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Nerf Sorcs/Sages


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Sorc/Sage are absolutely the best class in the game because they have absolutely no weaknesses and have all the capability in the world. They need to make bubble have a longer cooldown and make it so sorc/sage do not have force speed.


Not true at all. Both DPS specs are very susceptible to interrupt, you just have to know which spell to interrupt. Any tank with a 6s interrupt can keep them locked down and kill them easily. Healing sorcerors require a bit more effort, but not as much as a BH (high defence) or IA (heals over time).

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Sorc/Sage will be less overpowered in their burst damage.


Hahahahahahaha burst damage.




No really, Sorcerors have the lowest burst damage out of all the DPS classes. They cant even get the 5k damage medal now after the buff stacking nerf. What they do have is consistant AE damage, which is why you see those big numbers at the end of warzones. The AE damage isnt going to kill anyone, but it will tag them to give them kills and also pad their damage numbers a bit.

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Few things to check before you scream nerf sage/sorc again:


1. Can you tell the sorc/sage's spec within first 5 second of encounter.


2. Do you know the strength and weakness of sage/sorc's spec.


3. Can you dps down their bubble within 5 second.


4. Do you have position awareness in a Warzone.


If you can't do all above, sorry you are a bad player and should not comment on pvp balance.

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I like how two sorc/sage players spent two pages of this thread screaming about light armor, and how heavy armor players just... how'd it go? "Get their grubby paws on someone and haymaker them." Lol. Heavy armor != strong damage or strong mitigation. Light armor != extreme squishiness. (There are tanking mods with your key stat, if you're *that* worried.) And even if it did, extreme utility would more than counteract that.
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I find it amusing to see all the people screaming "Nerf this QQ"


Maybe it's just my server, but I rarely get to go into a WZ and demolish the other team when I am DPS spec. Normally I get off a couple skills and suddenly I am the target of 3 or 4 people. I have watched marauders drop their current target to run across the map to target me.... I usually end up around 250k dmg. I have gotten upwards of 380k damage, but the other team left me alone, let me sit back and just aoe/stun/DoT/fruity pebble throw/aoe to my hearts content.


IF, I time my stun *singular* well, and I manage to get off an interrupt, and the other player is just spamming their damage skill, I can solo BH/Marauders. BUT, if I screw up even on little bit, or the other player is good, 1v1, with same lvl gear, I am usually dead before they get to half health. I have NEVER hit for more than 3.3k on a crit for dmg. NEVER.


If I am spec'd on heals? Yeah, forget about any 1v1. The best I can hope for is to heal through enough damage that one of my team mates can get there in time to assist me, if there is more than 1 person? Yeah forget about even healing through the dps, two people (I don't care what class's) will demolish a heal spec'd sage if they have a clue on how to play together.

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