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Nerf Sorcs/Sages


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Top 5 in what category?


DPS will always be in top on the damage category.


Should I QQ that I don't get top 5 in the protection category since I don't have any skill that provides me medals for that?

Edited by Joshiasi
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Last night in ACW I won the game all by myself. I was on my Full heal spec Seer. I had all 8 of their team following me to each turret but they couldnt catch me because I was so fast. The only time they could do damage is when I stopped to cap the turret. The bads couldn't even interrupt my capping because of my shield that absorbs so much damage, not to mention the fact that I had 6 of them CCd the entire time. Their focused DPS barely scratched my health pool and I was easily able to heal through it with my super short healing spells that hit for 15k each. The only time I thought I was in trouble was when I almost ran out of force. Luckily I have a knockback, which I used and it pushed them all the way across the zone. When they finally managed to get back to me I used my superior DPS ablities to 1 shot each one of them in turn.


They are bad. My Merc or my Marauder can face roll sorcs easy. Sprint does nothing when you force crush it an put you at 10% movement speed.

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*** were you thinking Bioware? You make this one mirror class a god class capable of dps/cc/heal/shield and only killable if 3 of your team focus fires on them?


Yes we all queue as a guild with vent running. No one could possible queue solo and hope to win amiright?


This is stupid. You cleary didn't think about pvp when designing this class.


No caster class should be able to do what this class can do. One smart melee should be able to down them, not to mention an actual pvp orientated class. Yet they are almost invincible without help.


I don't know what kind of crack rocks you guys were smoking when you made this class but clearly they weren't the balanced kind.


Yet you nerf a class that can maybe kill one person before dying because they were oh so frightening to the sages/sorcs. That of course being the scoundrel/operative. Fully securing the sage/sorc godliness vs every class now.


I just don't get it. Why didn't you label this game Sith Sorcerers vs Jedi Sages? Because that's all the pvp is devolving into.


Changing one skill wont fix this. They need a hardcore nerf so strong that the gods themselves would quake in it's presence.



Obviously you have never witnessed a focus speced guardian vs a sorc. I love how they run away from only to have me force leap and then force smash their health down. I truly love killing the god class solo :)

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They are bad. My Merc or my Marauder can face roll sorcs easy. Sprint does nothing when you force crush it an put you at 10% movement speed.


I don't believe the part about marauders/sentinels. but mercs/commandos are definitely next in line for nerf for warzones.

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I am begining to believe that if BW actually was really listening to all these nerf posts we would all be sitting on the starter planets using emotes. when are theses threads going to end BW has all the data and can see OP classes let them do their job


they don't need to listen to posts.


if they would actually watch the results of warzones they could tabulate that the sages and sorcs always are the top 5. followed by the mercs/commandos.

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they don't need to listen to posts.


if they would actually watch the results of warzones they could tabulate that the sages and sorcs always are the top 5. followed by the mercs/commandos.


You keep repeating this lie. Do you think we'll believe it if you repeat it enough times?

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I don't believe the part about marauders/sentinels. but mercs/commandos are definitely next in line for nerf for warzones.


The nerf every class but mine approach. I like it.


Here's the cold hard truth ... all classes do well when played right. :rolleyes:. In the meantime I'll enjoy playing my alleged OP class with ridiculously good gear and keep destroying scrubs with it.

Edited by Orangerascal
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The nerf every class but mine approach. I like it.


Here's the cold hard truth ... all classes do well when played right. :rolleyes:. In the meantime I'll enjoy playing my alleged OP class and destroying scrubs with it.


yes it was obvious you enjoyed playing the op class from the get-go.


who wouldn't love playing a class that none can stand against?

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I kind of knew it just wasn't me. Last night while in the lower WZ's, the Imp team was just Sorcs and 1 Marauder and my team had 5 sages, me (A Guardian Tank), a Commando, and a Scoundrel. The whole night was less than fun. I was being shocked, CC'd, and blasted. Sure I survived a good while, but I was useless when they attacked me. The only thing I could do was mitigate damage the whole night (I usually try to even it out with dmg as well. Running a Hybrid spec). Sure I had healers but when I was on an island all alone, well lets just say I was kited into the hell, CC'd, and all of that other bad stuff and die in 15 seconds.


I usually top WZ with a combination of Protection and Damage stats, but last night all I could do was just mitigate damage and sit in the back and let my teammates down them. Of course we won, but I don't want to see PvP develop into just a 2 class Meta (Sorcs/Sages). That would be so horrible.

Edited by Shadow_Spec
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I do it so people like you can make threads like this and cry themselves to sleep. I know I should be spanked.


you'll be crying when the much deserved nerf comes your way.


I'm sure you'll roll a merc within minutes.

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sorc/sage have been overpowered since beta. I played in beta for over 6 months and wrote about it a lot. For some reason BW ignores people when it comes to this class. I don't think they will be nerfed and I think it will lead to a lot of people leaving this game. These classes dominate wz and pvp in general and always will.
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sorc/sage have been overpowered since beta. I played in beta for over 6 months and wrote about it a lot. For some reason BW ignores people when it comes to this class. I don't think they will be nerfed and I think it will lead to a lot of people leaving this game. These classes dominate wz and pvp in general and always will.


im afraid of this. but you could be right.


seems like they think that the "force master" on either side should just be the best regardless.

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sorc/sage have been overpowered since beta. I played in beta for over 6 months and wrote about it a lot. For some reason BW ignores people when it comes to this class. I don't think they will be nerfed and I think it will lead to a lot of people leaving this game. These classes dominate wz and pvp in general and always will.


Bioware ignores you because you ignore basic facts.


Like burst damage compared to sustained damage.


I have not seen ANYONE in all the crying for nerfs explain the difference and how Sorc/Sage are STILL overpowered.


They just point to a high damage total and cry.

Edited by Dravinian
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don't get me started on mercs/commandos. they are next in the list of OP warzone classes.


You mean you can't beat anyone? I guess bioware will be very busy tailoring the game to suit you. What class isn't op? Let me guess the one you play.



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