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Are people forgoing lvl 50 PVP for 10-49 pvp?


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I'm just playing the game as its intended. Well i could say all I see are perfect exanples of lazy self-entitled mmo players who cannot be bothered to tough it out, and would rather berate geared people instead if gettingo n with it. I mean sure some of you don't fit into that catergory but if you are just going to stereotype and make assumptions about me then I can do the same.


It doesn't take long to get gear, only thing stopping you is you, not me. Take a deep breath and try and see people have different points of view instead of repeating the same, "you farmed low levels crap. I played against all levels 10-50, I didn't have a10-49 bracket, so you have the advantage if not facing any 50s and it's not fair to me :)

Same stupid logic, what u need is crafted pvp sets , removal of expertise makes it a nightmare to balance, stop and think about it instead of wishing this game is something it is not. It is what it is.


No one cares that you levelled faster, they are annoyed that you were given your gear while we now have to fight geared 50s to get ours, its a joke and wed rather just play the 10-49 tier since we can be on equal footing without having to play 8+ hours a day.


We were not having fun being ungeared 50s against geared ones, you enjoy it as a geared 50 so grats, have fun, just don't expect to see us anytime soon without changes being made to expertise or how its aquired.

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People will stay with what is fun. 1 to 49 right now feels good. 50 pvp is getting mixed reviews. Ilum farming and win trading being ignored by Bioware (or accepted I should say and allowed to happen) isn't fun for those who focus on end game pvp.


Then enter the lack of roll-back or addressing the stupid 1.x patch here last week or whatever and it is doomed. People who play the game the way it was designed to be played, working their way through the various brackets is one thing. But when people take short cuts or exploit the game then there isn't anything left to do.


People "will" wait until something different or attempts to balance legal play (GW2) or go back to other MMO's that at least offer some form of consistent fair play exploit free (aka WoW / Arena's).


Right now the biggest flaw in Swtor is Ilum, trading, open communication, and lack of rollbacks.


Edit 1: No incentive to world pvp

Edit 2: No ranking system (in the works we know) - but this is tied to #1 above

Edit 3: Crappy client - can't support / render multi-characters on screen at once (compared to say a 2001 client that could support 300+ per battle, full effects, and less CPU (not to even mention GPU!)

Edited by Incendergel
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I work 44 hours a week. The game had been out 5 weeks. If you can't gear a 50 or put in a little time to pvp then that is your problem. You have a 10-49 bracket. I did not have a 10-49 bracket I faced 50s too. Screw everyone else? No you just go grind the valor and gear or don't. It's hard? So what? It will be the same for my alt. I mean really just man up!


No one is just going to nerf everyone else because you cannot be arsed to make an effort. The problem lies squarely with you, if you cannot even be bothered to play the system then dont, leave it to people that don't spend all day complaining on the forums.


"if you cannot even be bothered to play the system then dont, "


That's the simple point of this thread. No one wants to do on hard mode what the first wave did on faceroll mode. Speaking of feelings of entitlement it seems the first wavers feel it's the duty of everyone that comes after to pay dues that they never did by getting farmed for weeks while we do it the hard way. Um no either everyone pays the same or no one pays.

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No one cares that you levelled faster, they are annoyed that you were given your gear while we now have to fight geared 50s to get ours, its a joke and wed rather just play the 10-49 tier since we can be on equal footing without having to play 8+ hours a day.


We were not having fun being ungeared 50s against geared ones, you enjoy it as a geared 50 so grats, have fun, just don't expect to see us anytime soon without changes being made to expertise or how its aquired.


Then I don't expect to see you then really. I dunno what planet you are on if you think I was "given" gear, im still fighting and grinding for it against battlemasters, I don't even have full champion set, or even a centurion light sabre. I'm essentially out geared by many imperials, because the loot system is rng based.

I probably out gear you but there are lots of folk that outgear me to. I mean for one thing i play republic on a 4:1 imps to republic server, so do the math. What should I do about it? Fight on man, fight on.

Edited by PloGreen
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Then I don't expect to see you then really. I dunno what planet you are on if you think I was "given" gear, im still fighting and grinding for it against battlemasters, I don't even have full champion set, or even a centurion light sabre. I'm essentially out geared by many imperials, because the loot system is rng based.

I probably out gear you but there are lots of folk that outgear me to. I mean for one thupland play republic on a 4:1 imps to republic server, so do the math. What should I do about it? Fight on man, fight on.


oh your missing an item?


Were all missing an entire set of gear while we fight 50s in full champs or better gear.


I have zero desire to be stomped over by people who aquired their gear off my toon while he was levelling up, I'd rather keep rerolling and do the 10-49 league.


If the daily/weekly were for matches played there would be alot more of us in there as the only reason the fully geared people seem to be running them now is so their opponents cant finish their daily/weekly.

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level 50 pvp takes an hour or more to pop. 10-49 is nearly isntant


I am not sure if QFT or /signed is more appropriate, but I rolled some alts because I want to actually play the game, not sit waiting for a queue to pop. The really need to unbracket lvl 50, and if gear is a problem, address that, there have already been a flood of suggestions, many from myself, about dealing with that. A WZ Lobby with options like no premades, no expertise, choosing which warzone, etc. for instance. BW just has to decide what they intend to do if anything.

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oh your missing an item?


Were all missing an entire set of gear while we fight 50s in full champs or better gear.


I have zero desire to be stomped over by people who aquired their gear off my toon while he was levelling up, I'd rather keep rerolling and do the 10-49 league.


If the daily/weekly were for matches played there would be alot more of us in there as the only reason the fully geared people seem to be running them now is so their opponents cant finish their daily/weekly.


THEN DON'T DO IT...are you going to cry about how all the raiders that have raid gear and you don't that somehow you should be given some? guess what happens if you enter a raid with ppl that are geared? they will be carrying your ***, but no problem there right? or should you be entitled to something else as well?


how is this an issue is beyond logic. there's always a bigger fish dude get over it.

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I've enjoyed PvP so much more since the level 50s got their own bracket. I have 2 40+ characters right now and it's great knowing I can at least dent the hp of anything I come across. You would think Bioware would have learned the lesson Mythic did when they introduced gear far more powerful than what the average level 50 had. People don't like getting stomped due the fact they have a life and can't farm valor/artifacts all day to get the uber gear necessary to even compete. They'll find the fairest PvP they can and stick with that because you don't need a million hours invested in farming to compete. I already have plans for more alts once I cap my 2 current characters and I don't think I'll be playing them much until Bioware gets it's head out of it's %&! and either make expertise craftable mods that are just as good as the ones on the pvp gear or does away with expertise all together. I'd prefer a combination of both (craftable high end mods but no expertise on any gear) so I can mod gear I like the look of and don't have to look like I'm part of the Brazilian Carnival.
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Game "HAD" potential but again BW isn't paying attention much. 10 - 49 will be fine for most because of the cheating going on around places like Ilum. Then the RNG and gear debate (while not a huge issue for me) I gues it does rattle some peoples chains.


Potential though - just think:


Faction must control something per planet - GAME wide - not server if population is a issue. Upon control it opens up something which you can enter at your own risk for better rewards, crafting materials, and world bosses. If you choose to stay you fight or hide. Otherwise you will die...unless you log out.


Space...the final frontier. Open it up to PvP and tie it to classes. Smugglers and bounty hunters. Mining, crafting, etc. However, the zones are open and free for all. Choose your side to stay or work together. Pirates and bounties on players. Weekly stats, etc. Ship upgrades are what they are. You either buy them, make them, or risk going out into deep space on your own and fight to survive. Could also group.


Hell - perfect for alliances among guilds. Again don't tie it to factions since we can already cross faction talk. Would be huge and one up Eve... You have space, you have ground, and you make it fair.


None of this stupid @ss Ilum group hugging that is going on and breaking the game.

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What am I supposed to do stop playing so you can catch up?


not even sure why you keep posting in this thread? we know you enjoy 50 pvp and think we are all wussies for playing the 10-49 bracket instead of starting the 50 grind, great.


the point of the thread is to see how many people are forgoing the 50 bracket because of how badly the deck is stacked against us since the latest patch. Evidently lots of people...22 pages or smthing and growing.

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I'm really hoping for a 'turn xp off' feature before I hit 50. If I don't get it, I'm rolling an alt specifically for <49 pvp.


Been doing it as a hybrid tank spec, and it's just *so* much fun. I see all of these complaints on the forums, but I don't really experience that with the <49 bracket.

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ITT: People who got butthurted by geared 50s whine that they don't have any expertise gear.


Guess what, expertise geared players also happen to pop on YOUR team, and carry you through your 3 victories, 3 victories needed per day to get one free champ bag.


Also, protip: gear doesn't account for skill and teamplay. A full BattleMaster geared guy can't rambo his way through the ennemy team like mince meat :cool:



Tl,dr :

Stop being a sithead and man up, it like this in every gear progression based game. No one will regret you. Maybe L2P and/or L2keybind :confused:

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ITT: People who got butthurted by geared 50s whine that they don't have any expertise gear.


Guess what, expertise geared players also happen to pop on YOUR team, and carry you through your 3 victories, 3 victories needed per day to get one free champ bag.


Also, protip: gear doesn't account for skill and teamplay. A full BattleMaster geared guy can't rambo his way through the ennemy team like mince meat :cool:



Tl,dr :

Stop being a sithead and man up, it like this in every gear progression based game. No one will regret you. Maybe L2P and/or L2keybind :confused:




What I'm reading here is: "Anyone that doesn't come and get farmed by my gear sucks and is a wuss".

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THEN DON'T DO IT...are you going to cry about how all the raiders that have raid gear and you don't that somehow you should be given some? guess what happens if you enter a raid with ppl that are geared? they will be carrying your ***, but no problem there right? or should you be entitled to something else as well?


how is this an issue is beyond logic. there's always a bigger fish dude get over it.


Raiders didnt get their gear off of me then once they were fully geared told me that to get my gear I had to fight them and not just fight them but win or else be stuck in a loop where I couldnt advance my toon.


The 10-49 bracket lets us just pvp to pvp, get some nice gear as a bonus, but its not required for a chance to win, the lvl 50 bracket is now just a way for geared players to stop others from gearing up, somehow this is fun for them so grats, you can have that bracket all to yourselves.

Edited by Seriasx
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It was more a response to the guy calling me a coward for playing the game before him really, I'm not saying your scared as such (bad term, oversight on my part) but people are calling me out for basically playing the game how it was made. It's not my fault the game released with no brackets, its not my fault that I got to 50 before some of the people here. I keep hearing advantage this and advantage that, listen for one I rolled republic not empire, and let me tell you if people think I have not faced well geared opponents who completley outgear me you are completley wrong. The game was bracketed to stop "low level farming", and it was a good move I agree, because not only was it unfair to the low levels, I kind of got sick of being stuck in a battleground with clueless rambos (to be frank).


Anyway I feel i must elaborate a little since there is so many people making assumptions about people at level 50, so this is not a response to anyone in particular but a general one.


Some of you seem to think I started the game at level 50, it took me over 3 weeks to get there ( 7 days play time), I skipped no class content, work 44 hours a week, did space missions and warzones mainly. I was no where near the first batch of 50's to ding and I fought champion ranked people just as you do now. If you don't believe me I don't care, this is how it was. Things got worse for the lower levels in facing 50's so they bracketed it, good move, i was for it myself. Most days empire were rolling republic and they had the first 50's on my server. In no way would I consider myself hardcore, this game is pretty casual friendly and getting to 50 is very fast.


The gear is completley rng based with the bag system, you really have to put an awful lot of time to get the gear and you are not guaranteed to get it, so im not even full champion geared yet (around 511 expertise).


But this notion that "all us 50s farmed low levels" to get battlemaster and thats why we have an advantage is just so childish. Sure i killed alot of em, you know they are there its nothing personal - i dont give a damn if you are a level 50 or 15 if you are on the opposing team, I will try to kill you - since that is the point of pvp, but im not really looking at the level of the player to be honest, most of the time I was a healer anyway.


Im facing level 50's now with decent gear which is kind of what i expected at 50 :D. Some of them with a decent amount of expertise, some outgear me, some do not. Most of the time, empire outgear us all, but you know what? If they brackted valor I would not particularly care to be quite honest, as long as the queue times were unaffected. I enjoy pvp and I accept that people will outgear me, out play me - this is the nature of the beast after all.


What i wont accept is a chunk of the population expecting us to have our gear removed because they dont have it, that is not a solution to fix the issues you are having, that is punishing Peter to please Paul. If they want to throw you a bone in terms of craftable pvp sets etc im not against that all, because contrary to what some of posters on here think I'm not into pvp because i "want to farm low levels" or "maintain an advantage".

Quite frankly i could not give a damn, if you are in equal gear, better gear or worse gear. You are an enemy and I will fight you, even if I die. This is why I have 55 valor, not because I farmed low levels all day (i met a mixture of all levels tbh, and we did not win every game, far from it) but because I play pvp more often than anything else, and because I started the game day one of early access (3 weeks later to ding 50).


So I understand that you feel like we had a leg up over some of you I get that point of view, I do have a gunslinger alt after all. But some of you also need to understand that you can't just destroy all that progression because its hard for you, how is that even remotely fair to us that put the time in? You can't just keep asking devs to keep nerfing this, or removing that because you are finding it dificult to compete. At some point you are going to have to fight it out like everyone else, and those that stick it out will be rewarded, and those that dont will throw up their arms in frustration and blame the player, not the game. Thats what im getting from this thread, an awful lot of vent and anger at me for playing the game as it was released. Is it my fault you did not ding 50 before me?


It does not take that long to get a decent amount of gear to be competitive, but gimping battlemasters or champion ranked people so you can fight them is just the most silly solution, they got their gear playing the game before you, and thats just how it is, its not their fault anymore it's not the empires fault ilum is the mess it is.


You can keep bracketing things until queues are just ridiculous, or you can jump in, man up, get on with it and profit in the long run, it just takes time. This is the cold truth of it, and as difficult as it is to stomach this is the way of pvp and this is the model the devs went with. I did not make this model! Neither did my fellow 50's, geared or not so well geared.


I'm not against anything that makes it easier for you to compete other than rolling back my progresssion - thats not fair to me, and if the shoe was on the other foot, you would feel exactly the same as I do. On my server most empire farm republic because of the numbers difference but there is nothing you can do but try and get more geared to compete.


Suggest changes that benefit everyone, if you can come up with a system that rewards time and skill with gear whilst making it so that new players can compete with people that earned their gear then lets hear it. So far all I have seen is people expecting us to suffer because you got to 50 later than me. Kind of renders the whole concept of mmo's, levels and gear progression pointless if you ask me.


What is this I don't even




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What I'm reading here is: "Anyone that doesn't come and get farmed by my gear sucks and is a wuss".


ROFL, even with only orange gear wih just two mods equaling 50 expertise, I still owned LV50 in champion gear.


Get real man. I dunno, suck it up. Game is not hard except if you keyboard turn and get roflstomped cause of lack of teamplay maybe ?


And I play Marauder, not the best solo classe heh :(


Sad to see people in awe to be Lv50.


I was eager to, I planned it with 1000 tokens of each and an already bought bag... If you use your brain you can win even if your muscles aren't up to par with your opponent you know.

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Ive had quite a few conversations with people saying that they prefer to do pre 50 PVP because its more fun and dont really care about the gear.


Just wondering if others have seen this trend?


It seems they are and the are also running premades and learning how to exploit the bolster mechanics. The first few days (week?) since the bracket split was great. Now the games seem either auto-win or auto-lose.

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Have a sorc at level 46, totally stopped questing and just do pvp on her, if she does make it to 50 i will stop playing her and make another alt for the 10-49 .


Level 50 pvp not intrested thanks.


you can quit right before it ends and gain no xp. stay 49 forever.

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It seems they are and the are also running premades and learning how to exploit the bolster mechanics. The first few days (week?) since the bracket split was great. Now the games seem either auto-win or auto-lose.


Can't say I've seen too much of this outside of Huttball. You can usually tell which team will win huttball after just a couple of minutes.

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Seriously, give your character the best gear at 49. Own people and quit the warzone before the match is over. I've seen people do it.


Here is the ability to turn of xp that many seems to ask!give it time and the pre 50 bracket will be full of twinks, unplayable if you arent one of them!

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