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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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You have my support mate, I find this awesome and shouldnt be impossible to do however for me the whole project and timeframe you implemented can take a couple of months longer because I do believe the current content needs also a lot of attention still.


Lets say you have a house with one floor, how can you start building a second floor if the foundation still needs a lot of fixing...the whole house would fall apart.


I would say your thoughts and plans are brilliant and I would love BW to actually achieve this. What I would like em to do now however is to fix the current content and make it as perfect as possible while in the meantime they start planning all of your ideas.:)



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You have my support mate, I find this awesome and shouldnt be impossible to do however for me the whole project and timeframe you implemented can take a couple of months longer because I do believe the current content needs also a lot of attention still.


Lets say you have a house with one floor, how can you start building a second floor if the foundation still needs a lot of fixing...the whole house would fall apart.


I would say your thoughts and plans are brilliant and I would love BW to actually achieve this. What I would like em to do now however is to fix the current content and make it as perfect as possible while in the meantime they start planning all of your ideas.:)




Doing that would mean they would bleed subs for a long time before implementing anything with re-playability past 10 times.


The problem with the game currently is that endgame has nothing to keep people entertained. Operations and Flashpoints have a very small replay worth, PvP is a grind of Valour and RNG central for gear. Ilum is of no use at all any-more apart from daily quests.


Implementing this adds far more replayability to the game thus giving people something to play while they fix the deeper issues.


If you cut yourself open you get stitches to hold it together while it heals dont you? ;) Also the time frames, as I said, arent fool proof.

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I guess we could just ask them to work harder then :rolleyes::p. Still I believe the main focus should be the content they have for now. Yes they would bleed subs however news goes fast.


Think about your own post, some people actually re subscribed just to answer your post meaning that people who arent playing anymore actually still are interested in what happens to the game (or they are just playing while saying they unsubbed:rolleyes:).


Point is even with bleeding subs while focusing on the main content, if they would make something like you just posted afterwards(or even better actually announce it already) it would surely travel around fast again meaning in the grand scale they would win subs again and actually win the trust of a lot of people back



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One of the greatest player initiatives I have seen thus far with regards to this game. Several ideas presented by Aneu enable the open world pvp to develop into an enjoyable and competitive atmosphere which will retain its player base for months to come.


Open world pvp is for many the thing that keeps them playing. Pve and warzones are okay at the start but open world pvp makes or breaks a good game. Honestly I have nothing more to add to Aneu's suggestions as a lot of effort was put into the idea. Mods please sticky this.

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No matter how big or how small the map is the problem is the imbalance between the two factions. It sounds wonderful but its just another gigantic piece of space that the sith will totally dominate. As is the Republic is bleeding players at an alarming rate thus making the imbalance even worse. I would much rather have arena where its even numbers, with the same rewards as bg's and Ilum.
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No matter how big or how small the map is the problem is the imbalance between the two factions. It sounds wonderful but its just another gigantic piece of space that the sith will totally dominate. As is the Republic is bleeding players at an alarming rate thus making the imbalance even worse. I would much rather have arena where its even numbers, with the same rewards as bg's and Ilum.


Population balance has been addressed in the OP's presentation. Also, the suggestion of dynamic expertise based on population was mentioned. Having an arena type system doesn't help overall balance, and is not what the original post is about. We're talking about open world PvP (or RvR,) not instanced warzones/arenas. Warzones & arenas are not dynamic in nature, other than the players playing them. The suggested implementation is.

Edited by BlackSpin
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You have my support mate, I find this awesome and shouldnt be impossible to do however for me the whole project and timeframe you implemented can take a couple of months longer because I do believe the current content needs also a lot of attention still.


Lets say you have a house with one floor, how can you start building a second floor if the foundation still needs a lot of fixing...the whole house would fall apart.


I would say your thoughts and plans are brilliant and I would love BW to actually achieve this. What I would like em to do now however is to fix the current content and make it as perfect as possible while in the meantime they start planning all of your ideas.:)




Great post blw. But they carnt even fix the dam camera, never mind do this to the game. lol

soz rant

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How people spend hundreds of millions of pounds and release a game with so little end game baffled me.. look at WAR was nothing to do really on release and the PVP in that game was fun.


I was a long time player of DAoC and that was focused on a similar idea of "Frontiers" and holding objectives.. the appeal of this game lasted over 6 years for me and i reckon if they didnt start to try and push more and more pve content down my throat would of lasted even longer.


Brings me back to the point.. do MMO players actually make MMO's? why arnt they asking the community us seasoned mmo players what we want in a game? SWToR is a disappointment to me its just another themepark MMO thats added voice overs and some nice story..


Can i just point out this is Star WARS yeh thats right i want to play this game to have grand battles over galaxies and fight the other faction on different worlds and capture different strategic points. This should be a PVP focused game.. its in the Title ok fair enough some people want to go into a prison and destroy some NPC droids thats cool.. but cmon who makes a star wars game where the WAR consists of 8v8 people running round to save a planet or steal some plans or throw a ball around??



Something needs to make this game feel epic... Aneu plans atleast suggest something that would bring war to this at the moment carebear Warzone lagfest



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Your ideas are great, specifically the idea to make all armors moddable and have PVP rewards as mods. I do like the PVP gear, but it would be nice if I could remove all the stats and place them in whatever armor I wished. All armor should have each slot, ideally, as I my wet dream is to use Tusken Garb (but that won't be possible sadly).
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I agree about the fact that you are saying this is star WARS!!!!.


To me warzones are fun to play but its like a training center for jedi or Sith, not a war, the real WARS comes with open world PvP like the suggestion in this thread. Tbh I dont even feel the need of arenas in anyway in this game

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I guess we could just ask them to work harder then :rolleyes::p. Still I believe the main focus should be the content they have for now. Yes they would bleed subs however news goes fast.


Think about your own post, some people actually re subscribed just to answer your post meaning that people who arent playing anymore actually still are interested in what happens to the game (or they are just playing while saying they unsubbed:rolleyes:).


Point is even with bleeding subs while focusing on the main content, if they would make something like you just posted afterwards(or even better actually announce it already) it would surely travel around fast again meaning in the grand scale they would win subs again and actually win the trust of a lot of people back




But GW2 isnt far away, taking a long time to implement this would mean people have a lower vested interest in the game since they amount of effort put in wouldn't be that high :)


The next content patch to come in may includes one warzone, the next part of the 1.1 patch and the legacy system. All of which will keep players entertained for a week or two at most before they get bored again.


There is nothing in this game to keep people playing currently or in development that we know of. Balancing the sub loss to sub gain is very difficult and it is much easier to maintain subs than it is to turn an unsub into a sub plus it costs more money to do the latter through various mechanics such as lowering the cost of re-subbing and putting incentives on it.


I feel both approaches have pros and cons however so who knows :)

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But GW2 isnt far away, taking a long time to implement this would mean people have a lower vested interest in the game since they amount of effort put in wouldn't be that high :)


GW2 is far away, there is absolutely no news what so ever so far about any release, my guess is at it best it will be May, June but this is off topic tbh:D


Also any MMO being started there is a mass community discussing it, there is no way news wouldnt travel if all of a sudden Star Wars was bugless, had perfect warzones, World PvP is adressed to in a very nice way despite losing many subscribers at first (I do realize I speak in an idealistic way but this is just to give an example :D)


to close this up and to be on topic again, I would love to see this brilliant idea work but I would hate to see the whole idea fall apart by making content that makes the whole game in total even more buggy. That is why I dont mind they take there time, at this moment there isnt pressure from any other MMO because the closest coming is GW2 and that game will go through the same fases as star wars is going through now.


However there is the pressure from the community, for me, as Im playing a good amount of hours but just not hardcore really, there is more then enough to do and I do agree with the PvP being especially boring at Illum which needs to be adressed like in this topic suggested, announcing something like this would be enough, then all they need to do is keeping their word and actually do it.



Edited by Darkdanjal
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GW2 is far away, there is absolutely no news what so ever so far about any release, my guess is at it best it will be May, June but this is off topic tbh:D


3 months is not far away. ArcheAge is far away, GW2 is not, but indeed off topic ;)

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GW2 is far away, there is absolutely no news what so ever so far about any release, my guess is at it best it will be May, June but this is off topic tbh:D


Actually, there's pretty concrete news: http://www.arena.net/blog/dragon


You might be right with May/June though this isn't far away. It's like two patches in SWTOR which will contain basically nothing.


Back to topic, great work! If BioWare put this thing in the game I would keep playing it. If things stay the same, I will unsub the second Guild Wars 2 hit the shelves. I might consider resubscribing if BioWare would come up with something like that in one year or so (realistic estimation).


Still, very very awesome work.

Edited by Berinima
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There are two other projects on the horizon that I am aware of, that will be far closer to what OP envisions for SWTOR at their release. And IMO will far better benefit from OP's ideas.


Im all for improving SWTOR, but believe the complexity of this degree of fix is being HUGELY underestimated. A functional Illum is withing their capability I have no doubt, but i have to say it will depend on population balance. No amount of stat boosting will ever allow a greatly outnumbered foe a consistent chance of winning. Plus the amount of stat boost you would need to beat 5/1 odds would be staggering, and no fun at all for the overpopulated enemy.


Bio needs to first and foremost mount a huge advertising campaign painting the Repub in a new light, this needs to be flattering to repub, on posters/full paged adds where you buy computer games, on the flash screen, as well as offer some bonus to speed up leveling/valor. these 3/1 and 5/1 odds need to be far closer IMO before stat boosting can be applied to OWPVP


There may also be fundamental problems preventing OWPVP in SWTOR. particularly instancing and the way they wove their code around instancing, at best you will have WAR style instanced OWPVP for endgame. Remember Jeff Hickman (Mythic old second in command) is helping design SWTOR as he did WAR and he was a major proponent of Instancing in "openworld PvP"


I want DAOC2 as bad as the rest of you, but you will not get it from this Mythic.


All in my opinion. and sorry to be a downer.


My advice you to keep eyes peeled for DOMINUS (old Mythic Devs, including Sayna) and GW2. These features will largely be designed into the games from the ground up. <-- and will be far better as an initial design decision, than an afterthought.

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Instancing will never be a part of any idea I come up with :) I don't believe instancing to be a solution for anything to do with OWPvP.


well you should. your leaving out a whole mass of population..

your idea is not about opvp its about a strategic game.

which your trying to balance like a persistent instance.


your health idea needs more thinking through.

also what happens to the one on one game?

the assassins.

how about the people that dont care about objectives and just want stats.

how about stats

some people like objectives

some like the zerg

some like the grief.


I like the planet taking but that has no need of opvp. I like opvp and it has no need of a strategic game.



you don't want balance in opvp. you want to outsmart or overpower the enemy.

that doesn't require population balancing.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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/sign I love every part of what i read in the OP, is it perfect and without flaws? no, but it is what is. I'd love to see something worthwhile to do at 50 besides playing the same 3 warzones over and over and over again.
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