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Leave space combat alone!


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Right now it's a silly little rail shooter minigame. It feels like it could be much more, especially given that IP that we're working with here.


I don't think anyone's talking about a full blown flight sim, just a little more than a low-end Starfox.


There's a difference between being "inspired by" and blatantly copying.


I love how EAware gets a pass from the fan brigade no matter what.


I can't tell which is sillier: Getting upset at Bioware for 'stealing' an extremely basic design concept from another company. Or pointing to a product that came out in 2010 as the game being "ripped off" when this style of shooter has been around since the 80s.

Edited by Sylriana
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Right now it's a silly little rail shooter minigame. It feels like it could be much more, especially given that IP that we're working with here.


I don't think anyone's talking about a full blown flight sim, just a little more than a low-end Starfox.


Most replies (myself included) refer to the X-Wing series as a basis. So yes people want it more like JTL in control options, did you know you could use mouse OR a joystick and it was fluid either way?


But, no-one that is for a free flight version is asking for the mini game to be removed. Those against it don't want those for it to have it at all.


I, for one, would like to fly this Empires TIE fighter, or the Republic's...what is it? Razor fighter? In dogfights akin to X-Wing. I would like to see a quest that was like the Redemption Scenario in X-Wing (Tour 1 mission 4, for those that remember)


Sorry, for a lot of fans. being Wedge Antilles is > than being a Jedi.

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There are 3 modern "models" for what the space combat could be like:-


Freelancer (which basically stands for all the older types of space shooter games too, except it's tuned nicely to a mouse and keyboard, so you don't need a joystick).


EVE/X3 - complicated, fussy, but a bit more "realistic".


STO - basically a 3-d version of the excellent ship-to-ship combat in PoTBS.


I think the EVE/X3 models are out - they're just too far from what's in the game already.


STO style would be nice - it's intuitive, and addictive. But again, too different from what's already in the game.


Freelancer seems the best option as it's both similar to what's in the game already, and a bit like the old SW space shooters (which is why I guess it's the model BW used).


All they need to do to make it more Freelancer is have the solar systems as roamable to some extent (with options to orbit, dock to stations, etc.), using notional "corridors" that allow hyperdrive between systems.


What we have now could be "tutorial level", where you just start to get basics (like you have one or two abilities when you start a character), and then you add skills and come off the rails/training wheels eventually.


Further, they could add a ton of missions that could just have alien puppets on holocom giving missions, with alien VO garble, and some text, but we could see some of the worlds and aliens in the SW universe that we never see, or never see mentioned much except in books and stuff. It would expand the "feel" of the universe and make it bigger than the same old planets and aliens we've seen in just about every game.


At first they could be straight shooter missions, then you could get something more like ME - missions that take place partly in space and partly on the ground (e.g. chasing baddies from a planet to an asteroid outpost, say).


And of course PvP - lots of lovely PvP for those who want it. Freelancer PvP was a heck of a lot of fun.


Eventually, if BW wanted to get really clever, they could have something like flying in what was called "turret mode" in Freelancer, which would be basically the same kind of flying as in STO (third person), and your mates could be on board the same ship manning the guns (with a more first person interface for them) - voila, classic Star Wars.

Edited by gurugeorge
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I like the space combat as it is too. Why make it more complex, when it is good the way it is now?


It only needs new missions, a little bit more variation. But not a totally new game mechanic!


I think it is really fun to just shoot stuff in between missions on the ground. I always find it a good supplement.


Now if level 50 players say they want this, because there is not much else to do, then BW needs to make more endgame stuff. And just another FP is clearly not enough...

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Finally!! Someone that agrees space combat is fine how it is!


Sure it is fine the way it is, for you. Why would you have a problem with them adding something more for those of us that want free flight space combat?


Notice I said "add" not "replace".

I think that is where most of the anti-crowd is getting confused.

Edited by Keihryon
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I like the Space Sim because it's something ELSE to do while I am waiting for a friend or a dungeon to happen. It's a little mini game on the side that gives me some extra experience and credits. Nothing to complain about. If you don't like it, don't play it.


I call you out on that.


No way is this a good "time waster" while "waiting on a flashpoint" since you can't LFG a flashpoint from your ship... at least not in any effective way.


The main issue I have and always have had is that this SHOULDN'T be just a minigame. It's a very important aspect of the IP and it is not being represented properly. The fact you cannot control YOU (which is the ship) means that the designers thought we were too stupid to make decisions like turning left, or up. Are you really prepared to admit they are right and that you are too dumb to play the game?

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Weee and oh lala.


In any case I ;ike it has a minigame and don't see the need to make it a full sim perhaps expanding it some to be pvp could work....just don't see the point of discarding the mouse and keyboard and making everyone get a flight stick for a mmorpg like this one.


Have a good night and may the nerd rage be with you all, erm mean the force.

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I call you out on that.


No way is this a good "time waster" while "waiting on a flashpoint" since you can't LFG a flashpoint from your ship... at least not in any effective way.


The main issue I have and always have had is that this SHOULDN'T be just a minigame. It's a very important aspect of the IP and it is not being represented properly. The fact you cannot control YOU (which is the ship) means that the designers thought we were too stupid to make decisions like turning left, or up. Are you really prepared to admit they are right and that you are too dumb to play the game?


I call you out on your reading comprehension. Have you never had to wait 5-10 minutes for someone in your guild to finish something up so that you as a group can start up an instance? Or for the guy who's hip-deep in another planet, and will take a while to get to the instance? That's what he's describing....personally, it happens to me all the time, and when it does, I jump on a space mission while waiting. Because it's fun, and I can be from a space mission to the instance jump points in....under 2 minutes usually.


The problem with your main issue is that it's subjective. For a lot of us, it's perfectly fine, and absolutely SHOULD be a minigame. The combat fits within the representation of space combat in the movies just fine. Better, in fact, than most open-flight sims do. And even within the IP, those space-battles were largely secondary aspects to the story being told.


The fact that you cannot control YOU (i.e. the ship), is absolutely not indicative of any design conspiracty showing that the designers believe that gamers are too stupid to make decisions like turning.....it means they were trying to capture the essence of space combat in the movies, without making Microsoft Flight X-Wing....an essence they capture quite well, by the way.

Edited by Jxspyder
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I like the space missions the way they are.


They are suprisingly fun for me, considering I don't usually like that kind of gameplay much. If they made it more complex, I would probably lose interest.


If they added it as an alternative option, that's fine. But I'd be annoyed if we lost these because they added free-flight stuff.

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.



They don't have to get rid of the current system (although frankly it needs to be improved anyway just to totally outclass the game it is based on - Star Fox [1992]).



But really Star Wars without a GOOD space combat experience is terrible, and the current space combat system is.... well Star Fox [1992] and it's 2012 now.





There's so many good space combat games (both Star Wars and otherwise) that could be intergrated into SWTOR.


It doesn't have to be a "sim", in fact I think it would be better not being, but there's an awful lot of room between:


Space "Sim">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Space on rails shooter.



Freelancer is a good example of the middle ground, as are many Star Wars space combat games.

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It doesn't work that way. If they change the mechanics for space combat, of course the old one WILL be disbanded. Why would they uphold both systems? That would be double the work to keep it updated.


I think that's why some of us are suggesting a Freelancer model, as it's pretty close to what already exists and maybe (although who knows?) the current system would only need adding to to make it more FL-ey (and thereby also more X-Wingey, etc.).


I agree with those who say what we've got is fun, but it could be built upon, with what we've got being the "tutorial" version where you start off gently and easily.

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