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A Lot of Quitters in PvP


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Considering Republic wins about as much as they lose on my server... I really doubt the issue is faction based and more that mentality right there. Once you lose morale, you lose, and will continue to lose no matter what gear you get.

Go to Harbinger and say that.

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To be honest, for the server I'm on and being empire, I can understand why a lot of people leave. Nearly every single person on the team is really bad at pvp. Most of the good players had hit 50 long ago. That being said, I'm quite certain that the people who leave, are just as bad, if not more. We lose A LOT without those guys that made wins very possible. :(


A hint for being good at pvp, it involves more than just doing damaging attacks to the target. Something that my fellow teammates don't grasp.

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Is anybody else seeing a lot of this. I normally que solo just to run and have some fun but it seems I have no chance of winning. Was sitting there waiting on an invite on my last que joined in not even a minute into the match when I see the score is 3-0. By the time I made my way down the tunnel to jump into action the other team scored again making it 4-0. Really I'm left to play their bad hand. I stick it out we ended up getting skunked 6-0. Now I am not one to just jump out just cause I'm losing we are all lvl 50's some with more skill then others but come on keep the fight going take your comms and move on to the next game. Easy thing for me to have done was bounce when I seen the 4-0 with just under 7 minutes left to play.


Is it wrong of me to complain about this. Personally I don't think so! Now for sure I solo que so perhaps that makes me a filler but come on I want a chance to compete. I want a chance to win just like the rest. I'm not trying to flame and to be honest the comms are much different if you win or lose. So to me take your lumps improve your game and enter your next PvP match



I used to not quit that much, now I do. Soon as I get in a match with a bunch of people I've never heard of I leave. Why? Because I have better things to do then watch Johnny mouthbreath his way to 50k dmg all the while being no where near the ball carrier in huttball. It is unbelievable how many awful players there are in the 50's bracket.

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Easy thing for me to have done was bounce when I seen the 4-0 with just under 7 minutes left to play.


Actually, joining a match and knowing you'll only have to 7 minutes at most (or less if the other side scores some more) is a pretty good deal in terms of (valor+commendations)/time.


I've joined several warzones that ended within a minute or two. I always wonder why people leave in that situation.

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Well, the only way to really solve things is to just remove the damn leave button :D


Autokick afkers after 5 min of not moving, with negative valaur and 1 hr of debuff.


The only reason im against penalty becouse of quitting now is becouse i have problems, bugs, or whatever in som games.


For instance some times i cant get back to the base, and stuck in medcenter button, then get autokicked, the bikes on aldaran dissepairs and i get kicked, the game freezez up.


That would be unfair becouse its not my fault but the games.


So im all for fixing bugs, remove leave button, penalty for volentary quitting.


Problem solved. Or, just make the godamn 8 premade bracket allready, how difficult is that? I mean Really.

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Bottom line there needs to penalties for deserting a warzone. Valor loss being a solid idea but doubtful. Most likely would be the 15min lockout that is the norm in other games.




There needs to be penalties for players being awful as well.

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Bottom line there needs to penalties for deserting a warzone. Valor loss being a solid idea but doubtful. Most likely would be the 15min lockout that is the norm in other games.


Well, one penalty is that you of course have wasted your time in that warzone. Worst case scenario is the next one will be the same, and the one after that, and you get nothing out of playing them at all. It's a much better use of your time, or at least more consistent, to stick it out.


I would support a lockout. After all, you clicked a button that pretty much says you don't want to play warzones right now. People will, of course, then transition to AFKing for the remainder of the match, because humans in general are jerks, and waiting out the inevitable loss plus being able to re-queue right away will net you more rewards than forfeiting the reward for the match you're leaving and standing around somewhere for 15 minutes.

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There needs to be penalties for players being awful as well.


What a stupid comment to make.


How do you expect someone to get better if they dont try and fail.

I guess you never was a beginner at anything. Jeah you wish.


So eather be helpful/constructive or really just **** :)

Edited by Izznoogood
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What a stupid comment to make.


How do you expect someone to get better if they dont try and fail.

I guess you never was a beginner at anything. Jeah you wish.


So eather be helpful/constructive or really just **** :)


There is a difference to being a beginner and being *********** stupid.


EG: A beginner is a little slow to get into the action. A *********** stupid stands on the rails and gets charged for a free enemy goal 5 times in a row.




Even beginners learn from mistakes. Being a beginner is not an excuse for being terrible.

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What a stupid comment to make.


How do you expect someone to get better if they dont try and fail.

I guess you never was a beginner at anything. Jeah you wish.


So eather be helpful/constructive or really just **** :)




Easy, pvp while leveling up. Too many people do no pvp at all until 50, then they are absolute garbage. These same people are the ones complaining about expertise on gear.

Edited by Aowar
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Uhhhnnnn I think there should be a 20minute can't ender warzones debuff for quitters.


Quitting until you get a winning team isn't going to make players better at pvp. PvP'ing will make players better at pvp and improve things for everyone. The people who complain the most and then leave are usuallly the worst players on the team from my experience, so they should be forced to see how they fail compared to everyone else in the game when stats pop up at the end.


Some still lie to themselves and blame whatever reason for their lack of performance but at least if they see it enough they might get the clue.

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The problem with long debuffs and valor penalties for leaving early is the simple fact that the game still has a decent number of bugs in it that either cause crashes or force people to dc to fix them. Also, sometimes things happen IRL and you have to bail. A 15 min. debuf would be adequate and people who left because of bugs or RL **** happening should be able to cope with it and at the same time people trying to get dailies only lose as much time as if they had stayed.
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I heard about level 49 players quitting b4 the end of the wz so they don't receive exp for the completion. So they can stay in the 10-49 bracket.


This has actually been happening a lot, im finding its not so much population imbalance as people just want easy pvp. Always see the same people always the same level and they always leave before it ends lol.

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After repeatedly being dumped into a Huttball game--which I hate--I quit for the first time from a WZ today. Why be forced to play something I hate?


If it's impossible to auto queue up something else because of a lack of players or whatever, that's fine. Please give me the choice to play the WZ I want to play.



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This is from 1-49 bracket on repub side.


I've also noticed quitters on our side. Sometimes for a whole game we have xxx has left, yyy has joined. yyy has left, zzz has joined. All game long, but we still manage to win with 3 level 12-20's.


There are other times where its so damn close to the wire and we could have won if it wasn't for those damn quitters.


Just stay and play it out. Anything can happen even with low levels!


Also I don't mind joining a mid losing game for quick credit/valor. Its easy to requeue.


One thing I have noticed is this though, (not sure if this is still true), but if you play a game till the end and leave the auto re-queue checked when you exit warzone, you will play a different WZ to the one you just played. Give it a go.


This was true for me when i did non-stop pvp and I got all 3 war zones in a nice rotation. aka 3 games, all 3 wz's. However, this was when I used to do b2b pvp and we were also sharing games with L50's, so don't know if this holds true as I only do my daily pvp now and that only takes 1 or 2.

Edited by Ugugg
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