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Tracer Missle/Grav Round needs a nerf BADLY!


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sorry for see'ing things that clearly need fixing that you abuse


Speaking of nubs, as you are labeling said spammers of tracer missiles/grav rounds, do you even know how to pvp effectively? Because your comments clearly show your lack of knowledge on how to counter tracer missiles, or understand why you're getting hit by them.


If you don't have much understanding on how to PvP, then your "insights" on what needs to be fixed is highly questionable.

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Lighting Strike can't crit for more than 1,5k.


Lightning Strike has a much better chance to critical then Tracer Missile due to Talents, so it almost always Criticals, where as tracer missile crits only 30% of the time.


Also, you can spec for talents to raise the damage, unlike that of Tracer Missile.

Edited by Daecollo
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I think Sorcs/Sages are a bit more powerful then Merc/Commando.


Except those Light Armor wearers tend to go down faster usually. Although with all those escape tools, success will vary... which if they didn't have, it's basically a free kill. Not very fair in that light.


Seriously, did tracer/grav get a buff or something after Ops was nerfed? Why all the QQ now? I really don't notice anything different besides the FOTM players all rerolling to Merc/Com. I guess because it happens more, people take bigger notice.


I don't really have an issue with it personally, there hasn't been a single tracer/grav spammer that plays the game well enough to be a threat 1v1 in the leveling bracket. I'm willing to bet that a large number of the people having problems are either fresh 50s fighting geared spammers or lv10-20 players fighting lv40+ spammers. In either of those cases, the odds are very much stacked against you. If that isn't the case, don't know what to tell you. Some of us don't have problems with them even if they're in the high 40s, and I'm only in the 30s.

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lrn2los/interrupt & be less bad. everyone who calls for tracer to have a cd has never even seen how the arsenal tree works, and are apparently also clueless as to how squishy mercs are.


hmm who ever cant see that tracer missile and grav round need a 15 or so second cooldown need to learn how to play the game.


i dont think spamming 1 button to win and facerolling everyone is realy balanced do you ?



i think the people that want to keep them how they are are just baddies themselves

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Except those Light Armor wearers tend to go down faster usually. Although with all those escape tools, success will vary... which if they didn't have, it's basically a free kill. Not very fair in that light.


Seriously, did tracer/grav get a buff or something after Ops was nerfed? Why all the QQ now? I really don't notice anything different besides the FOTM players all rerolling to Merc/Com. I guess because it happens more, people take bigger notice.


I don't really have an issue with it personally, there hasn't been a single tracer/grav spammer that plays the game well enough to be a threat 1v1 in the leveling bracket. I'm willing to bet that a large number of the people having problems are either fresh 50s fighting geared spammers or lv10-20 players fighting lv40+ spammers. In either of those cases, the odds are very much stacked against you. If that isn't the case, don't know what to tell you. Some of us don't have problems with them even if they're in the high 40s, and I'm only in the 30s.


I see 3 times as many Sorcerors/Sages as I do Mercenery/Commando.

Edited by Daecollo
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Lightning Strike has a much better chance to critical then Tracer Missile due to Talents, so it almost always Criticals, where as tracer missile crits only 30% of the time.


Also, you can spec for talents to raise the damage, unlike that of Tracer Missile.


Oh, so there is no talent, that increase the critical damage of Tracer Missile by 30%?


And there is no Set-Bonus that increases the crit chance of Tracer Missile by 15%?

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the thread poster is totaly right about grav round and tracer missiles needign a 20 second cooldown.


so i dont know what your on about


of course you don't, because it isn't pandering to whatever crusade you are on about.


your lack of understanding means nothing, other than you are deliberately obtuse.

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Speaking of nubs, as you are labeling said spammers of tracer missiles/grav rounds, do you even know how to pvp effectively? Because your comments clearly show your lack of knowledge on how to counter tracer missiles, or understand why you're getting hit by them.


If you don't have much understanding on how to PvP, then your "insights" on what needs to be fixed is highly questionable.


i know how to pvp perfectly fine which is why i know tracer missile and grav round are OP



your lack of knowledge of the game is highly questionable

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so your an OP bounty hunter crying a caster/mage class ripped through your OP BH ?


sorce/sage are about the only clas that can actualy do reasonable damage to a BH



so yea think again


A good marauder/sentinel can stick to and rip up a commando/merc easily. A good one as in one that knows how to use their interrupt and charge to lock an arsenal down for more than enough time to kill them.

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of course you don't, because it isn't pandering to whatever crusade you are on about.


your lack of understanding means nothing, other than you are deliberately obtuse.


how am i you dont like the fact im right and the thread poster has common sense to know they need cooldowns

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I really wish I had these 5k grav round crits everyone keeps talking about. I never break 3k even stacking crit and surge. Oh well I guess I just need to L2P or realize the difference between Grav round and Demo round.


Rakata/batttlemaster gear, rakata aim stim and power or surge adrenals/relics.


15 seconds of 5k crits every 2 mins.


So OP that everyone can do it.

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What other class can use one ability that has minimal resource costs, a short cast time, extreme range AND no cooldown AND crits for 5k per cast to dominate an entire WZ over and over again? The answer is none! These abilities seriously need to be brought in line so that all the FOTM baddies cant faceroll their way to victory spamming one ability over and over again. Everyone who plays this game knows that BH/Commando has the lowest skill cap out of any other class in the game. Tracer/Grav needs to have at least a 10 second cooldown so that all these facerollers learn to actually use the other abilities their class has to offer.


I'm sorry but Tracer Missiles/Grav round = interruptible

That's not as OP as you pretend it is.

It's annoying, yup but that's it.

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The way you fight the Tracer Missile is to kill the Mercenary lobbing them. The sound effect is very distinctive. When you hear the sound, look for the Merc and take him/her out of the equation. That's a very basic and simple solution.

I've played a lot of PvP as a Mercenary. And I don't survive long when someone gets up close and personal with me. I try to use all of my character's abilites in a match. I have yet to see the TM-spamming that people report.

Killing the Mercenary is a lot simpler than swinging the nerf bat.




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A good marauder/sentinel can stick to and rip up a commando/merc easily. A good one as in one that knows how to use their interrupt and charge to lock an arsenal down for more than enough time to kill them.


jedi knights and sith warriors are pretty good thats why they get some silly defense buffs and cooldowns to get close enough to pound on you



try doing that as an assasin

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so your an OP bounty hunter crying a caster/mage class ripped through your OP BH ?


sorce/sage are about the only clas that can actualy do reasonable damage to a BH



so yea think again


I have no problem killing dps mercenaries on my tank spec Guardian or my Jedi shadow(balance spec).

Edited by anedorivan
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how am i you dont like the fact im right and the thread poster has common sense to know they need cooldowns


I don't have any problem with mercs or commandos in pvp. But I know how to use LoS. And before you start predicting my class let me just tell you. I pvp on a jugger and on a vanguard. So defending against your stupidity is not trying to avoid a nerf for me.


Every time you post you just illustrate your own incompetence.

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I think Sorcs/Sages are a bit more powerful then Merc/Commando.


haha, only if Sorc's/Sage's were wearing heavy armor I would agree. I have taken some 5k hits from tracer missle, I would say taking a hit around 2k is about normal so I would say leave the skill damage and cast time alone and increase the CD time on it.

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Admit it, you are pvping at below level (I'll be generous here) 30.


im a almost fully pvp geared assasin deception spec getting 2 to 3 shotted by this missile and grav round spamm crap.


i wouldnt mind if they had a CD but a damageing spamable ability thats costs sod all to cast is patheticly OP and need to be fixed

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i know how to pvp perfectly fine which is why i know tracer missile and grav round are OP



your lack of knowledge of the game is highly questionable


Funny thing is, I don't have any issues with people Tracer missile'ing me. When I see them, I go for them and shut them down. No problems there.


If I don't see them and they're attacking me from a distance, they earned that advantage and I need to adapt to it. No problems there.


So, why is it that I, and others, have no problems dealing with them, yet there are people like you who do nothing but whine about them.


Hmmm, questioning my pvp abilities... you're a funny kid.


But I know, you would never admit you're bad. I know your type. It's just amusing to see you spout your delusions, while others who are actually good at pvp'ing just point and laugh.

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