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Respec for Scoundrel/Operative


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If the new total nerf to Operatives/Scoundrels goes through so that they cannot be a damage dealing class anymore,


can I please get a free respec to another class please.


I think a Sorceror would be awesome.


I have both a level 50 Scoundrel and level 50 Operative on two different servers so I think a trade for one level 50 Sorceror with the same gear would be awesome and feasible.


Everyone knows the Agent/ Smuggler storyline was awesome, I love you guys that worked on it.

But I'm sorry to say it but it seems we have no representation by the Developers in terms of gameplay in both Pvp and Pve, this is for both Snipers/Gunslingers and Operatives/Scoundrels.


Snipers/Gunslingers: At present issues with cover mechanics and how this is very difficult to use in both Pvp and pve.


Operatives/Scoundrels: Atm this is a BURST Glass Cannon Dps, if you nerf the burst we are just glass.


Instead of nerfing the class maybe have a developer rework the class to play differently, just my thought.


Here is an idea: Maybe work it around debuffing a target out of stealth so that other classes can burn the target down. Just my two cents.


The way that the developers are working on this nerf I really feel like quitting this game.

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Why should we be forced to re-roll when a class we spent time (and through it, money) playing gets nerfed due to inexperienced and <50 players whining on the forums? Stop acting all hurt for FIVE minutes and look at how far this nerf reaches. It completely destroys our usefulness in PvE. We weren't top DPS to begin with and now we'll be doing even less damage than before.


Why don't you re-roll an Op so you can tell me how it actually is at 50, because frankly, I'm still not pulling off any of these insane crits people keep throwing around.

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Why should we be forced to re-roll when a class we spent time (and through it, money) playing gets nerfed due to inexperienced and <50 players whining on the forums? Stop acting all hurt for FIVE minutes and look at how far this nerf reaches. It completely destroys our usefulness in PvE. We weren't top DPS to begin with and now we'll be doing even less damage than before.


Why don't you re-roll an Op so you can tell me how it actually is at 50, because frankly, I'm still not pulling off any of these insane crits people keep throwing around.


Because that is waht you have to do? Don't hold your breath that BW will do anything. MMOs are known to have crappy to non-exsitent customer support.

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So go respec to Sorc... when they get nerf you going to ask for another respec? This isnt just a respec either. This is a class change. You can not expect to get a free class change everytime they balance the game. If the changes are bad then Im sure they will correct them. Now these boards are full of OP nerfs and no one seems to be testing anything else.
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Because that is waht you have to do? Don't hold your breath that BW will do anything. MMOs are known to have crappy to non-exsitent customer support.


No, I don't have to do anything. I'll still continue playing the class and spec I like, The fact remains that this shouldn't have happened in the first place and I shouldn't have to change specs to remain competitive. What ever happened to every spec being viable?

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Yeah I didn't think we were that overpowered to say the least, and I have just began rerolling a Shadow Consular which will probably get nerfed next when people see the damage they can throw without a class higher to outshine them (higher when it comes to opening damage)
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Why should we be forced to re-roll when a class we spent time (and through it, money) playing gets nerfed due to inexperienced and <50 players whining on the forums? Stop acting all hurt for FIVE minutes and look at how far this nerf reaches. It completely destroys our usefulness in PvE. We weren't top DPS to begin with and now we'll be doing even less damage than before.


Why don't you re-roll an Op so you can tell me how it actually is at 50, because frankly, I'm still not pulling off any of these insane crits people keep throwing around.


I play healers.


And nerfs are always going to happen. Post your thoughts and move on. When my class gets nerf next I will find a way to continue to do my job which is healing. You guys will continue to do DPS. Stuff will still die. Not sure what the issue is here. The Devs have the tools to track all the info and make changes if needed. We do not.

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No, I don't have to do anything. I'll still continue playing the class and spec I like, The fact remains that this shouldn't have happened in the first place and I shouldn't have to change specs to remain competitive. What ever happened to every spec being viable?


ok let me correct myself. That is what you have to do if you want to play a different class. If you don't then just stop the QQ and play the class you have. simple...

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No, I don't have to do anything. I'll still continue playing the class and spec I like, The fact remains that this shouldn't have happened in the first place and I shouldn't have to change specs to remain competitive. What ever happened to every spec being viable?


So tell me why will you not be competitive anymore? Will you still be doing DPS? Will you still provide help for your "group" in killing things? If you are doing more DPS then a healer then you will do fine.

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No, I don't have to do anything. I'll still continue playing the class and spec I like, The fact remains that this shouldn't have happened in the first place and I shouldn't have to change specs to remain competitive. What ever happened to every spec being viable?


Love how you speak as if the patch has already gone live. Not saying you don't have a reason to be upset, but try to contain yourself until it actually hits the live servers.


On a side note I play a Gunslinger, yes 50, with 4 pieces of champion so far. Currently an Operative can take me from 100% to 0% in the span of the one 3 second knockdown if I don't have my 'trinket' up. If I do, I can generally get away at about 70 -80%, but then they just vanish and do it again and I die. Whether the Op is using a stim and buff stack (probably) is besides the point. I should have at lease a chance to do something.


I agree the changes on the PTR currently are a bit drastic, and there are much better solutions. I gave my story so you Operatives can imagine how FRUSTRATING it is to be ganked by your class.

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So tell me why will you not be competitive anymore? Will you still be doing DPS? Will you still provide help for your "group" in killing things? If you are doing more DPS then a healer then you will do fine.


I don't think you get it, do you? This isn't about PvP. This is about PvE. Why would I, as a Concealement Operative, get brought to any raids now? Operatives, before this nerf goes live, aren't exactly top of the line damage as it is. After patch 1.1.1, why would you bring an operative over any other DPS class? You get 4 DPS in an 8 man raid. You could fill it with basically anything else and you'll still do better than bringing an Operative, a melee class to begin with.


Bottom line? I'm killing things a lot much slower rate and provide a much lower amount of damage. Can you not see how this is going to make us worthless in a progressive environment? Hell, I'd feel bad bringing my friends down when they could literally bring ANY other class that'd be better than me.


And shownder, I'm sorry, but no Operative can kill anyone, much less a BM geared player, in 3 seconds. The GCD is 1.5 seconds. Tell me, are Operatives critting for 10k+ on you 2 times in a row? I don't mean to sound mean, but it's misinformation like this that is destroying the class. Those numbers are not possible, and I don't understand why people don't see this.


My highest Hidden Strike crit with an expertise buff running? 4.5k.

Edited by Vashiel
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There are many reasons for bringing you into a raid. I would bring you in a raid. For one there are limited types of DPS classes. Would be better for loot distribution. Also do you not have any good debuffs or buffs or CC? And what happened to bring the player not the class? If you were in my guild I would bring you cause I liked you the player. Not the class. There is more than just DPS.
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Tell me, are Operatives critting for 10k+ on you 2 times in a row? I don't mean to sound mean, but it's misinformation like this that is destroying the class. Those numbers are not possible, and I don't understand why people don't see this.


The devs know what the numbers are. They have tools to see who is doing what, when and how many cups of coffee they drink while doing it. They do not go by what numbers are being posted in forums.


I hope things work out for ya. I am not trying to argue or anything. But these nerfs will always happen. Even games that are 7 yrs old have them.

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There are many reasons for bringing you into a raid. I would bring you in a raid. For one there are limited types of DPS classes. Would be better for loot distribution. Also do you not have any good debuffs or buffs or CC? And what happened to bring the player not the class? If you were in my guild I would bring you cause I liked you the player. Not the class. There is more than just DPS.


That's the thing, you aren't thinking about progressive groups. You're talking from a casual and friend centered raid environment. And no, we bring no buffs or debuffs of any kind that can't be brought by a Sniper, a more preferable form of DPS since they are ranged. In combat we have ONE 4 sec stun on a 45 second cool down.


It's great that you adhere to that philosophy, but that's not how the game works. People in progressive groups optimize their DPS as much as possible. Since Operatives bring no raid changing debuff or buff, and their DPS is sub-bar at best, please tell me why a group would bring us over any other class? Loot distribution just doesn't cut it.

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Honestly i hope they provide a free respec for operatives in 1.1.1. Me going back and forth between healing for PvE and concealment for PvP is starting to add up!


My operative will be full time healer after this. No more 2.5k medal is the only thing that affected field medics with the nerf.

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Funny thing, my group of friends did EV HM. And I was the only Operative in there.


I was also the only one struggling to kill my assigned target in Duels of Fate (4th Boss), although we switched around a lot, just for my sake, until I just very barely managed to get the Assassin (I think it was the Sin if I remember correctly). No other class had any problems tackling any of the boss types (ofc using some sense, dont assign a healer to kill a tank).


But it stuck me as funny, and kinda reflected just how weak our sustained DPS is, outside of that opener.


If anything, they need to buff our sustained DPS instead of nerf our burst :rolleyes:

Edited by Treplos
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