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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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Looks good, but I'm guessing too complicated for them to impliment in a timely manor, and if they were to put that much work into something I'm betting EA would make them sell it as an expansion.


Still, 5 stars.


While it looks like a huge amount of effort, to impliment this on Ilum it would take very little time indeed.


They would have to change the design of Ilum which is not terribly hard. They would need to implement a capture mechanic, which is already in the game with The Civil War (turrets), creating the platforms would also not be hugely problematic, simply pinning down the geofence in the right areas and put in a rule set and checks of whom to give the buff or damage to.


The other tricky implementation would be the area buff depending on numbers in the area however this too is not a hugely tricky situation for one area.


Implementing all the planets with different bases and the like would be time consuming, yes. Implementing this on Ilum however isnt.

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I don't get the point of orange armour its not as good as gear with set bonuses so everyone will just get the cookie cutter stuff. Why exactly can't blue epic or any color of gear not be modded?


If i get a piece of gear, why can't i change the mods in it? why does it have to be the orange stuff? in which case color of gear should never matter. There shouldn't even be a need for green blue orange purple etc because if you can mod anything the real value of the armour is the mods, not the way they look. The way they look is a more social thing.

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Creative thinking here -- I like that.


Another thing to consider is leveraging expertise (in lieu of the health bonus) to address faction imbalance.


A simple thing would be to make expertise only function for the underdog realm -- yes, a lot of empire players would be lining up to cry sad tears, but then again, so what ;)


Balances would need to be applied (e.g. for 10:1 expertise would need to multiplied, but at 2:1 perhaps reduced).


That is actually a very good idea and much easier to implement than what I suggested due to using systems already in-game, however geofencing would still be required and additional server resources for regular checks to make sure people don't leave the area with those expertise buffs.

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tbh i dont know if bio have what it takes to take things like this on board? what do you guys think?


atm this is a pve based game, but i dont think they thought about WHO actualy payes for ongoing subs. Its GUILDS!


Atm the game caters for the PVE experiance (which i do enjoy) but alas it gets boring very quickly. maybe 5 or 10 runs of every instance and you start to hate the sight of them.

so you do warzones, but only 3 maps. so again gets boring very quickly (ESPECIALLY when you have to rely on 4 random ppl to help you win lol)


Players like a challange, especially MMO players. and THE ONLY way to chalange groups of gamers is by pitting them vrs other groups of gamers.

when the 'new game' dust settles and all the soft core pay-for-two-months guys are away the players left are the hardcore mmo gamers, who have a social network WITHIN the game. be it 10 or 100 members, they talk to each other every day and PAY SUBS every month.


if bio want me to pay for my next month they HAVE to fix owpvp, sure they can add a new instance that i can jump right in and do HM in 30 mins lol but that wont keep me paying. stop it from going stale with real time pvp objectives, expand the guild support and give us something to compete over.


if you can fix ilum guys then try it. BUT I SAY follow this guys lead, its one hell of an idea. i dont have the words to tell you how important this is. other games are coming and once guilds start to leave for them you might never get them back and bam swtor is FREE TO PLAY lol ;)

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This is great post,nice ideas in there

Sticky it please but most of all have the pvp devs read it as well.

The dev team that will start LISTEN to the gamers will win the world.


If they have spend so much money on making a lovely game with voice cover and all,im sure they can spend some more to fix what appears to be the most desired asset right now.World PvP.


There are tons of posts for Ilum and open pvp in general, those ppl cant be all wrong.

If you ask players about balance you gona get a lots of different opinions,crying,whines,etc.

It's normal in all MMOs


But they will all agree on one thing right now, PvP in open world needs to be changed/fixed

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It is that ability to play in big groups, play as a community that intrigues the masses of MMO players. Simply playing 8v8 is not enough, it is something that gives you experiences on the grand scale, the only unique thing that MMOs has to offer people that all other genres cannot. Player interaction is the key and is the one thing that MMO's can undoubtedly do better than all other games. Sieges and open world pvp such as this, has always been the winning factor of providing the basis of these relationships and communities to be formed and as we all know, communities and relationships are the thing that keep MMOs together, not trying to balance classes, not creating more divided warzones, not the small grouping but the community on a much larger scale and a feeling that you actually matter in the grand scheme of things.


I just wanted to chime in again and say that I love this =D When I think back on all the MMO's I've played, it's the ones that got this concept, in regards to PvP, that were the most memorable. Not to mention the ones that I played for the longest. There's no other MMO aspect that holds my attention more than grand scale battles that actually affect the game world, and the community.

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tbh i dont know if bio have what it takes to take things like this on board? what do you guys think?


atm this is a pve based game, but i dont think they thought about WHO actualy payes for ongoing subs. Its GUILDS!


Atm the game caters for the PVE experiance (which i do enjoy) but alas it gets boring very quickly. maybe 5 or 10 runs of every instance and you start to hate the sight of them.

so you do warzones, but only 3 maps. so again gets boring very quickly (ESPECIALLY when you have to rely on 4 random ppl to help you win lol)


Players like a challange, especially MMO players. and THE ONLY way to chalange groups of gamers is by pitting them vrs other groups of gamers.

when the 'new game' dust settles and all the soft core pay-for-two-months guys are away the players left are the hardcore mmo gamers, who have a social network WITHIN the game. be it 10 or 100 members, they talk to each other every day and PAY SUBS every month.


if bio want me to pay for my next month they HAVE to fix owpvp, sure they can add a new instance that i can jump right in and do HM in 30 mins lol but that wont keep me paying. stop it from going stale with real time pvp objectives, expand the guild support and give us something to compete over.


if you can fix ilum guys then try it. BUT I SAY follow this guys lead, its one hell of an idea. i dont have the words to tell you how important this is. other games are coming and once guilds start to leave for them you might never get them back and bam swtor is FREE TO PLAY lol ;)



totally agree


im going to try and do a little maths sum for bw devs now


what devs need to consider regarding subscription retention is keeping players playing


creating a operation/flashpoint will take "x" man hours to develop and test this will generate "z" player hours playing it.....


"Z" will be affected by repetition and time to complete said instances (heroic flash point about a hour, heroic operation about 4) players will only play these for a limited time and then demand more


creating a open world pvp zone will take "Y" man hours to develop and test this will generate "w" player hours


"w" will be affected by repetition (most pvp is random and varying experience which reduces the repition) and balance players are much more likely to spend time here since the experience gets tedious a lot less quickly


to sum up what im trying to say is spending your time deving operations and war zones as your primary line of development is a self perpetuating beast and the faster you create them the faster the players want them....


where as if you create a good open world pvp area players are going to spend alot more time in said area be for they are bored and demand a new one allowing you time to work on the more structured instances....

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