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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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I support these changes wholeheartedly.


I was musing to my guildmates earlier this evening (note I am a pure PvP player) -- there really isn't any incentive to want to play this game right now after I finish my PvP dailies. PvE is of no interest to me. Ilum is a joke, and warzones are full of bugs and have become downright monotonous to the point of apathy.


Don't know if I am going to make it to March at this rate.


That is the general concensus here aswell.


Yeah well that + the warzones were boring by the time the game was already released :p

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In this system you have outlined Aneu i have the following questions:


To me it looks like the battle will rage back and forth on a ever moving front-line going between the imperial and republic home worlds. But what determines which side will attack/defend and how is it determined what system becomes vulnerable? (Edit: The map you suggested seem to only have one base, so i assume each planet "copy" would have a imperial base map for imperial defence and vice versa. but it still has to be determined somehow who actually attacks and defends. you see where i'm going with this i hope)


You mentioned that more than one system can become vulnerable at a given time. When this happens, how is it then determined which one will have a battle?




If you look at that picture you can see where the lines will be initially drawn. The two planets side by side in the middle is where the first fight will take place. Then you can only attack an adjoining planet (adjoined by lines). When planets become vulnerable at least one base must go up to be faught over. The minimum number of bases per planet will have to be 3 in order to ensure there are no stalemates (and one base is boring). If one side owns two bases then the planet flips to their ownership. If they continue to hold that planet for a long time (and it is still on the vulnerability border) then there is a high chance that both bases will go up at the same time.


i am asking because... Say you have a line of planets (simplified): [imp world] [planet 1] [planet 2] [planet 3] [planet 4] [planet 5] [republic world] Then planet 3 and 4 becomes vulnerable. Republic then wins the battle of planet 3 and imperials win the battle of planet 4. Now what just happened to the front-line? Or am i misunderstanding?


Thats a perfectly fine idea. If for example in the middle of the above picture where the two planets meet, the Imperials attack planet 1 and republic attack planet two and both succeed in capturing them both planets will be cut off from their "supply line" (the line joining planets) thus meaning they will not be able to push forward onto any more planets but will only be able to go backwards and try to re-establish their supply line.


Now don't get me wrong, i like the idea and i really really think this game needs something like this. But what i want to avoid, seeing how we now play "the siege at the republic base" day after day on ilum. I really want to avoid playing the invasion of coruscant over and over.


No fight will be the same, every fight will be different having different numbers involved, platforms, and so on. Plus fights like these are huge adrenaline rushes especially when you are almost at your objective. :)


Fights Like these should be do-able in SWTOR however I have not seen one good OwPvP fight that has lasted more than 10min yet.


Edited by Aneu
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Is gear really the only resource you can think of?


In this game - yes. Resources are absolutely meaningless here, crafting is pointless, the game is very heavy gear dependent (e.g. freshly hit 50 vs champ/bm with 500-600 expertise - free kill). You don't like it? Neither do i. What can be done? A lot of things tbh but this will change the entire concept of the game so this is actually a lot harder to do then implement these changes and use the current mechanics, economy and "currency" in the game.


You are not even fighting over gear. you are fighting to get gear. Shift your resource to something less selfish and more meaningful. What happens when you have all hte best gear? gonna whine at BW for more levels and better gear. tiresome.


Quite narrow-minded vision tbh. You fail to comprehend how SWTOR economy, gear, currency system works and you don't even have a good example what resource to implement, for what reason, where it will be placed, how it will be obtained, why would you need it. You want to redo the entire economy and reward system and you don't give a simple example. So you have zero valid arguments against someone who has boatloads of valid points which utilize the current game mechanics and reward system.


WOW. go back to WOW.


Until you have a valid argument and thoroughly explained wall of text of what and how to change the economy, rewards and resources in SWTOR, go back to Pacman because you're just another useless troll right now.


Where did you get gear in daoc?


Forget DAoC. DAoC is gone and is never coming back. DAoC was suitable for a small group of hardcore PvPers and yes, as much as i love DAoC, there won't be any game even close to DAoC that will succeed on the market today. And when you invest couple of hundreds of millions of dollars, you expect to get them back with interest. Stop crying about games that don't exist anymore. Yes, we love them, we miss them. Deal with it and start living in the present. And come up with your solution to the existing problem, fine, use DAoC as a base, i want to see how you will implement the RvR and reward system from DAoC in SWTOR without losing half of the existing subscribers.


If you are looking for better PvP than you had better learn more about history and why folks fight.


If you're looking in the history you should know that what worked well before might not work at all in the present. Basically you're trying to fight against a F-16 Fighting Falcon jet fighter with a bow and arrow just because the bow worked well for the natives thousands of years ago. And obviously have no valid point and argument of what and how to fix it.

Edited by Drakaris
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Forget DAoC. DAoC is gone and is never coming back. DAoC was suitable for a small group of hardcore PvPers and yes, as much as i love DAoC, there won't be any game even close to DAoC that will succeed on the market today.



If you're looking in the history you should know that what worked well before might not work at all in the present. Basically you're trying to fight against a F-16 Fighting Falcon jet fighter with a bow and arrow just because the bow worked well for the natives thousands of years ago. And obviously have no valid point and argument of what and how to fix it.




When the guy said look at history to learn about PvP, i don't think he was comparing technology or weapons, merely suggesting to take a look at the incentive for war throughout history. As Kebab says;


America need $$$ Oil

Iraq has $$$ Oil

PvP happens


Shalina i love you and know you can take it.


P.S. Troll Power

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When the guy said look at history to learn about PvP, i don't think he was comparing technology or weapons, merely suggesting to take a look at the incentive for war throughout history. As Kebab says;


America need $$$ Oil

Iraq has $$$ Oil

PvP happens


Shalina i love you and know you can take it.


P.S. Troll Power


You know in ArcheAge to take over territory, you need to have all your crafters to contribute to create a relic, which you place in the third continent. You then build your keep around it to prevent people from destroying it. It is pretty damn awesome!


PS. Troll Power!

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You know in ArcheAge to take over territory, you need to have all your crafters to contribute to create a relic, which you place in the third continent. You then build your keep around it to prevent people from destroying it. It is pretty damn awesome!


PS. Troll Power!


You must be talking about gathering Akium powder in order to make an Akium stone which will cleanse land in the northern continent, if so then yes i have known this for some time now. I did enjoy the lightning wood tip bit though, if possible try and find out how exactly sieges/territory transfer works. From what i have seen, the places where you can plant the Akium are preset locations, meaning the castles can only be placed in certain locations, and most of these locations appear to have a large hill next to them - allowing attackers to glide right into your keep. This renders the walls useless. Need to know more about control and transfer of territory.

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You must be talking about gathering Akium powder in order to make an Akium stone which will cleanse land in the northern continent, if so then yes i have known this for some time now. I did enjoy the lightning wood tip bit though, if possible try and find out how exactly sieges/territory transfer works. From what i have seen, the places where you can plant the Akium are preset locations, meaning the castles can only be placed in certain locations, and most of these locations appear to have a large hill next to them - allowing attackers to glide right into your keep. This renders the walls useless. Need to know more about control and transfer of territory.


Castles just go introduced in the last patch, and I haven't been playing much since then, so unfortunately I cannot say verify :( Been working on ideas n thoughts about how to make swtor brilliant!


Need something else than racing my guildies in circle in the republic fleet, so far, this thread presents the best suggestion so far :wea_09:

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Castles just go introduced in the last patch, and I haven't been playing much since then, so unfortunately I cannot say verify :( Been working on ideas n thoughts about how to make swtor brilliant!


Need something else than racing my guildies in circle in the republic fleet, so far, this thread presents the best suggestion so far :wea_09:


Yes yes, wouldn't want to get you in trouble wih Aneu for going off topic again ;)


And yes, the state of swtor at the moment is dire, i don't think it could even be considered a "filler" game, since personally i would much rather play tetris until something more worthwhile comes along. Bioware have been thrown a lifeline here, whether or not they choose to aknowledge it and act upon it will be of great consequence to the life of swtor.

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This is an excellent post, even though content wise it seems a lot the concept is relatively simple in its principals.


One thing I would like to hear from the OP on is the capture mechanic, One thing that I think could really help address issues like faction inbalance, would be a capture rating that declines over time when an objective is unoccupied, forcing a larger force to split up and occupy defensively multiple objectives, otherwise they will fade to neutral. This would really help in preventing one single zerg, and profit the faction willing to work together. In a 1:5 ratio faction imbalance with 5 points, you would at least give the outnumbered a chance of being involved.

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Amazing. If this were implemented, I would want to do -nothing- but do this. There's so much fun just from looking at it; the concept is amazing, the thought of it is amazing, and the social ability is amazing. This entire thread is amazing.


I would subscribe over and over, make characters and guilds specifically to do this.

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When the guy said look at history to learn about PvP, i don't think he was comparing technology or weapons, merely suggesting to take a look at the incentive for war throughout history. As Kebab says;


America need $$$ Oil

Iraq has $$$ Oil

PvP happens


Shalina i love you and know you can take it.


P.S. Troll Power


Oh, yea... I can take it! Bring it! :D


Aaanyway... I'd rather not hype (again) over yet another game that is months away from being released. If they can deliver, awesome, you know where to find me then. If they're just another "looks awsm on paper but in fact it's absolute bs"... Thanks, but no thanks, been there, done that more times that i can possibly count. And yes, the guy means "it works there, so it should work here", which is definitely not the case here.


Buuut stay on topic plx!

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Why is this person or people like him working for BW? This game has been fail after fail. Who the hell did BW hire?


Well do you see anything else we can play atm? :p

Not really, have to try and get the most out of what we got ^^

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Good writeup. This system would entice a huge number of PVP players, especially those from DAOC & WAR and encourage them to continue playing for a LONG time with little developer time required beyond tweaking once in place.


Thumbs up from me!

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kebab shalina krazi can we keep from mentioning other games by name.... as i think it would be a utter shame this thread gets locked cause some forum mod pulls out the lock hammer for mentioning other games


also im going to hazzad a huuuuuuuuuuge guess guys that bw are aware of this idea by now as im pretty sure they would have a system to moniter whats hot on there forums such as trending on twitter (we all know how execs love there twitters and social networks)


all i can say is keep bumping supporting this idea and maybe some smart bw rep will actully post on this thread that its been seen been read and is now being discussed behind closed doors........



its this silence and lack of comunication from bw that disapoints me the most

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