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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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If SWTOR played like this i think it would be the no.1 played game ever lol.


i see 1 problem with this tho, the game engine need to be fixed first. if the game could handle 50v50 then this owpvp would take up most of my spare time lol.


great work mate, i realy hope they listen to this.


one guy said bio wont want to make 11 'new' planets. but THEY DONT HAVE To!! remember all them planets we flew by in a week or 2 on our way to 50? well take a few choice areas from them and bam! 11 'new' plantes :)




do it bio, great work aneu! stay safe mate.

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Great design work! Why are you not already working for Bioware? lol


This is the kind of attention that the developers should give to open world pvp, in my opinion. Warzones, battlegrounds, scenarios, whatever each game chooses to them, are just mini-games and should be treated as such. The mmorpg pvp experience should be designed as large scale, persistent, and open-world, with rewards and recognition given to the players. Quick match pvp is for first person shooters.

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I hope people understand the amount of time and effort Aneu put into this. He cut sleep short and ran ideas by tons of people. This is a blueprint for making SWTOR the best pvp game on the market and I can only hope Bioware follows it.


I fully support every idea, especially because Aneu even took into account how realistic certain changes would be. All of these changes are within Bioware's power to enact within a realistic time period.


Hail Aneu! :p

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Can we guys keep this on top? And bump it up so at least there is hope BW will see what players want?


Anywho great post nothing to say, is almost prety much WAR but in star wars theme with lots of great detailst...


Now keep bumping, and put it in the suggestion box if you have not yet

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That's really a lot of effort you put in that post. I hope the game designers take a look at it, and if they didn't have a plan of this magnitude ready to implement soon, I really hope they take a look at yours. All the pvpers need to be satisfied. They only stick around right now because there's no alternative, but if things stay the same for quite some time, alternatives will be given by other companies.


And yes, I do hope this game will succeed in the long run, so gamedesigners & devs: Read and learn! :)

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I appreciate all the replies guys. Keep them coming and lets get something like this on Bioware's priority list. They listen to our feedback to tell them which should be the most important thing they implement... Well this is it! :)
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Future Expansions


There are plenty of ideas for expansions but none seem to draw the same amount of attention as a form of space combat. A simple addition to this combat would be that during vulnerability timers a planet will have an orbital battle-zone around it within which both factions will have the ability to duke it out with both fighters, bombers and guild capital ships. The aim would be to gain spacial superiority over the planet in order to launch orbital bombardments from your guild capital ship or even take down the enemies shields via orbital bombardment.


Another future expansion could elevate the war into already known areas of space and lead to huge battles taking part on Dromund Kaas or Corucscant with variable objectives on either planet




One part I missed out :)

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I appreciate all the replies guys. Keep them coming and lets get something like this on Bioware's priority list. They listen to our feedback to tell them which should be the most important thing they implement... Well this is it! :)


A heap load of hard work and effort. Great job!

Edited by Covent
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I'd like to see something like that in the game. Atm there is a little to do at l50, and repeating sinlge-player campaign for 8 characters isnt the point of mmo afaik.


I don't know, I have been having a lot of fun doing hardmodes and premades. Just my two cents but I have not been bored thusfar. I do love the ideas though OP

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