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Why is Crafted Gear not the best?


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Why cant games get this right? Player crafted gear should be the best possible in game armor. Everything craftable should be the best possible. Still having good gear drop from PvE but being able to break it down into crafting supplies. Or strait up credit rewards or something. After level 50 in this game crafted gear is a waste.


Example: If you ever played DAoC and built a template. Crafted gear had to be in the template to get things right. You had drops from PvE in there etc etc but you put Crafted gear in to fill in holes in your stats.


I dont really want DAoC style, I loved making templates dont get me wrong but I dont want a stat cap. If I want to put Aim on every single piece and only have Aim as a stats and gimp the rest why cant I do that. (I wouldnt btw)


Anyways, I do enjoy the game as it is. Hit 50 last week and my Trooper struggled at first in WZ's but in about half Champ gear now it aint so bad. I like the grind of PvP'ing for something but I dont want it to be gear. Id be happy just PvP'ing for a nerver ending Valor rank. Or PvP for titles for everyone to see. Something like that, you get gear from everything else. Dont need it for PvP. Having crafted gear be the best and able to put what stats you wanted you could make your own sets for both PvE and PvP putting more into End for certain things or Aim for example for PvP. Dont need Expertise either.


PvP needs to be SKILL based not gear based.

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Why cant games get this right? Player crafted gear should be the best possible in game armor. Everything craftable should be the best possible. Still having good gear drop from PvE but being able to break it down into crafting supplies. Or strait up credit rewards or something. After level 50 in this game crafted gear is a waste.




Crafting gear is meant to give you a foot step into Raiding, whats the point in end game Raid when you can just make better gear from crafting.


i will say one thing tho, there should be at least 1 item end game crafting that is bind on pick up and will be better than raid gear.

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@OP: You have seperate concerns mixed in with a confused point.


What I gathered:


Crafting needs to be more relevant

Gear in PvP needs to be less relevant



If those were your points I can agree to a degree. I wish I were a developer so I could get my way :)

Edited by Brickabrack
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I disagree with the notion of crafted gear being only entry level. It depends how you set the game up.


Unfortunately, SWTOR is using the formula of dropped gear/tier gear etc being the ultimate goal. But I will to this day, say that the early days (because thats what I remember) of SWG were one of the best implementations of a player economy.


Everything worthwhile using, was player created. The best weapons, the best armor, the houses, everything. Heck, being a crafting class itself was really cool. People have this idea in their head, that the only way to do things, is to beat a big baddie until he drops your phat lewts. When there exists this whole wonderful world out there, that can be completely focused around crafting.

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@OP: You have seperate concerns mixed in with a confused point.


What I gathered:


Crafting needs to be more relevant

Gear in PvP needs to be less relevant



Not mixed at all. All I mainly do is PvP and the egar issue brought this to my attention. Crafted gear would set everyone on an equal playing field. Skill based. So I mentioned both. I know about PvP gear, I have 0 PvE raid gear, hence PvP in the post and not raid.

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Not mixed at all. All I mainly do is PvP and the egar issue brought this to my attention. Crafted gear would set everyone on an equal playing field. Skill based. So I mentioned both. I know about PvP gear, I have 0 PvE raid gear, hence PvP in the post and not raid.


Unless someone has a huge gear advantage my experience has always been skill will win the day. AND if you have any semblance of skill you have probably gathered some PVP gear which negates the huge advantage.

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Why cant games get this right? Player crafted gear should be the best possible in game armor.


Why must crafted gear be superior to PvP gear, or raid gear?


I think that top crafted gear should be as good as top PvP and top raid, but the BEST possible? No thank you. Some people dislike crafting and should not have to be punished due to that.

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Not mixed at all. All I mainly do is PvP and the egar issue brought this to my attention. Crafted gear would set everyone on an equal playing field. Skill based. So I mentioned both. I know about PvP gear, I have 0 PvE raid gear, hence PvP in the post and not raid.


why would you play a story based game just to pvp?

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Why must crafted gear be superior to PvP gear, or raid gear?


I think that top crafted gear should be as good as top PvP and top raid, but the BEST possible? No thank you. Some people dislike crafting and should not have to be punished due to that.


Thats where crafting makes sense. You buy the gear from a crafter and dont craft it yourself. Your problem is solved.

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Thats where crafting makes sense. You buy the gear from a crafter and dont craft it yourself. Your problem is solved.


Then you end up with people that just happen to have a lot of in game coin with BIS gear. Gear should have some investment other than credits to gain. If you implemented a 'buy your way to BIS' system you would encourage gold sellers even more. There is a reason that PVP and PVE gear at the top-end is BOP.

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Crafted gear cannot be the best because this would hurt end game raiding. You have to do endgame group content for the best gear. That is the way it is suppose to be :D


Completly untrue, DAOC had best gear crafting, but it also had raids if anyone could be bored enough to do them. They provided gear that was visually impressive an stood out from everything els.

It works an it works perfectly.

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Completly untrue, DAOC had best gear crafting, but it also had raids if anyone could be bored enough to do them. They provided gear that was visually impressive an stood out from everything els.

It works an it works perfectly.


People did raids if they were bored enough to do them? LOL


You just proved my point. Bioware needs people to be interested in endgame and to stay subscribed longer to do it all. I know you may not agree with it but that is the way it is lol.

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This is not SWG.


Crafting, like Space Combat, is a mini game, a time sink.


In SWG crafted gear was BIS for a great many things. However, in SWG BIS changed with the situation. There wasn't even one set that could be said to be best for PvP, since it mattered who you were PvPing against. Even the crafters themselves needed multiple sets of gear.


SWTOR is not about Crafting or Space, it's about Flashpoints and Operations or Warzones and Ilum. That is where you get gear. Everything else seems to be of secondary concern.

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Completly untrue, DAOC had best gear crafting, but it also had raids if anyone could be bored enough to do them. They provided gear that was visually impressive an stood out from everything els.

It works an it works perfectly.


Thats why it failed hard.

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Why must crafted gear be superior to PvP gear, or raid gear?


I think that top crafted gear should be as good as top PvP and top raid, but the BEST possible? No thank you. Some people dislike crafting and should not have to be punished due to that.


Clearly out classing someone with full sets of Raid gear or PvP gear that you earned over weeks of playing is just something I dont agree with. Sure, you earned it but what about the guys that will never be on par because they have real lives. I play alot and I get my gear so im not someone who can only play a few hours a week.


Again, go off of skill and not gear. Or at least make crafted gear on par with everything else like someone above stated.


Not saying you dont have skill when you have all of this gear, you might be the best ever who knows. But someone that is just as skilled or better and dont have as much time as you is being put at a disadvantage here. Crafted gear would help everyone.


One thing maybe is make crafted gear on par with raid/pvp just look better or something I dont know but it would fix the whines in WZ's at least about the Imp being cheaters etc etc. Im Republic btw

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Thats why it failed hard.


Part of the reason, I'm sure. You can't give everyone the means to get the best gear so easily, it's just idiotic.


Group content gives the best gear for multiple reasons. For one thing it gives people bragging right and the best looks. It's a sign that someone accomplished something and can do endgame content. If you take away the cool factor of best in slot gear and take away the challenge you are left with a big problem :D

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