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Are people forgoing lvl 50 PVP for 10-49 pvp?


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Level 50 pvp is so terrible I think I played 2 games before quiting and rolling an alt. I now have a lvl 22 commando AND a lvl 20 gunslinger. What if games weren't based on gear epeen so much and actually base on having fun and community, wait, seems like I heard of a game that's doing that and it's suppose to come out this year. Hmmmmm.



On a side note, gear in the lvl 10-49 bracket means almost nothing and it's the funnest part of the game for me!!!! Get a clue Bioware.

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I do a few 50 PVP matches each day, but they seem to come down to which side has a larger percentage of pre-mades. It sucks hard when you lose. It's only marginally less bad when you win.


The queues ARE slow though, and you can usually tell in the first few minutes who will win. With almost no rewards for playing and losing (or quitting midgame) it makes no sense to sit and get trounced for X minutes.


I can't complain about the gear differential. I have 5 Champ pieces and most of the rest Centurion. But my main is a Shieldtech. With armor/defense/shields/absorption almost useless in PVP (and me in full SUperCommando gear), I'd much rather play my Sniper in the 10-49 bracket. Win or lose, it's more enjoyable all the way around.

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I prefer the 50's brax tbh. In the 1-49 brax on my alts, a lot of players don't know what they're doing (more so than the 50 brax anyways), queue up at level 11 and spam their basic ranged attack, lack a lot of their abilities possibly causing one side to be imbalanced. I feel like I'm just n00bstomping in the 1-49. Capping a turret, scoring, or planting a bomb in the 50's brax feels so much more rewarding. People die much slower in the 50's brax and are generally more organized. I think that's a good thing.


So personally, no. I main a Shadow and I am not foregoing the 50's bracket for easier PvP.

Edited by kckkryptonite
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Level 50 queues are only about ~5-10 min, Im sure it varies from server to server but they are pretty quick for me.


But bioware messed up I think with the whole letting 50's destroy lowbies, reward them tons of warzone comms so they can get the gear super fast, then take 50's out and raise all the prices.


Kinda makes it unfair for all the new 50's. Or makes it really difficult to get the gear simply because you lose so much.


i mean getting jumped by an op and dying before I get up from his knock down is fun and all but I think they should have made brackets by valor level.

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