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Casuals cry Nerf to high skill cap players{HD Vid Evidence}


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Bioware didn't lie.


But imagine it like this


Say you have two factions, each plays 100 games, they both win 50% of the time


Faction A wins 75% of the time they face faction B


Faction A however faces it's own faction, and wins 50% of the time of those matches (since one has to lose and one has to win).


So if you have faction A playing 50 games against it's own faction, and 50 against the other faction.....you end up with a much "flatter" win ratio between factions than there actually is.


In fact you end up something around 62%. So if this is how Bioware interpreted the data, ie including the games of same faction, even if the win ratio was closer to 60-70%, it would end up "looking" about 12% closer to 50%.


Just purely made up numbers, but it shows how with statistics like this you can "bend the truth" without lieing, and if you ever get caught, you can just claim the figures were correct.

Edited by Vlaid
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I have HD evidence that you're making an epically pointless thread.


Real casuals are too casual to care about the hardcore players. Only a few whiney people are the ones whining, usually they are the ones who THINK they are hardcore players or secretly want to be hardcores, basically people with issues and children.


The devs have stated a bilionty times that they detect whiney *****es using their magical programming which detects trends in class balance (DPS, etc) to weed out the truth.


I'm definitely a casual and there are those of us who do care. We care because PvP is a nightmare for us. I don't have as much time to play as a lot of other people, and I don't have top-notch gear like so many PvPers seem to have. I'm slowly working on it, but it will take time. In the meantime, being successful in PvP is pretty much impossible for me.


I have been leveling a trooper on the side, and I jumped into a warzone as a level 18, and wow, was it a blast! I was even able to kill people over twice my level. The great thing about the non-level 50 warzone brackets is that most if not all the players are on the same page as far as gear goes. There was no one dominating because of their gear, it was 50% player skill and 50% strategy. Unlike the 50-bracket warzones, which are 75% gear, 20% strategy, and 5% player skill.


All I want is the option to queue for "casual warzones", in which gear is a non-factor, and the awards are cut in half. I just don't enjoy the current 50 bracket warzones because there's so many players I can't even touch. Am I asking for a lot?

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Peachless, Mercenary bodyguard (healer), Anchorhead... I've been on the receiving end of OPs sabers and it hurts, but I've healed through them at least once or twice :p


In all honesty though, other than premades from a few prominent Pub guilds (Power's included), I usually queue solo and still win when playing against Republic...


I don't know about 90% but I also don't know about 53% or whatever the other one is...


See you in the WZs :)

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Certainly shouldn't assume you're being lied to without basis - that's not skepticism, it's just out and out blind cynicism. And it renders you ridiculously wrong most of the time.


Especially when there's no possible motive to be lying.


But there is. Same as the government. If they show real numbers about poverty, unemployment and how bad the stuff actually is, people will get nervous and might do something about it. Bioware would also like to pretend it's all great. I mean... even WAR devs were speaking about "phenominal success" that their game was. Right... It's also the question of marketing. PvPers see that it's about even and think the game is balanced, so they buy the game just to be surprised.


Games (and many other things for that matter) aren't about quality of production anymore. All sorts of tricks to con people into buying and paying have at least as much impact on the game's success.

Edited by Gelich
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I hear they say that the back of a player on this game is 180 degrees or something. And thus, I'd think there would be even less need to move like that, since you have so much more room to hit from behind even with backstabs and everything.


A person cannot hit you if you are not in his line of sight so attempting to stay at his back most of the time is a mitigation of damage done to you so there fore you are able to get in attacks that he cannot respond to


so being at someones back is beneficial to all classes

Edited by Retro_Chrome
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A person cannot hit you if you are not in his line of sight so attempting to stay at his back most of the time is a mitigation of damage done to you so there fore you are able to get in attacks that he cannot respond to


so being at someones back is beneficial to all classes


Autoface takes that little thing right out of the equation. Melee has to stop moving to use it though.

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I believe its the most balanced MMO i've played, truly do.


I just don't want to see classes nerfed anymore after this patch for awhile until the bidding is done over the next few months.


I got some flak for releasing a vid in this spec, so I wanted to talk to people about it


9/10 hardcores agree that if your resolve bar is empty then you're playing against bads.


Just saying, that whole vid is scenes you picked where no one is even targeting you or trying to root or knock you back. Any DPS spec looks amazing when no one tries to CC you at all. Well, except for sniper/slinger thanks to guard + shield absorb :(.

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Autoface takes that little thing right out of the equation. Melee has to stop moving to use it though.


Auto-facing only auto-faces you in their direction with channeled. You have to be facing in the general forward direction of a target to start a cast time or instant ability, those won't auto-face you if they are behind you.


Hence if a shadow is behind me, I can hit full auto to auto-face them, but I can't use charged bolts to auto face them unless they are in my forward arc.


It's late but I'm pretty sure that's right.

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Everything is pro with a healer on your back. The only time i did over 250k damage in **** gear as a Veng Jug was when I had a pocket healer.


I'm not saying he's wrong but you can't say much about balance and casuals when you got a healer glued to your ***. And considering how idiotically easy healing is, yeah, people might get the idea they are good.


My point was that in other posts he refers to Shadow as a very underpowered class, whilst in the post I quoted he speaks of 'abusing OP classes'. The actual state of the class is irrelevant, I was just pointing out the fallacy.

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Pocket healer


BEST gear


Full consumables


Popped cooldowns


Cherry picked fights


Nothing "High skill cap" about it. Most people simply won't work so hard to see pretty numbers.

This. Just a sad case of attention w.horing. Edited by Metallistic
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Did you two morons even read what he highlighted in yellow?


Here let me do a quick recap for you.


"I do not claim to be good, I'm geared, I kill people, thats about it"


people apparently don't appear to be as clever


because no one has brought up my true intention of the thread

Edited by Powerr
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Is this thread actually implying Assassins/Shadows have a high skill cap?


Give me a break. Compared to a Sentinel/Marauder, Shadow/Assassin are as faceroll as Arcane Mages in WoW. Though, sure, compared to Tracer Missile spam, yes, they have a ... "high skill cap"


And no, I don't think they are OP - but lets not call this the "thinking mans class." The only difference between an Operative and an Assassin is that Assassin pushes 6 buttons instead of 3 to deal about half the damage.

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Is this thread actually implying Assassins/Shadows have a high skill cap?


Give me a break. Compared to a Sentinel/Marauder, Shadow/Assassin are as faceroll as Arcane Mages in WoW. Though, sure, compared to Tracer Missile spam, yes, they have a ... "high skill cap"


And no, I don't think they are OP - but lets not call this the "thinking mans class." The only difference between an Operative and an Assassin is that Assassin pushes 6 buttons instead of 3 to deal about half the damage.


No, its meant to boost morale of Shadow's and republic as a whole. I want the force to be with more of us, not less. I want the force to be strong.


I want there to be nothing capable of stopping us!


Long Live the Republic!




Controversial title = views

misleading text in OP = controversy

controversy = mad people

mad people post on forums

posts on forums = inevitable clicks on link

clicks on link = bumped thread/higher morale for Republic players/ a happier "me"

higher morale for players = better community and players who are skilled and want to win

having all that present on your realm with proper leadership is what it takes to be a dominant faction

winning = fun

fun = subscribers

faction imbalance = fixed

this not= efame/attention seeking


all in all, I want my Republic brothers to not give up, to not reroll, but to get better.


I'm not saying I am the best player in the world, or even a top tier "skill capped" player, but at least you can learn some things by watching my videos. If you don't know, the way I personally got better the easiest and fastest ways was watching others videos to pick up strats/tactics and other good info. I'm friendly and respond to your questions both on my two threads here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=165927 (bursting guide) and here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=225827 (tanking guide)


the discussion that came with the thread is just fun stuff. relax people

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Give me a break. Compared to a Sentinel/Marauder, Shadow/Assassin are as faceroll as Arcane Mages in WoW. Though, sure, compared to Tracer Missile spam, yes, they have a ... "high skill cap"


Considering that the Sentinel/Marauder probably has the steepest skill curve in the game... That's not a valid comparison. And you don't remotely understand that Assassin's mechanics properly.


Peachless, Mercenary bodyguard (healer), Anchorhead... I've been on the receiving end of OPs sabers and it hurts, but I've healed through them at least once or twice :p


In all honesty though, other than premades from a few prominent Pub guilds (Power's included), I usually queue solo and still win when playing against Republic...


I don't know about 90% but I also don't know about 53% or whatever the other one is...


See you in the WZs :)


And for every one of you there's an Imp who almost never wins. OF COURSE there are going to be individuals who don't hit that same number, it's an aggregate - go take a stats course some time, seriously.

Edited by Inarai
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Nice video and efficient use of a class.


I see a lot of people here coming and hating on the OP saying "all you did was use all the tools the game offers you, you suck". Fact is the skill cap on this game is VERY LOW. There is nothing a player could record while playing SWTOR that would impress anyone else because theres really not much to do.


Efficient use of skills? Your just abusing a class

Big numbers? You are just abusing gear


What do you guys want him to record? some guy running off to an empty point on alderaan and capping it because thats smart objective play? that craps boring to watch.


The OP is clearly one of the better players of his class and instead of bashing on him you could try and perhaps deal half the damage he does, people might actually even get better if they tried!

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All this talk of skill in a game as simple as SWTOR makes me lol.


ps grats on hitting your abilities in the same fashion as anyone with at least half a brain would do, seems like most mmo players can't.

Edited by spyderfly
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No, its meant to boost morale of Shadow's and republic as a whole. I want the force to be with more of us, not less. I want the force to be strong.


I want there to be nothing capable of stopping us!


Long Live the Republic!




Controversial title = views

misleading text in OP = controversy

controversy = mad people

mad people post on forums

posts on forums = inevitable clicks on link

clicks on link = bumped thread/higher morale for Republic players/ a happier "me"

higher morale for players = better community and players who are skilled and want to win

having all that present on your realm with proper leadership is what it takes to be a dominant faction

winning = fun

fun = subscribers

faction imbalance = fixed

this not= efame/attention seeking


all in all, I want my Republic brothers to not give up, to not reroll, but to get better.


I'm not saying I am the best player in the world, or even a top tier "skill capped" player, but at least you can learn some things by watching my videos. If you don't know, the way I personally got better the easiest and fastest ways was watching others videos to pick up strats/tactics and other good info. I'm friendly and respond to your questions both on my two threads here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=165927 (bursting guide) and here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=225827 (tanking guide)


the discussion that came with the thread is just fun stuff. relax people


You gave me hope. A light in the dark at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that somewhere in the deep recesses of space, the Republic can win a battle.


No troll.


Edit; I do find it it funny that your TL;DR is longer than the first part of your post. O.o

Edited by HonktonkGigolo
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You gave me hope. A light in the dark at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that somewhere in the deep recesses of space, the Republic can win a battle.


No troll.


Edit; I do find it it funny that your TL;DR is longer than the first part of your post. O.o


not as funny as I think it is that this thread keeps getting mindlessly bumped

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There is no such thing as hardcore gamers anymore with this game. Idiots get geared... so your geared... big deal... you just got lucky with the lottery system.


This game has been out just over a month and many 50s have over 500 expertise.


This should be evidence that Bioware caters to casual gamers rather than trolls who pretend to be hardcore and want to post about it.

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There is no such thing as hardcore gamers anymore with this game. Idiots get geared... so your geared... big deal... you just got lucky with the lottery system.


This game has been out just over a month and many 50s have over 500 expertise.


This should be evidence that Bioware caters to casual gamers rather than trolls who pretend to be hardcore and want to post about it.


Yeah, at least he's found some way to find enjoyment in the game (even if it involved trolling the pvp forums). This thread does win in terms of comic value and I'm sure he's enjoying every last word people type. Worthy of another bump for sure.

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