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Are people forgoing lvl 50 PVP for 10-49 pvp?


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Personally, I'm disgusted with the pvp changes. I do not like a 50's only bracket, as not only is the wait time too long, but there's no chance to show off. Perhaps if Inter-server pvp was possible, then it would fix it and 50's pvp would be fine, but as is....I'm rapidly lose interest in the Top End PVP bracket.



"Show off" ?


How by trouncing under geared lowbies? How lame how insipid can you be?

Edited by Wyrdstar
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Funny story: I'm on Khoonda Militia which is an average/low pop server and like all the others, if you join a PUG there's a good chance you get rolled. So me (39 commando) and a few others I met joined a group.


1 guy in our group was a lvl 49 and was wrecking the other team. We won about 10 games straight before him having to leave for the night. Unfortunately, he had bad news in addition to logging for the night: He was a mere 10k xp from hitting 50. So sad I won't be able to play with him for another 10 (long) levels.

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People like the 1-49 bracket not because expertise ruins pvp, but because they don't like getting owned by people who are better at the game then them.


That would be true if the lvl 50 bracket PvP was skill based, but it's not. It's gear based. Go play a game like Battlefield 3 if you want to see a game that is truly skill based. LVL 50 PvP is gear based, and that ain't everyone's cup of tea. It's certainly not mine.

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Your right, and there are plenty of "battlemasters" on my server who suck, and are easy to kill in pvp.


However the people who own in the 50's bracket are the best players on the server, and that playing alts all the time and avoiding to 50's bracket is like playing the game on easy.


I like getting my but kicked by the top players. When that happens to me I don't say "omg, this is so dumb, that guy only won because he has no life and got all the gear by blah blah blah blah." I say "One day Im going to be the one tea bagging that sob."


Unfortunately, people like to cry. They play a mmo and complain that people with more time have better gear...Really? That is like me saying "I logged into a WZ on my level 10 and got destroyed. No way should a level 40 be able to kill me that easy just because he has more time to level." It is ridiculous.


My issue at this point is the gear gap. Make cent gear easier to get for the guys just hitting 50, problem solved. People will stop crying about the 50 bracket sucking and screaming for nerfs because they got destroyed in a few seconds by a guy in full BM, while they where wearing craptastic level 40 PvP gear.


To answer the question the op asked. I love the 50 bracket. I am in BM and the majority of competent sith guilds are also in BM. I took my thumps and earned my gear. On the Fatman server, I do not have to wait hours for my wz's to pop. 5-10 minutes is a long time usually. It is 3:50 am on a east coast server and I just played a wz and was queued up with 2 other guys for about 5 minutes, tops. If I want, I can get my weekly wz's out of the way in one good session of playing, as long as most of the wins register...

Edited by Beyaco
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I think this is the saddest thing I've ever seen anyone say about pvp. Difficult it may be, but refusing to ding level 50 is like putting a quarter in a pac man machine but then refusing to play because it's too hard. It's just....why even bother playing if you refuse to play the real game?


That's a terrible analogy. A better analogy would be, "that's like putting a quarter in an arcade machine and only playing the first level, because the second level sucks."

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they could add another bracket-call it mixed bracket where lv50s can fight lower lv players.

but everyone is able to choose the bracket, so people can decide which lv group they want to play with.


All I want is a "Casual Bracket", where gear is a non-factor, and everyone's stats are predetermined based on class, and the rewards for this bracket are cut in half, or even into a third. I don't care how much the devs diminish the rewards, I just want to have fun.

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Got my Powertech to 50 in the middle of last week. Tried PVP for like 10 games. Got COMPLETELY wrecked in each of them (I did get medals though for guarding and damage but it sure wasn't fun...). Instantly rerolled and am now enjoying PVP on my alts.


It wouldn't be so bad if the blue pvp expertise gear that was buyable with credits was still in the game, but they removed that a few days after headstart... dunno why, it really is NEEDED to give fresh 50s a fighting chance.

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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No they're not the best players, they're just the best geared, and since bw have nerfed warzone xp, valor, pvp gear costs, gear drops on bm bags and ilum, there's no way any of us can expect to compete with them unless we want to grind for 6 months, and 6 months from now all f us who like pvp will be playing gw2 not this heap of ****.


And they don't want new 50's to compete with they want new 50's they can farm.


Seriously guys don't ding 50, and if you do just re-roll a new alt, 10-49 is where the real competition is at and not a bunch of tards in ridiculously op bm gear.


This one speaks wisely. Its the gear that beats you at 50 not the player and they need to get away from that kind of thinking and it will make the game better.

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I play in both brackets and they have their pros and cons. On my server, the level 50 republic queues are fairly instant. Longest I've had to wait is maybe 2 minutes. I've experienced longer waits on my alts that are below 50.


50 bracket pros:


  • Games are more challenging and feels more competitive.
  • Run into a lot of the same players.
  • More intense fights. Higher armor rating and health prolongs fights.


50 bracket cons:


  • More battlemasters on opposing side. Maybe 30% win ration for repub on my server. You have to hope you get the right balance on your team when joining a random WarZone. It can be very frustrating at times.
  • Can feel like a tedious grind to get valor once you are past valor 50.
  • A lot of people quit early on when they suspect the team will lose.


As for the 1-49 bracket, it's refreshing to not worry about valor or being out-geared by your opponents.

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That is ridiculous excuse making.



Nope it's not. Expertise is a bs stat that allows those who have it to dominate. All they're waiting for is under geared 50's to farm .If it was even match absolutely but why bring a knife to a gun fight? Just so you can say you paid your dues? Got news for you. That first batch of lifeless power levelers didn't pay any dues like those that come behind have to pay. Everyone they fought was either lower level or at worst even level and even geared to them. All they had to do was sit on there fat nerd arse and run endless wz farming lowbies. Screw that farm some other fool I'll fight you in a game that has an even playing field. If they ever design one that doesn't cater to farmers and focuses on the fight.

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That's a terrible analogy. A better analogy would be, "that's like putting a quarter in an arcade machine and only playing the first level, because the second level sucks."


How about, this...


You loved to play the 1st level (10-49 bracket) over, and over, and over. You played it so much that you mastered it (dinged to 49 and destroys the majority of 10-30s). But, you don't want to play the 2nd level (50 bracket), because it takes to long (60 valor grind) and sucks (playing as a fresh 50 is equivalent to playing as level 10 in the other bracket) to finish...

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How about, this...


You loved to play the 1st level (10-49 bracket) over, and over, and over. You played it so much that you mastered it (dinged to 49 and destroys the majority of 10-30s). But, you don't want to play the 2nd level (50 bracket), because it takes to long (60 valor grind) and sucks (playing as a fresh 50 is equivalent to playing as level 10 in the other bracket) to finish...


No. I leveled my first character to 50 and did only a few warzones on the way up. That was before the brackets of course. I just played my first and only 1-49 warzone yesterday. It was awesome. I came at number one on my team. That's an awesome feeling I never get on my 50. The reason I was able to do that well is because everyone was at the same level, there were no players that were untouchable to me due to way outgearing me. Oh, and by the way, in response to you implying that I like 1-49 warzones because I "destroy the majority of 10-30s", I played on my trooper that is level 18. And I was destroying lvl 40s.

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yet a level 10 can go head to head with a lvl 49 and have a chance at winning... the player makes the difference not the gear.


The level 10 has bolster. Take the gear factor out of the equation and the same can be said for the 50 braket.

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The level 10 has bolster. Take the gear factor out of the equation and the same can be said for the 50 braket.


Yes thats true but a level 50 with 13k hp going up against someone with 24k hp is no contest and this is where the problem is... stop rewarding people with gear, reward them with charater skills and stats, the futher away from WoWs gear grind this game go the better it will become.

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Yes thats true but a level 50 with 13k hp going up against someone with 24k hp is no contest and this is where the problem is... stop rewarding people with gear, reward them with charater skills and stats, the futher away from WoWs gear grind this game go the better it will become.


Sorry must have misunderstood your post we agree on the point.

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Ive had quite a few conversations with people saying that they prefer to do pre 50 PVP because its more fun and dont really care about the gear.


Just wondering if others have seen this trend?


My brother lost interest playing my lvl 50 Mercenary after 3 days. Why ? Simple. Server is dead and you can't do anything except daily missions on Ilium.


There is no world PVP and only warzone you can do is hutball. And hutball 80% of the time drop in the middle because poeple quit it and then there is not enough people.

They could allow lvl 36-50 to play together (since after lvl 36 if I remember you have all skills except latest one) but they decide to put together lvl 50 with lvl 50.


It was probably because people in battlemaster gear are almost unbeatable by low lvl players. But it is the same for lvl 50. If you enocunter someone with battlemaster gear if you don't have it you will end up dead for sure in a warzone so it's just matter who have more players with BMG.


Difference is huge. I tried warzone playing as operative (my brothers character) and gues what. Operative was lvl 18 so there was no pvp gear on him. I encountered bounty hunter lvl +20 with PVP gear. I was hitting him with all I got for 2 minutes and at the end he heal himself and attack me (he was idle for almost 2 min on warzone). Backstab and other tricks just didn't work. I was dealing very low dmg.


So there is no point locking lvl 50 to lvl 50. There should be bigger range.

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In a word. Yes, 50 PVP sucks. Yeah they implemented brackets, but it was already broken for 50 at that point, people had already farmed ezmode valor/gear because the devs let it go on to long. I have been leveling my alt up mainly through PVP and actually having fun. By the time I hit 50 I will have 50 valor legitimately. Not because I farmed people half my level.


50 PVP bracket is the same 1-50 was before the bracket switch, the only difference is its now fully geared 50's farming ungeared 50's.


Bioware is going to continue to do nothing to fix it and really, what can they do other than wipe valor and remove gear from those who took advantage? That would make all those players butthurt and quit.


Its likely going to take a few months before it works itself out on its own.


What exactly did I take advantage of? I played the game from early access day one and got to level 50 in three weeks, skipping 0 class quests and playing warzones. I earnt my gear, faced higher valor ranked people and now I should have it removed? Why because I outgear you? Ridiculous, you got your 10-49 bracket, if you can't handle 50 pvp with a gear disparity for a week or two then don't play, but please don't advocate messing around with level 50 pvpers because you are not at that level.

It's you who is actually being selfish here, you want people brought down to your gear level when you are perfectly capable of achieving the same gear as all the people who outgear you. People talk about what is and isn't fair, but if you are not even prepared to face people that outgear you, you don't actually deserve anything other people have. Either man up like those that do or stick to your low level pvp, don't start messing with our game because you can't be bothered. Unbelievable.

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What exactly did I take advantage of? I played the game from early access day one and got to level 50 in three weeks, skipping 0 class quests and playing warzones. I earnt my gear, faced higher valor ranked people and now I should have it removed? Why because I outgear you? Ridiculous, you got your 10-49 bracket, if you can't handle 50 pvp with a gear disparity for a week or two then don't play, but please don't advocate messing around with level 50 pvpers because you are not at that level.

It's you who is actually being selfish here, you want people brought down to your gear level when you are perfectly capable of achieving the same gear as all the people who outgear you. People talk about what is and isn't fair, but if you are not even prepared to face people that outgear you, you don't actually deserve anything other people have. Either man up like those that do or stick to your low level pvp, don't start messing with our game because you can't be bothered. Unbelievable.


Here speaks the true coward of MMO's... you faced nothing but easy kills cause you got a head start and faught low levels.

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Here speaks the true coward of MMO's... you faced nothing but easy kills cause you got a head start and faught low levels.


I'm a coward? This thread is full of people scared to play level 50 pvp, I'm not even full battle master yet and meet people who outgear me all the tiime. I mean really it's my fault I played the game from day one and it was not bracketed.


Here is a dose of reality for you, I play the same game as you, have more than one toon and face the same situation. Ridiculous.

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What exactly did I take advantage of? I played the game from early access day one and got to level 50 in three weeks, skipping 0 class quests and playing warzones. I earnt my gear, faced higher valor ranked people and now I should have it removed? Why because I outgear you? Ridiculous, you got your 10-49 bracket, if you can't handle 50 pvp with a gear disparity for a week or two then don't play, but please don't advocate messing around with level 50 pvpers because you are not at that level.

It's you who is actually being selfish here, you want people brought down to your gear level when you are perfectly capable of achieving the same gear as all the people who outgear you. People talk about what is and isn't fair, but if you are not even prepared to face people that outgear you, you don't actually deserve anything other people have. Either man up like those that do or stick to your low level pvp, don't start messing with our game because you can't be bothered. Unbelievable.


What you had to face to get your gear and rank is kitty piss compared to what people face now so save the self righteous holier then thou I got mine ef you bs. You fought even ranked even geared even level or lower players you didn't have to face an the Iwin factor.

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Gear gap makes 50 extremely boring, Reps never win as well so I can't get commendations. 1-49 is balanced, I now have a Marauder... Pity my Guardian is stopped and every time I try I'm just basically one-shot at wz's.


"when you are perfectly capable of achieving the same gear as all the people who outgear you"


It became considerably HARDER after the last few patches, don't lie to yourself.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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I (usually) actually enjoy lvl 50 PvP. My server (Tarro Blood Republic side) has good pop rates even when we are grouped. 15 minutes or less, usually less. It is more fun than dailies. And I have ran so much of the story by now that I am more bored of it than anything else so I PvP low level too.


I DID almost STOP PvPing lvl 50 though. After Ilum was broken and I was going up against people with 20%-50% more HP (and like primary stats and tons of Expertise), it just was not fun. Go into a warzone to get your butt handed to you because you can't kill them due to superior gear.


In recent days, they have either started to fix the inflation from those abusing the system; or those players have stopped playing. I now rarely see anyone with more than 20% of my HP. People are killable and superior tactics actually mean something.

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What you had to face to get your gear and rank is kitty piss compared to what people face now so save the self righteous holier then thou I got mine ef you bs. You fought even ranked even geared even level or lower players you didn't have to face an the Iwin factor.


There is no situation in the game where you will face the same ranked players or the same level of gear until everone had battle master rank. Stop being a care bear.

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