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Graphics Comparison: SWTOR vs LOTRO


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Agreed about many of the LOTRO enviroments looking better. I haven't played in a long while and have more than a few toons languishing on a couple servers but there were spaces which I remember as being breathtaking.


Not that those kinds of spaces don't exist on TOR. Coruscant in particular got a 'whoa' from me when I first saw it. I don't say 'whoa' on any regular basis ;)


(The one huge difference between LOTRO and TOR, personally? LOTRO will run just fine on my laptop. TOR? Not a chance- believe me I did try, and it was not pretty)

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Lotro's environments and gear are way better and it isn't even close.

SWtor Character models are way better and it isn't even close.


Yes and no.

If you could actually use the high rez texture's for people then it would look better, but you can't outside of conversations inside there own closed of instance.

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Compared to LotRo SWTOR graphics and engine blows.



In LotRo, with a decent computer, you don't see the grass nor the plants "growing" 10 feets around you.

The shadows doesn't look like
. BTW did you notice the weapons does not cast shadows either in TOR?

The textures doesn't look like pixelated either. In TOR even the textures used in cut scene looks pixaleted!

In LotRo you aren't limited to 2x AA and you can change a pletora of graphics settings, even the bloom level.

Finally in LotRo the world feels alive. It looks realistic. Even with day and night cycles each zone has its specific mood.

BTW almost forgot: not only the world isn't instanced but also you can have lots of characters running around without hitting 5FPS.

(edit) And LotRo runs in DX11 not DX9


All in all so much for cartoonish graphics that would work on a wider range of computers.

Edited by Deewe
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you know that LOTRO didn't launch with high res textures either


No. It didn't. It launched with everything they were capable of having at the time though. They didn't yank high res textures out of the game. They added in high res texture packs with DX 11 functionality, you know, improvements?


SWTOR had it, took steps backwards, and now is holding them safely locked away.


Not a good comparison.

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No. It didn't. It launched with everything they were capable of having at the time though. They didn't yank high res textures out of the game. They added in high res texture packs with DX 11 functionality, you know, improvements?


SWTOR had it, took steps backwards, and now is holding them safely locked away.


Not a good comparison.


Forum zombies don't know history, to them SWTOR is perfect in everyway. Nice job on correcting the inaccuracies but sadly this wont go far. Bioware did everything wrong with graphics possible but boy did they showcase those HighRez textures during Beta.

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IMO much of the scenery in LOTRO is done much much better. There is some jaw droppingly beautiful locations. The character models are nice and I'm sure that SWTOR with high Rez textures would win out but at the moment crisp graphics will always beat out the fuzziness of SWTOR. That being said, I am much more attached to my Guardian than. I ever was to my Warden.
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I see many players complaining in the forums that SWTOR's graphics are mediocre at best, and on par with 2005 games. I even read someone saying that the 2007 game, LOTRO, has better graphics and higher resolution character models.


I have subscriptions in both games and decided to take screen shots of my Jedi Sentinel and my Lore-Master. I combined both screen shots into one bitmap image using MS Paint.


Here it is below (Right click link and open it in a new TAB for full screen resolution. it's 6MB so might take a moment to load):




Now you can judge which games graphics look better. I think SWTOR looks better, and LOTRO looks dated. If I had a program like Fraps I could record a video of each character model rotating. When rotated the Jedi's model looks more three dimensional. When the light shines on his armor as he spins it seem polished and smooth, with three dimensional straps across the chest. The Lore-masters character model looks kind of bland and flat.


Both of these images were taken with the game on maximum settings and my GFX card set to highest quality.


Why are you comparing games that are 5 years apart?

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Here's the problem with TOR. I literally just spliced these together, no settings were changed, just the zone. (I went from fleet to fleet departures, not sure why it changed, but it did...) The image on the right still has some issues with it's visuals... but it's far more detailed, the visor is awesome!


Sadly, the left image is what we play with 90% of the time. For the longest time I did not know that my visor actually looked as good as it does on the right.



Edited by Nereves
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Forum zombies don't know history, to them SWTOR is perfect in everyway. Nice job on correcting the inaccuracies but sadly this wont go far. Bioware did everything wrong with graphics possible but boy did they showcase those HighRez textures during Beta.


I know. I played in the beta and thought everything looked great, then come the public beta weekend I said to my wife "Something is wrong, something is different." I couldn't place my finger on it because I never thought they would have yanked the high res..but they did. I'm, still blown away by this fact.


I unsubbed. Resubbed last week out of boredom, and have a sorc to 17. Don't think I'll play him anymore. :(

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Don't know why you need a video, it's night and day in the screenshot.


Yeah, the textures on the LOTRO guy's armor are night and day better.


LOTRO - land of walking dead, the npcs walk as if they have a load in their pants and have no expressions and use a restrictive animation engine. However character models are good and their armor textures stomp SWTOR into the ground.

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Both look great to me. Though I must say that LOTRO has some pretty low detail character models... epic landscapes though...


I was just in Balmorra yesterday and came across a pretty epic view of the scenery, wish I had taken a screenshot now. Nonetheless, SWTOR has some pretty epic scenery as well, I just wish we had true flying mounts and all/more of the terrain was explorable. But I'm honestly quite happy with where SWTOR is and will be for a long time I think.

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and to be honest.. it's kinda sad that the lotro gear has more detail than the swtor gear lol!


I don't care. Not a lick.


I'm playing SW and enjoying the game, the graphics, the promise it has. Could care less and would not waste a second worrying about it. In fact, I find it rather foolish, and something that the nitpickers are pulling out of their backside as a reason to be discontent with a good product. My feeling is that if it were not this it would be the number of pedals on the flowers outside some random building. LOL

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I know. I played in the beta and thought everything looked great, then come the public beta weekend I said to my wife "Something is wrong, something is different." I couldn't place my finger on it because I never thought they would have yanked the high res..but they did. I'm, still blown away by this fact.


I unsubbed. Resubbed last week out of boredom, and have a sorc to 17. Don't think I'll play him anymore. :(


Play him if you fancy the style. The game is fun up until you start the repetitive 50 grind of no content other than 2 easy breezy raids and Hutball.

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No. It didn't. It launched with everything they were capable of having at the time though. They didn't yank high res textures out of the game. They added in high res texture packs with DX 11 functionality, you know, improvements?


SWTOR had it, took steps backwards, and now is holding them safely locked away.


Not a good comparison.


psssst High res textures are still in the game. They are just used for cut scenes only.



You are right they where added in later as part of improvements. Sort of like how they are adding improvements continuesly to this game. Didn't they mention improvements to the graphics are coming in 1.2?

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I see many players complaining in the forums that SWTOR's graphics are mediocre at best, and on par with 2005 games. I even read someone saying that the 2007 game, LOTRO, has better graphics and higher resolution character models.


I have subscriptions in both games and decided to take screen shots of my Jedi Sentinel and my Lore-Master. I combined both screen shots into one bitmap image using MS Paint.


Here it is below (Right click link and open it in a new TAB for full screen resolution. it's 6MB so might take a moment to load):




Now you can judge which games graphics look better. I think SWTOR looks better, and LOTRO looks dated. If I had a program like Fraps I could record a video of each character model rotating. When rotated the Jedi's model looks more three dimensional. When the light shines on his armor as he spins it seem polished and smooth, with three dimensional straps across the chest. The Lore-masters character model looks kind of bland and flat.


Both of these images were taken with the game on maximum settings and my GFX card set to highest quality.


Check the outline of the head dude, same number of triangles.

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Make it SWTOR vs LOTRO vs GW2 (Closed) Beta.. The last one has the best (character creation) graphics for sure.


I'm not sure if I am allowed link this, but here it is:




HOLY COW! did you see that? He was playing the game, opened up a window and the game didn't freeze for a half second... when will TOR get this? I will pay good money to not have my game freeze when I open my inventory, character screen, get on or off my speeder, or god forbid have ANOTHER PLAYER enter my field of view. Which by the way is not an option under the graphics tab.


If they make a DLC for TOR that eliminates the things I listed above I would buy it. Wait, didn't I already buy this game?


John Riccitiello - "you must buy our games at least 3 times you fool!"

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I think we are focussing on the wot? and not the Why?


Why DID they revert to inferior graphics, shaders or whatever to make the game look a little worse than before. Why Why Why Why?


My theory is that in Beta the forums went HOT with flak as usual when people don't have the machines to handle high rez gfx. So people ranted. But honestly I thought we behaved rather well as we are doing now and made a few decent discussions and tweaking for fixes ourselves. Anyway that's my reason why in Biowares eyes this might BE a customer wide Fix.


I am also of the impression that there is code which can be inserted into config_settings.ini to up the graphics to beta goodness, so to speak. I just haven't found anything on the net. I'm pretty sure "it's out there".

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