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Blaster rifle for commando please?


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When I first saw the commando with the assault cannon I thought it was pretty awesome. Now I wish blaster rifle was the choice for commandos. It just seems more commando like to roll with a blaster rifle as a ranged DPS


Has anyone heard that rifle might become an option for commandos? Like how in WOW the warrior has a DW or 2h spec type deal or something. Or maybe you guys think that might be an option in the future.

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When I first saw the commando with the assault cannon I thought it was pretty awesome. Now I wish blaster rifle was the choice for commandos. It just seems more commando like to roll with a blaster rifle as a ranged DPS


Has anyone heard that rifle might become an option for commandos? Like how in WOW the warrior has a DW or 2h spec type deal or something. Or maybe you guys think that might be an option in the future.


You can use one now- it's just not gonna be very effective.


But right now, the AC is the signature weapon for Commandos, rifle for Vanguards. They'd sorta blend together more if it wasn't. Now, if they add more weapons to use? We might see something then.

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At first I chose Vanguard because I didn't want to haul around a 100 pound cannon, I loved using a basic rifle. I didn't like the up close combat of the vanguard and wished I went Commando... Suddenly the 100 pound cannon doesn't seem like a bad idea Edited by AyeRaccoon
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Im a commando and I used ''the garrison'' rifle you can craft


It was great until i got further into lvl 50 and got my eliminators cannon.


just remember you cant use hail of bolts or charged bolts while equipping a rifle.

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