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Diplomacy Bugged: No Dark Side Grade 2 Medical Supply Missions


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I've done I have no clue how many grade 2 Diplomacy missions trying to get the list to refresh and no matter what I do it's always 2 light side missions and 2 dark side missions. The light side are the only ones with the medical supplies and the dark side are the only ones with companion gifts.


So... uh... I'm guessing that can't possibly be right. I have to sacrifice LS/DS standing in order to make stims?

Edited by Gankstah
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I finally got a Grade 2 Medical Supply DS mission. I don't know how many times the mission list had to cycle but I can say, without exaggerating, it had to have been at least 5 maybe 6 dozen times. At least. It cycled enough for me to go from 80BC/80BA/80DIP to 110BC/150BA/90DIP before I finally got a DS Med Supply mission.


Something is not right with the tier 2 Diplomacy missions.

Edited by Gankstah
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I'm having exactly the same problem and I really hope it's a bug rather than feature. Planted a ticket yesterday and at least it disappeared from the active tickets list so hope they at least noted it. It would propably be helpful if others submit tickets about this case if they are having the same issue.
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Could you give us the following information ? Maybe it's gonna help others to help you out


1 - Your current level

2 - Your current "Diplomacy" level


Thanks ;-)


I had the same problem with Archeology but I realised after a while that I wasn't high enough and the missions I was taking was giving next to no Skill Point so I wasn't going up. After a while I realised the different "level" of Missions and so I started to do the hard one and getting more choices after a while...


Some missions gets too low for you so doesn't give you any skill point anymore

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I noticed this behaviour as well when doing light side missions.


After a while the only light side options I have is companion gifts. I would either do a bioanalysis mission or get me some gifts.


If I got gifts I would nearly always have a whole bunch more crafting item missions next time round.


Not sure if thats a bug or intentional, I believe its intentional, it takes work to be dedicated to light/dark side, doing both as necessary is easy.

Edited by LongGui
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to bring this back cause it's bugging me too.


Level 1 Diplomacy never have more than two Medical missions and 2 Companion Gifts on LS, I don't do the DS missions. When I have done the Medical ones I'm basically done crafting for a pretty long time if I'm making blue meds.


Do I need to clear the LS Companion Gifts to get more Med missions?


Is this a bug?

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This is a bug. I'm at level 20, diplomacy level 97, and I can't craft biomec anymore because there is no dark side missions for medical supplies. I've crafted more than 40 companion gifts and I can confirm there is less than 1% chance of getting a dark side medical supplies mission, making the profession completely unbalanced.


Grade 1 missions were always paired (light side and dark side got the same reward in missions, although there was the very rare case were they wouldn't match). This is not an issue of "level not high enough", as our level is high enough to access grade 2 missions.


Please fix this bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone know what is going on with that matter? i'm trying to level Diplomacy and i need medical supplies grade 2, which are only available from Light Side missions (i'm a DS sith)


is this normal, meaning that we need to watch out what missions to do (and balance by doing DS missions) or is it a bug?



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I don't think it's bugged because I see the same things occurring, only for Light Side.


I'm doing tier 1/tier 2 right now, and most of the time I get 4 DS missions, including those for Medical Supplies, and 1 LS mission for Companion Gifts. When I get several LS missions, they tend to be all for Companion Gifts. Once I spam a few gift missions, I tend to get maybe 1 medical missions.


I wonder if it's fully random or if it somehow self-adjusts to make our lives hard, based on our alignment.


I also only got 2 Alien Bloods, although I'm not worried right now because I can't even finish the few blue medpacks and stims I made for myself and my friend. I am a bit worried for the future, though, if the drop rate for Diplo epic mats is abysmal. I seemed to get epic mats a bit more easily from UT at the same level.

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It's not a bug it's random, and you are unlucky. If you want to level it easily you'd have to do both light and dark missions, if you only want to do one you are making it harder for yourself.


Diplomacy is the only one that provides LS/DS points, if you are doing it for the points then the downside is you'll have to wait for the LS/DS options to be available.

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My issue with diplomacy right now is that I have spent thousands on tier 1 and have only gotten 4 alien blood samples (with about 180 biochemical agents). I cant make any reusable stuff!


Same here, and it's realy starting to bug me.


As far as dark side missions not showing up, I'd have to agree with the people who said it's just bad luck with the random number generator. I've opened the missions up several time and only had dark side missions. I just close it out and try again 5 - 10 minutes later and there is usually a few light side ones by then.

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Its random so do 1 or 2 LS and you will get some DS ones again.. dont worry about losing darkside points I was Dark V by L36 even doing LS missions when no DS ones were there.


Or if you have DS gift missions do them until you get a DS medical as the gifts will be useful for your companions anyway

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The solution is simple: If you dont have any dark\light side tier 2-3-4-5 missions for medical supplies-> Have 1 of your comps do a mission.

Upon completion of his mission, you will be granted a new cycle. If your skill barely hits the requirement for tier2 missions, you will not be eligeble for the complete cycle of missions, and this will lower your chance of getting any med. supply missions.


For epic missions results->Level your skill to the max of the tier, and you will be granted rich\bountiful missions. These missions will(provided you have some luck) give you epix, enabling you to craft your re-usables.





Maxxed your level for the diplomacy tier 3, and still no med supply mission? Send 1 companion on a lvl 1 companion gift mission. 3 min cycle reset for 100 bucks.

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