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Are people forgoing lvl 50 PVP for 10-49 pvp?


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On Zez-Kai Ell, there simply is no 50 PvP anymore.

Most 50s have switched servers or quit in frustration, what few remain are not enough. Even the overpopulated empire side doesn't have enough for a huttball match.


On Ilum we sometimes hold civilized duels and otherwise just share crate gathering, because who needs the fuss.


The 10-49 warzones are booming though. I won't get into the absurd claim that there's a higher average skill level involved, but at least it's action.

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Ive had quite a few conversations with people saying that they prefer to do pre 50 PVP because its more fun and dont really care about the gear.


Just wondering if others have seen this trend?


Yes. Currently taking my time enjoying a couple of new alts that I am leveling through warzones on both pube and imp side. I see no reason to actually hit 50 in this game.

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On Fatman there is plenty of huttball to go around but you always face pre-mades and they typically have great gear. Lower level pvp is a lot more evenly matched.


^^ exactly on my server too. I play my lvl17 alt now. So much more fun compared to lvl50 bracket. With so many 50s now on the high pop servers, people still wonder why the queues take so long....its cause alot of people stopped solo queueing.

Edited by Seurot
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level 50 pvp takes an hour or more to pop. 10-49 is nearly isntant


3 days ago, on a light pop server, empire side, it was more like 25-30 min queue.


Nowadays, it's more like 2min max. Well, if you queue AFTER 11am and before midnight.


And, in Ilum I saw twice more Republicans than Empire. SO I guess our serv isn't 5 times more Empire players than pub.


I enjoyed killing lv10-30 players with no effort at all and facerollin 6-0 in 5 min in HuttBall, now I ENJOY playing with skill against SOME players that give me a hard time. Much more interesting.

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I have pretty much retired my main. I haven't finished the pvp daily on him in a week, nor have I finished the weekly on him either.


Pre-lvl 50 PVP is super fun. Expertise gear ruins the fun factor of your game. I bet if you made a 50 bracket that turned expertise off people would flock to it en masse. The whole idea of PVP only gear that makes you incredibly dominant and nigh unbeatable in PVP once attained is a huge fail.


I have no interest whatsoever to get whooped for months just so I can compete. I'd rather play a lowbie alt. I am not the best player ever, but given an even competition I can kick a lot of ***. I won 6 matches in a row yesterday on my lvl 16 sorc just solo queing. A feat I could never ever accomplish on my server as my lvl 50.


Whoever your designer was that tried to sell you the idea of Expertise is completely wrong, has no ability to understand future gaming trends or the playerbase needs.

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I have pretty much retired my main. I haven't finished the pvp daily on him in a week, nor have I finished the weekly on him either.


Pre-lvl 50 PVP is super fun. Expertise gear ruins the fun factor of your game. I bet if you made a 50 bracket that turned expertise off people would flock to it en masse. The whole idea of PVP only gear that makes you incredibly dominant and nigh unbeatable in PVP once attained is a huge fail.


I have no interest whatsoever to get whooped for months just so I can compete. I'd rather play a lowbie alt. I am not the best player ever, but given an even competition I can kick a lot of ***. I won 6 matches in a row yesterday on my lvl 16 sorc just solo queing. A feat I could never ever accomplish on my server as my lvl 50.


Whoever your designer was that tried to sell you the idea of Expertise is completely wrong, has no ability to understand future gaming trends or the playerbase needs.


Pretty much this there's not much to do at endgame anyway and lvl 50 pvp is attrocious me and the hubby have both rolled alts and started enjoying lvl'n them.

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I am ABSOLUTELY forgoing lvl 50 pvp. I'm starting my 3rd alt so I can stay in the lower bracket.


I know that 50 pvp is going to consist of me grinding 1523346 warzones for the chance to get gear, and I'll just be meat until I do. No thanks.

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Ive had quite a few conversations with people saying that they prefer to do pre 50 PVP because its more fun and dont really care about the gear.


Just wondering if others have seen this trend?


I know many people doing this -- at least as a break from the train wreck that is Ilum.

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