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But is it fun? I say yes.


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So I'm a father of a young child. As any other parents know sleep rapidly becomes a precious commodity. None the less I go to bed each night, exhausted as I may be after the days labors, and deep down hope my son will wake up in the middle of the night just because it will give me an excuse to go downstairs and play some ToR while I wait for him to fall back asleep.


I'll readily admit that ToR has its flaws. There are bugs and imbalances without a doubt. I even have waited for the shiny to fade a bit after a month+ of play. I am not just a blind fanboy and I get just as frustrated as the next person when I find my class under-performing or have some bug kill me or otherwise impede my progress.


But the core of the game is fun in a way that no other MMO has been for me (I've played pretty much every major MMO and more minor ones than I wish I had since UO). Just my experience and a funny little anecdote but with the overwhelming tendency for people to take advantage of the internet to offer up complaints I felt that the game deserves a quick note that despite flaws it is still a fun experience that makes me want to play more.

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