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4 Hours for a PvP Game - Cross Server needed


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First off, my server nowadays is a Light/Standard pop server. Im a fan of the pvp in this game, but i can sit there all day waiting for a game... today i waited 4 hours before a game popped. Its like this every single day.


On our server, i play Empire, and on the Republic side theres absolutely nobody queues for games except for 1 guild of players who are a premade PvP guild. Games dont pop for us until this 1 Republic guild queue, and of course it doesnt last long with an 8 man pvp guild against a random queue.


So all in all, i either get no game, or i get to play in a pug against an 8 man pvp guild.


It absolutely is a horrible gaming experience and i will be moving on from this game unless cross server warzones are implemented, as im not prepared to reroll a high pop server with better queues because of the work ive put into my character.

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Vorskr server (PVE), I play from 9pm EST to about 4am EST


Avg. que time for 50 is about ... 4 minutes. It will slow down a little by 4am, but I'm generally able to PVP until I log. Can only speak for republic, my imp toons are not 50.


Avg. que time for 1-49 is instant on the republic, about 6 to 7 minutes before you get into a huttball game for the empire.


As much as I hate to say it, if your not too invested you might want to try a higher population server. Grass is MUCH greener.

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Is this BWs fault?!


Everyone wants to play Empire, and you complain about the reprecussions of your actions. It shocks me how idiotic some people can be.


If you don't like the que times on a server. THEN RE-ROLL republic. Problem solved.

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Is this BWs fault?!


Everyone wants to play Empire, and you complain about the reprecussions of your actions. It shocks me how idiotic some people can be.


If you don't like the que times on a server. THEN RE-ROLL republic. Problem solved.


Quoted for truth.

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Not to say your point is invalid, but I noticed on my medium pop server, sometimes my PvP queue will sit there way longer than normal (15 mins instead of 1 -2 mins). If I leave queue and re-queue, I instantly get prompted to enter battle.

Sometimes if I leave queue and re-enter a couple times, it happens faster.

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Is this BWs fault?!




Everyone wants to play Empire, and you complain about the reprecussions of your actions. It shocks me how idiotic some people can be.


Everyone wants to play Empire because of the way BW favored Empire during development and the way BW hyped Empire. They should have invested more creative talent and time and energy and hype in the Republic and less in the Empire.


BW lacked wisdom and foresight when they needed it the most. Now it's too late.


If you don't like the que times on a server. THEN RE-ROLL republic. Problem solved.


I for one tried Republic and couldn't stand the stories, the dialog, the voices, the companions, or the NPCs. They just aren't interesting. Problem not solved.

Edited by Tirithius
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I do not post this here to antagonize your point that i can really understand and i share the pain from past similar experience.


I feel that the server Q are very beneficial to my PVP WZ experience. I play republic and i have instant Qs. I do know the players in nearly every match and i know the ones i like to tag along with i know who i can pass to in Huttball. Server Qs really build a community while interserver Q do not bring this to the game. People dont meet often enough.


Cross server Q are not a very good solution to the actual problem ... Nearly all server are biased toward empire population wise. This will lead to cross server Q to have the same problem you have actually. The real solution would be to offer player a one time controlled cross from Empire to Republic for characters to their mirror class. You might not have to cross yourself but if enough switch this should fix part of the problem.


Part of the problem because the other part is that you are possibly on a PVE server with really low tolerance to PVP. This could be fixed by inter server Q but if you really care about PVP the better solution is to move to a PVP server where (in a distant future far far away ;) you might enjoy World PVP.

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Quoted for truth.


That's actually innacurate.


A high Empire population means more huttball, not longer queues.


They're either


1. 50 and don't have enough 50s on their server their side.


2. Are playing off peak times for their server.


3. Both 1 and 2 combined.

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Go reroll Republic then. You and the rest of you masses of Empire stacking players are the architect of your own misfortune.


You wanted easy wins through sheer numerical and game mechanic advantages, you got the consequences of that. Wrecking the feelings of server community so you can profit off of your own mistakes is unreasonable.


Fix your own problems, quit passing the buck to the rest of the community.

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cross server = same fail as wow, it might be nice vor casual player who do not care whom they are playing with or who their enemy is, but from my point of view exactly that (cross server) was the kill for wow, same as dungeonfinder.


Agree. Cross servers suck and ruin the whole experience of pvping on your own server. Games have different servers for a reason and it is not just latency.


Give it some time, I am sure Bioware will do some merges and offer some free transfers. Re-roll meanwhile - you chose the light server. I am playing a standard/light server and the Q times are not bad at all, and it is enjoyable to play with the same people repeatedly - just as it is enjoyable to do dungeons, heroics and flashpoints with people you have a high chance of playing with again.


Cross server/instant Q things are not the answer. IMO they should add warzone Qing stations everywhere instead of the jump right in mechanics that disrupt the cohesiveness of the game. How exactly did I get to the warzone?

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Go reroll Republic then. You and the rest of you masses of Empire stacking players are the architect of your own misfortune.


You wanted easy wins through sheer numerical and game mechanic advantages, you got the consequences of that. Wrecking the feelings of server community so you can profit off of your own mistakes is unreasonable.


Fix your own problems, quit passing the buck to the rest of the community.


While you are wallowing in the romance and pride of your predicament, don't forget that there are exceptions to every rule. Even in the Empire.

Edited by Tirithius
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