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Graphics Comparison: SWTOR vs LOTRO


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I see many players complaining in the forums that SWTOR's graphics are mediocre at best, and on par with 2005 games. I even read someone saying that the 2007 game, LOTRO, has better graphics and higher resolution character models.


I have subscriptions in both games and decided to take screen shots of my Jedi Sentinel and my Lore-Master. I combined both screen shots into one bitmap image using MS Paint.


Here it is below (Right click link and open it in a new TAB for full screen resolution. it's 6MB so might take a moment to load):




Now you can judge which games graphics look better. I think SWTOR looks better, and LOTRO looks dated. If I had a program like Fraps I could record a video of each character model rotating. When rotated the Jedi's model looks more three dimensional. When the light shines on his armor as he spins it seem polished and smooth, with three dimensional straps across the chest. The Lore-masters character model looks kind of bland and flat.


Both of these images were taken with the game on maximum settings and my GFX card set to highest quality.

Edited by Gilbara
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You should of picked 2 pics in similar backgrounds... etc..

and its hard to compare graphics with pics like this.


Also.. the character selection screen doesn't really show off either games graphics.


and to be honest.. it's kinda sad that the lotro gear has more detail than the swtor gear lol!

Edited by Talsalus
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You took the words right out of the OP's Mouth .. he said vid would have shown better how the graphics are not nearly as good in LOTR ..


There is also the big fact of facial Features while dialog is played that does not happen in LOTR .. star wars characters Frown ... they knit their brows ..they show suprise and anger and sorrow.


I think that SWTOR has done an outstanding job with character models and they way they move in the scene.


Of course video will highlight the differences much more. I would like to see side by side comparison of the way cloaks and cloth items move in both games. I would wager SWTOR has more realistic movement as the characters move.


Look at the background in the ship .. everything is crisp and clear .. look at the background in the lotr pic . it is all blurry and pixled his clothes show no 3d on the lotr avatar .. you can see on the jedi buckles .. straps .. little items added over clothing are 3d have volume are sitting ON Top .. lotr is just a line drawn on a flat mat.


How people can look at those two pics and say Lotr is near as good is beyond me .. and I have old eyes.

Edited by Gildersleeve
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You took the words right out of the OP's Mouth .. he said vid would have shown better how the graphics are not nearly as good in LOTR ..


There is also the big fact of facial Features while dialog is played that does not happen in LOTR .. star wars characters Frown ... they knit their brows ..they show suprise and anger and sorrow.


I think that SWTOR has done an outstanding job with character models and they way they move in the scene.


Of course video will highlight the differences much more. I would like to see side by side comparison of the way cloaks and cloth items move in both games. I would wager SWTOR has more realistic movement as the characters move.


Look at the background in the ship .. everything is crisp and clear .. look at the background in the lotr pic . it is all blurry and pixled his clothes show no 3d on the lotr avatar .. you can see on the jedi buckles .. straps .. little items added over clothing are 3d have volume are sitting ON Top .. lotr is just a line drawn on a flat mat.

How people can look at those two pics and say Lotr is near as good is beyond me .. and I have old eyes.


The issue is that these graphics are only available on the title screen and cutscenes. They are not what you see when playing. No doubt SWTOR has better texture work, but it's completely obscured once the texture compression starts.

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Look at the background in the ship .. everything is crisp and clear .. look at the background in the lotr pic . it is all blurry and pixled his clothes show no 3d on the lotr avatar .. you can see on the jedi buckles .. straps .. little items added over clothing are 3d have volume are sitting ON Top .. lotr is just a line drawn on a flat mat.


The background in the lotro pic isn't how the town looks like in-game. What is seen there is basically a low-res screenshot that is used as background in the character selection screen.

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It's not fair to use the character select screen as that doesn't show how the characters actually look in the game.


. . .star wars characters Frown ... they knit their brows ..they show suprise and anger and sorrow.


I think that SWTOR has done an outstanding job with character models and they way they move in the scene. . .


Yeah, they did do a pretty good job with facial expressions and movements during the cutscenes (save the constant clipping of eyeballs through cheeks, lightsabers being held by the light instead of the hilt, lekku vibrating for no apparent reason, capes flapping despite the lack of wind and the occasional character holding empty air while their weapon remains floating on their back/at their side).


EDIT: After re-reading this post, I realized that it came across quite sarcastic with the giant list of minor glitches. Generally speaking, I really do believe that Bioware did a great job with the cutscenes.

Edited by Nymaeria
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Well... majority of these were taken in 2007 when I used to play a bit with a 8800 GTS - no where near top end so I imagine it looks a lot better with ultra high settings on.


I do not think there is much comparison - both games offer their own style of artwork.


2007 - 8800 GTS 640 Meg














When I get my system up and running this weekend - I'll may log in and post an updated image.

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The GFX card is hardly top of the line... and that might be High... but Lotro offer 5 levels of graphic quality on most settings... Ultra High is the best and looks a lot better than that.

Additionally he the screen shot is highly biased... he doesn't have Distant Imposters nor DX10 Distant Landscape checked off... otherwise the background would not be blurry.


If you have a cheap graphics card... it probably doesn't matter which game is better... they will look about the same.


If you use one of the better ones, ATI 5870 or better... some of the facial features are slightly better in SWTOR but overall Lotro is better... and with better options. It's a lot easier to tailor the video to what you want vs SWTOR.


SWTOR has ~12 graphic settings to tailor your video with most being a High/Low option

LOTRO has 37+ graphic settings with 5 options Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Ultra High

The math isn't that hard.

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I'd rather look at something clean and simplistic than something with a lot of detail but

very full of hard edges and lack of smoothness. I prefer SWTORs graphics. Lotros meshes

don't look like they fit onto the models naturally - which is outdated.

Edited by Kuvi
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Need more comparison shots, lotro environments are arguably better looking than swtor.




and to be honest.. it's kinda sad that the lotro gear has more detail than the swtor gear lol!


That will be remedied, SW:ToR has better graphics, it's simply not utilizing them at the moment.

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What about animations, and particle effects?


Are these things not important to people, or do they just want pretty scenery? Pretty sure TOR animations and particle effects destroy Lotro. I haven't played it in awhile though so maybe it doesn't "destroy"

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I'm a Lifer in LotRO. LotRO's character graphics have *always* been an issue. It's their world graphics that are top-notch, but their character graphics are copied over from DDO, and suffer for it. Note: I'm just speaking character avatar (face/hair)... the armor is pretty good, and the environments are fantastic.


Also, yes, you're comparing SW:tOR's high-resolution character graphics (which are not actually IN THE GAME at the moment) with LotRO's weakest point. Not a good comparison.


But it's difficult to compare the two games. Different art styles, and all that. I have complaints and praises for both.

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Both games have their high and low points graphically. I prefer things such as the animation, the models (minus the low res textures) and some of the lighting from TOR. At the other end of it lotro has far better texture detail in many areas and dx10/11 options. It was a bit strange to see a new game with fewer graphical options than a game that came out nearly 5 years ago.


I'm sure over time they could adjust TOR's engine like other mmo's have but it should have been at that point from release.

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i have a lifetime sub to LOTRO


its a lovely game (with a very good raiding game if that's your thing) and a great community (mostly because there is basically no PvP and/or enemy faction imo)


OPs screenshot is sadly let down by epic beard failure :(


there are things both games do better. physics (as in cloth and Twi'leks tentacles) for example are better in swtor. directx 10 support is maybe better in lotro i dunno.


a great many zones do not make for as impressive as screenshots as Lake Evendim and its probably best not to mention the Dwarfs of Morias voice acting...

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