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Nerf Sorcs/Sages


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*** were you thinking Bioware? You make this one mirror class a god class capable of dps/cc/heal/shield and only killable if 3 of your team focus fires on them?


Yes we all queue as a guild with vent running. No one could possible queue solo and hope to win amiright?


This is stupid. You cleary didn't think about pvp when designing this class.


No caster class should be able to do what this class can do. One smart melee should be able to down them, not to mention an actual pvp orientated class. Yet they are almost invincible without help.


I don't know what kind of crack rocks you guys were smoking when you made this class but clearly they weren't the balanced kind.


Yet you nerf a class that can maybe kill one person before dying because they were oh so frightening to the sages/sorcs. That of course being the scoundrel/operative. Fully securing the sage/sorc godliness vs every class now.


I just don't get it. Why didn't you label this game Sith Sorcerers vs Jedi Sages? Because that's all the pvp is devolving into.


Changing one skill wont fix this. They need a hardcore nerf so strong that the gods themselves would quake in it's presence.

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Just need to nerf reverberating force and reverberation talents. Sorc/Sage will be less overpowered in their burst damage. Makes sense really as a Lightning Spec Sorc can heal as well as dps making it very OP compared to say a Gunslinger that will just DPS. Also, Imperial side there are usually 4 or so lightning spec Sorc in the side which seems unbalance.


Bioware reduce the DPS, they can keep the heals and CC. This will still leave them a very healthy class to play in PvP.

Edited by Ewgal
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All I hear from that response is an apologist.


You obviously play a sorc or sage and love that you can easily own everyone with no skill factored into the equation.


"Please don't take away my one spark of dominance in this world Bioware! I oh so love being an imbalanced class!"

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*** were you thinking Bioware? You make this one mirror class a god class capable of dps/cc/heal/shield and only killable if 3 of your team focus fires on them?


Yes we all queue as a guild with vent running. No one could possible queue solo and hope to win amiright?


This is stupid. You cleary didn't think about pvp when designing this class.


No caster class should be able to do what this class can do. One smart melee should be able to down them, not to mention an actual pvp orientated class. Yet they are almost invincible without help.


I don't know what kind of crack rocks you guys were smoking when you made this class but clearly they weren't the balanced kind.


Yet you nerf a class that can maybe kill one person before dying because they were oh so frightening to the sages/sorcs. That of course being the scoundrel/operative. Fully securing the sage/sorc godliness vs every class now.


I just don't get it. Why didn't you label this game Sith Sorcerers vs Jedi Sages? Because that's all the pvp is devolving into.


Changing one skill wont fix this. They need a hardcore nerf so strong that the gods themselves would quake in it's presence.


bioware is never going to balance around how bad you and your friends are...

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Yea I'm just bad that's the canned response expected from a traditional forum troll.


There couldn't possibly be anything behind the fact that in every warzone the top people are always sages or sorcs?


No, I must be hallucinating when I see those marks at the end.


If you can't 3v1 a same level sorc no matter what gear difference there is then yes, you are bad. there is ZERO room for debate here.

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Just need to nerf reverberating force and reverberation talents. Sorc/Sage will be less overpowered in their burst damage. Makes sense really as a Lightning Spec Sorc can heal as well as dps making it very OP compared to say a Gunslinger that will just DPS. Also, Imperial side there are usually 4 or so lightning spec Sorc in the side which seems unbalance.


Bioware reduce the DPS, they can keep the heals and CC. This will still leave them a very healthy class to play in PvP.


What burst damage do you speak of? Which mythical ability that provides burst over 3.5k?

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Agree with OP. Hutball last night the team had several sorcs.The Game was laughable. Everyone got bounced around like ping pong balls. Between speed boosts, cc, they zipped to a win in no time flat. They played well, granted. But what was so apparent was how helpless all the other classes were. Formula for guaranteed win, premade with sorcs^^. Who know how to pass. Awesome.


And the worst of it is everytime you log in there are more of them >.<

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All I hear from that response is an apologist.


You obviously play a sorc or sage and love that you can easily own everyone with no skill factored into the equation.


"Please don't take away my one spark of dominance in this world Bioware! I oh so love being an imbalanced class!"


You will hear the same thing from me too... yes I play as both Sage and Sorc. I also play as an Operative, Sniper and Merc and I am getting there with my Powertech. So far, the Sage and Sorcerer seem pretty good, but when I come across one in a Huttball match or WZ, he is dead pretty quickly.

I guess you are playing a Jugg or Sentinel, or some other class where you get your as handed to you and you look ridiculous unless you have a good idea of how to play your class and exploit the weaknesses of your opponents?

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NO NERFS! If anything lower the bleepbleep prices on training--esp., vehicle--but NO NERFS to abilities. My Jedi killed a Lightning spec sorcerer at the same level, so there. NERFing will be a bigger killer--as it has been in EVERY game these whiners play--than the over pricing and multi-elite mobs in solo class stories. First you'll nerf my sorcerer's dps, then the whiners will exclude me from groups because--of low dps--then...and then...and then...it really will be WoW. NN 4avr.
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I'm rank 55 sorc with 450 expertise and over 16k hp with BH buff. Operative can take me down to 20% within his initial rotation. After that there comes grenades, stun and I'm done. That's OP for you.


Sorcs/Sages are pretty strong yes. They have good damage mobility and CC. Sage/Sorc healers take some time to kill, but that applies to all healing class in this game. My advise L2interrupt.


So we have dps, mobility and CC. On the other hand we are squishy class without any meaningful burst. CC may look good on paper, but try go trigger happy with it and you have opponent with full resolve bar closing on you fast.


Bottom line. Play the class before ******** on it.

Bad troll is just bad.

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You will hear the same thing from me too... yes I play as both Sage and Sorc. I also play as an Operative, Sniper and Merc and I am getting there with my Powertech. So far, the Sage and Sorcerer seem pretty good, but when I come across one in a Huttball match or WZ, he is dead pretty quickly.

I guess you are playing a Jugg or Sentinel, or some other class where you get your as handed to you and you look ridiculous unless you have a good idea of how to play your class and exploit the weaknesses of your opponents?


when they are always the top 5 in every warzone something should set your ***** meter a buzzin.

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This thread again? Sorc/sage have too much burst? You don't know the class clearly. No offense but most of the rants against sorc/sage are so misguided it's bordering on laughable. "nerf such and such class because I don't know how to interupt, stun, or focus down a utility based class". Problem is you, not the class.
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Last night in ACW I won the game all by myself. I was on my Full heal spec Seer. I had all 8 of their team following me to each turret but they couldnt catch me because I was so fast. The only time they could do damage is when I stopped to cap the turret. The bads couldn't even interrupt my capping because of my shield that absorbs so much damage, not to mention the fact that I had 6 of them CCd the entire time. Their focused DPS barely scratched my health pool and I was easily able to heal through it with my super short healing spells that hit for 15k each. The only time I thought I was in trouble was when I almost ran out of force. Luckily I have a knockback, which I used and it pushed them all the way across the zone. When they finally managed to get back to me I used my superior DPS ablities to 1 shot each one of them in turn.
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