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ETA on cross-server Warzones??


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Never, hopefully.


This means you get a reputation for being good, and a reputation for being a jerk. If players never have to see each other again, there is no incentive to play nice. Case(s) in point:


  • DOTA 2
  • HON
  • League of Legends
  • Any other MOBA game (or game period) with random matchmaking across a wide playerbase


Want faster queues?


Roll Republic.

Edited by ndruo
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I'm sure you could still fight with people you know and like on your server, but whats wrong with broadening your horizons and meeting new people to fight against? There are some really slow que times out there.


Sith and Jedi getting along Hmmm sounds interesting.


Can I group with those people? No.

Can I run Ilum with those people? No.

How large of a chance is there that I will ever see those people again? Using WoW as an example, 'Slim and None'.


Your point again?


Queue's have slowed down a bit, but as someone is bound to mention, on republic, I have little issue with queue times and almost never have a rep v rep wz... (But, on another note... BW, wth? Rep v Rep huttball??)

Edited by Kjetl
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lol i find it hard to make friends i want to see the same people over & over join a guild if you want to see the same people everyday!

i for 1 want to PvP not make online friends i have a Real life for friends i just want to play the game!

Edited by Airoper
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lol alot of crying lol i find it hard to make friends i want to see the same people over & over join a guild if you want to see the same people everyfay i for 1 want to PvP not make online friends i have a Real life for friends i just want to play the game!


Then you should have rolled republic. You can reroll you know.

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im sick of repeating myself get out of ya little Prime time bubble!

1 not everyone logs on in prime time

2 PvPing vs the same people gets old fast

3 if the server population is low when you login = no pops

4 if you solo que you will fight the same guilds or premades till you rage quit warzones due to losing 90% of warzones & no chance to fight a fair match

the list goes on

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i dont care who i kill as long as i get to kill, i pay to play not pay to wait just so i can kill the same people over & over, alot of people forget most people that play mmos are casual players that play after work school etc we have real lives to. just cause a hand-full of people that play prime time dont want to cross server at the expense of everyone else s play experience is silly


Being a casual player and haveing a casual game is two very diffrent things. I too work and commute for the most of the day, leaving me with 1-2 hours of gaming time, so I would call myself quite a casual.


But do i have the right to demand changes to the concept of an MMO for it to fit my schedual. No, hell no! By implementing all these shortcuts and "casual" fixes weakens the game to become a generic, boring grind.

Daylies, PvP ques, badges and all these thing rips the soul out of an MMO.


Say, when was the last time you went out into the world to see if you could find a few people to do a ...eh, "dungeon", milling aound outside the entrance for a few minutes only to see some opponents closing in. Suddently a random pvp occures! Oh my! it was three persons from the Guild "Insert name here", the ones who earlier that week ran into your raid group on Tatooine which resulted in an epic battle across the dunes.



No, you'd rather sit afk in the space station waiting for the matchmaking que to let you into a game. So you can kill some random people, get your badges so you can get some gear to be abel to sit in que again to kill more random people.


BAH I say! This kind of gameplay works fine for matchmaking games like CoD, not for an MMO with a social environment and a persistant world.

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im sick of repeating myself get out of ya little Prime time bubble!

1 not everyone logs on in prime time

You know, right? I live in Germany, work easily 10-12 hours a day, and have to play while most people in the USA are still working. But you know what, that gives me even a more nitch community to know and enjoy.

2 PvPing vs the same people gets old fast
Anyone who considers Warzones (arenas, duels, etc) to be PvP in anything other than the most literal term doesn't understand PvP. The problem isn't Warzones - though they could use more of them, because I refuse to play Huttball - the problem is no meaningful, galaxy/game affecting, risk/reward providing open world PvP. Where is my DAoC, AC and Shadowbane-esque PvP? Where are the death penalties? Where are those ideals that make me not want to trade on Ilum and that instil fight or flight in my play time?

3 if the server population is low when you login = no pops
Find a new server.

4 if you solo que you will fight the same guilds or premades till you rage quit warzones due to losing 90% of warzones & no chance to fight a fair match

the list goes on

Find a new server. Join a guild. One thing that I hate about modern MMOs is catering to solo players. In UO if you were solo, chances are you were really powerful, or you got ganked a lot. In EQ, sure some classes could solo, but grouping and guilding were where it was at. In AC you had the PK and anti-PKs - there were no neutrals. This "I should be able to solo my way through all content, PvP whenever I want by clicking a button, and have no fear of failure is really sad.


I'm of the mindset that people should HAVE to engage in the community or be set up for failure.

  • Open world epic raid bosses. Guilds then coordinate the raids, or some guild get a bad rep for steamrolling others. (Ala the EQ days)
  • Open world PvP - with game affecting meaningfulness. By capturing planet X, Sith can no longer farm certain crafting materials, schematics, quests/flashpoints, etc. Put 10+ of these areas in so it would be hard for any one side to own them all and make the game as unbalanced as Ilum during peak times.
  • Tactics and strategy should trump gear. (God, I hate gear-centric games). Gear should be used as a tweak to, not the basis for PvP.
  • Multiple quest locations, not linear advancement, so when one area is dominated by PvP you can go to another.
  • A better alliance system, something Warhammer did correctly, to call in aid.

Only specific story/class quests should be phased and protected from PvP. (Of course, I'm talking in regard to a PvP server.)


Don't WoWify the game. If anything they need to move AWAY from what WoW has done.

  • 1. If all they do is make WoW in space, people will revert back to playing WoW because it's what they know.
  • 2. It's time to move the genre on from WoW.

WoW was great for ... WoW players, I guess. I didn't like the game - lack of challenge and lack of real community. But my point is that they need to use what's known to work in other games and improve upon the ideas. I really feel that SWTOR is an IMPROVED WoW (in space), in regard to PvE. I really do enjoy the PvE aspects of the game - and if I was on a PvE server, I might be happy with that.


But in regard to PvP, RP (other than voice acting), and the community this game sucks more than most games I've played seriously. They should be exemplifying the Galactic Conflict, not giving us sport to play against our mortal enemies.


Force the community to work together, don't put mechanics in place that cheapen the community. I remember on my EQ server, you didn't want a bad name as a guild, and more so as an unguided player, because you would be ostracized from some of the biggest raids. Or, as in the case of guilds on a PvP server, we'd roll you while you were raiding. However, if you were a friend/ally, we'd actually watch over you while you raided to prevent you from being steam rolled.

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When they implement cross server warzone's i delete SWTOR from my PC and never look back.

Its the community killer #1

I am used to 45 min queue in 2004 as an alliance warlock for AV/WSG.

Back then WoW had the most fantastic community no other mmo ever had.


Wen cross server battlegrounds where implemented it disapeared within 1 week.

Not the mention those leechers that joined each game without getting a bad name as they where from one of the 400 servers....you would never see him again but they where there game after game after game.


I say NO to cross server warzone's.

Go play WoW for **** like that.

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WoW has not had a good community sense 40 mans went away. Dont blame Cross Server for that, blame people treating each other poorly. When someone is mad about something, suggest helpful counters or tips to improve. Dont troll one another.


As for the issue of pvp queues? I am on the Rep side of Sanctum of the Exalted or some such and come 11 PST the queues pretty much stop, would be lucky to get 1-2 tell about 4 am. While i know that is off hours, it isnt hours when im off the game. I understand the enjoyment of fighting against and beside names you know, i would rather be able to play consistently. Ideally setting it up to queue people up by server, and if enough slots cant be filled, then pick up people from other servers.


Im afraid i dont understand the issue people have with Cross Server. Im guessing its something WoW related that im not in on.

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ETA = Never. If you're waiting on cross-server anything, unsubscribe now. Bioware has said they do not want to implement cross server queues. This is a good thing.


Ya...they said they don't WANT too but they will if it's needed. I honestly don't believe it's needed AT THIS POINT but in the future it CLEARLY will be needed and they will add it. However...that future is probably very distant...years even.

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You know, right? I live in Germany, work easily 10-12 hours a day, and have to play while most people in the USA are still working. But you know what, that gives me even a more nitch community to know and enjoy.

Anyone who considers Warzones (arenas, duels, etc) to be PvP in anything other than the most literal term doesn't understand PvP. The problem isn't Warzones - though they could use more of them, because I refuse to play Huttball - the problem is no meaningful, galaxy/game affecting, risk/reward providing open world PvP. Where is my DAoC, AC and Shadowbane-esque PvP? Where are the death penalties? Where are those ideals that make me not want to trade on Ilum and that instil fight or flight in my play time?

Find a new server.

Find a new server. Join a guild. One thing that I hate about modern MMOs is catering to solo players. In UO if you were solo, chances are you were really powerful, or you got ganked a lot. In EQ, sure some classes could solo, but grouping and guilding were where it was at. In AC you had the PK and anti-PKs - there were no neutrals. This "I should be able to solo my way through all content, PvP whenever I want by clicking a button, and have no fear of failure is really sad.


I'm of the mindset that people should HAVE to engage in the community or be set up for failure.

  • Open world epic raid bosses. Guilds then coordinate the raids, or some guild get a bad rep for steamrolling others. (Ala the EQ days)
  • Open world PvP - with game affecting meaningfulness. By capturing planet X, Sith can no longer farm certain crafting materials, schematics, quests/flashpoints, etc. Put 10+ of these areas in so it would be hard for any one side to own them all and make the game as unbalanced as Ilum during peak times.
  • Tactics and strategy should trump gear. (God, I hate gear-centric games). Gear should be used as a tweak to, not the basis for PvP.
  • Multiple quest locations, not linear advancement, so when one area is dominated by PvP you can go to another.
  • A better alliance system, something Warhammer did correctly, to call in aid.

Only specific story/class quests should be phased and protected from PvP. (Of course, I'm talking in regard to a PvP server.)


Don't WoWify the game. If anything they need to move AWAY from what WoW has done.

  • 1. If all they do is make WoW in space, people will revert back to playing WoW because it's what they know.
  • 2. It's time to move the genre on from WoW.

WoW was great for ... WoW players, I guess. I didn't like the game - lack of challenge and lack of real community. But my point is that they need to use what's known to work in other games and improve upon the ideas. I really feel that SWTOR is an IMPROVED WoW (in space), in regard to PvE. I really do enjoy the PvE aspects of the game - and if I was on a PvE server, I might be happy with that.


But in regard to PvP, RP (other than voice acting), and the community this game sucks more than most games I've played seriously. They should be exemplifying the Galactic Conflict, not giving us sport to play against our mortal enemies.


Force the community to work together, don't put mechanics in place that cheapen the community. I remember on my EQ server, you didn't want a bad name as a guild, and more so as an unguided player, because you would be ostracized from some of the biggest raids. Or, as in the case of guilds on a PvP server, we'd roll you while you were raiding. However, if you were a friend/ally, we'd actually watch over you while you raided to prevent you from being steam rolled.



Never happening...ever again











UNLESS! The market dramatically changes...however...it won't.












UNLESS!...no...nm. Sorry.

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I'm sure you could still fight with people you know and like on your server, but whats wrong with broadening your horizons and meeting new people to fight against? There are some really slow que times out there.


Sith and Jedi getting along Hmmm sounds interesting.


How are you going to "Meet" new people when they are not your server? what have a conversation in the one minute before a WZ ?

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A lot of PvPers are getting Bord how long must we wait to have a chance to kill everyone on every server??


I think a few months time after they have fixed everything else they have in the PvP game that is broken or just bad (i.e. Ilum and Imperial war zone teams with 5-6 Lightning spec sorc in them) would be wise.

Edited by Ewgal
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im over this forum community so short sighted you lot are idiots, dont cry in a couple of months when people start to unsub due to low warzone pops & bad server teams, if you hate the idea of cross server so much plz list your server so i can keep away from you lot as you are not my community! & if they do cross server please exclude your servers
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Either this needs to happen or an option to switch servers needs to occur. The 50 bracket is fine for those servers with the population to support the change, unfortunately quite a few servers don't have that luxury and hitting 50 has morphed from a celebrated milestone to something people are actually avoiding. I mean, why hit 50 and play one Warzone every 5 hours when you can stay in the 40's and play one every 5 minutes.
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March at the latest, if this game has any future. I imagine at LEAST 10-20% of the players are PvP'ers. That's a HUGE drop in playerbase if they don't deliver.


Not all PvPers want cross-server queues. I certainly do not. I saw what it did in WoW. Took any and all flavor out of BGs. BGs were just a grind for gear and that's all.


I'm enjoying fighting the same people in Warzones that I do on Ilum.

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