling you. Until a deserter debuff comes in I will continue to ******y split right away, takes all of 1 minute to get into another match.


Would rather win and have a better game experience than a 20 minute losing match from hell, where your allies ***** and moan at one another. If you like abuse by all means stay in you losing games.

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I have seen more crappy players in Battlemaster who quit thinking they are playing with noobs then any other kind. I saw this guy quit 2 in a row in less then 30 seconds... and we won both of them.


I asked him why he quit.. he said he didnt feel like losing with a bunch of noobs. I told him well we won.. you should of never left.


guess what his comment back was? Thanks to himself that we won.... LOL


idiots like this guy and you who complain on these forums claiming to be pvp gods who are the ones who truly suck. You quit because you cant carry a team. A great player can make his team better. The crappy ones cant. face it.


Tell that to Walter Payton and Joe Montana who no matter who they played with they made the team better.


same goes for pvp in a BG or WZ or Scenario.


learn 2 play instead of quitting like a bunch of sorry hurt players.


Big difference in real world and a computer game.


When you have 600 + valor and normal geared 50's can only knock off 12% of your health and you can 3 shot them, skill will not do crap for ya. No one wants to get in a game and get rolled by premades, or fully geared players.

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I leave matches all the time, why stay in a 20 minute huttball when the other team is steamrolling you. Until a deserter debuff comes in I will continue to ******y split right away, takes all of 1 minute to get into another match.


Would rather win and have a better game experience than a 20 minute losing match from hell, where your allies ***** and moan at one another. If you like abuse by all means stay in you losing games.


Your weak and have a lack of hope, maybe you should pay for a hack so you can steam roll every game.

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All of the baddies ragequit once they realize that the other players on the team are not going to carry them to a victory for their daily.


Stick a 15min queue lockout on the quitters. Make them live up to what they committed to doing, playing a warzone. The current system only punishes players that want to play in the warzones because their experience is constantly effected by people on their team quitting and taking advantage of the queue system.

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I leave matches all the time, why stay in a 20 minute huttball when the other team is steamrolling you. Until a deserter debuff comes in I will continue to ******y split right away, takes all of 1 minute to get into another match.


Would rather win and have a better game experience than a 20 minute losing match from hell, where your allies ***** and moan at one another. If you like abuse by all means stay in you losing games.


typical person who needs people to carry him to a win..... mmo playerbase is just pathetic

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All of the baddies ragequit once they realize that the other players on the team are not going to carry them to a victory for their daily.


Stick a 15min queue lockout on the quitters. Make them live up to what they committed to doing, playing a warzone. The current system only punishes players that want to play in the warzones because their experience is constantly effected by people on their team quitting and taking advantage of the queue system.


The funny thing is the ragequit guys usually are the BMs you expect to carry your team. I never see a 12K HP guy ragequitting because he didn't see 5 other BMs to get him an easy win, but I see BMs ragequitting when he sees that there aren't 5 other BMs on the team. One time my team had 4 BMs on it and another BM still ragequitted. Guess 4 BMs doesn't mean what it used to mean.

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This thread is highlights why there should never be cross server warzones.


World pvp is more or less dead on my server. Sure there is some, but it's not that exciting (plus the lag is horrible), and doing warzones with the same folks gets old. I like the xrealm pvp idea.


Anyways, about leaving warzones, well that is a given for any Battlemaster cause there is no point in earning valor until new gear comes out. I presevered to rank 60, stayed in warzones win or lose for the valor, and now there is no point in doing warzones unless I'm wanting to complete the daily. I have all the gear I want from the Battlemaster vendor. Hell, I don't even need to do the dailies anymore! No point in even logging in on this toon until my guild does some pve to improve my pvp gear. I'd rather leave a warzone that is most likely going to lose to allow another player who needs to grind valor like I did. It's not hard to predict if there is a chance to comeback and win (those ones I usually stay).

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