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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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So when you capture the objective planets you go to the opposite factions base to capture boss or when you capture all the bases he aoutomaticly goes to like a prison some where where you could battle him? Also whould there be enough people to like make it a decent battle at each base?And say there are 3 planets that you try to control, so do you just have to get 2/3 bases on all 3 planets? Or do you have to capture every single base? Would there be like a space port to take you to each planet(Just like your on hoth click to go to tatooine loading screen and your there).

Greaat post 5/5 great work! just wanted to find out on those things.



PS. Like the battle on Naboo where there was a huge shield over the gungan army and the droids where invading it.

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Well thought out, I applaud the level of tact in which you approached the subject. You have taken what must be many hours of thought and research and provided Bioware with some solid ideas.

We need more intelligent and well constructed posts like this.


Adding any of the above items would greatly improve my gaming experience. Adding all would virtually ensure I continue to be a subscriber for a very, very long time.

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This post is a lot of trouble for the developers. For one, they cannot exactly agree or give support for this, yet they will be doomed by some of the fans if they do not. The magnitude of this revamp / expansion, even if recycling many things, is still substantial.


It is hardly a simple solution, something that companies and developers are likely more interested about. The game cannot delay any of the planned content, pushing things further does not work well for profit. Also, idea donations like these are hardly ever taken to consideration as a whole, more likely just a part of it.


Though, I still hope BW takes a good look into this post, and tries to see if they have time to try to implement even some of these things. Also, the schedule you implemented is way too unrealistic.


Good work, and nice effort. Rating for epicness (5).

Edited by Zippor
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The most important thing people can say is letting Bioware know they will continue to resubscribe if this was implemented.


Keeping current clients is much easier and cheaper than turning unsubscribers into subscribers and I believe that will be a focus on any decision to implement any idea like this.

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i actully cancled my sub and intended to not resubscribe till drastic changes had been made with the end game content and replay value sadly i read anues forum post and felt it was so well written i had to post


HOW EVER i couldnt make a post because i hadnt subscribed so i have subscribed litterly to support this thread........


weather or not i continue to subscribe is down to bw and if they decide to continue to release stupid videos saying they are working on either things that should of been in game at release (guild banks and custom ui) or things that would be in any big patchs in the future (operations and warzones)


i dont mind subscribing for months and waiting for improvments if i actully know they are coming and be nice to know what they are

Edited by Chadwokie
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