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Not Enought grind, Exp to easy


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Am I the only one that thing there is not enought grind in this game?


I have played many mmorpg and i do believe the exp is to easy to get in this game. Lvl 50 in a week of release!!!!! battlemester in the next week!!! cmon!!!


Im not a hardcore player, in fact i just got to lvl 50 from playing couple hour a week.


What its doing is people are getting bored really fast from end content and that is putting alot of preasure on the dev to get new stuff faster to keep the player happy and to solve all the bug


If they would have cut the exp in haf, they would have more time to solve the bug , get new operation when the majority of player get to 50, fix lvl 50 item , maybe add another planet for lvl 50 and maybe get crafting viable for lvl 50.


As of now, in 2-3 month, everyone will be in battlemaster gear with nothing to do. That will be very difficult to keep people in playing and in a mmorpg if there not enought player, the game dies rapidly.


If they dont raise the lvl cap( witch i doubt so early on) i fear for the long term of the game


my 2 cents:eek:

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Yes... because I enjoy playing nearly all day only to see my experience bar go up 1/10th of the damn way. I enjoy spending 5 months just trying to get to the level cap then realize theres yet another *********** 20 month grind just so I can be on par with everyone.


The current rate is good.

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This is because, it's expected for players to re-roll a new char and try out 'the other storyline'. The char limit per server is 8, isn't that quite obvious that they are encouraging you to do so? and what's more encouraging to do that, when the dev make it less grinding to achieve higher level content much faster? -- I don't see a problem with that at all.
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Certain other MMOs had much less content on there launch and alot more bugs and issues. But it survived because its community understood things like new content and bug fixes take time.


Im sure TOR will do just fine as some of us understand its a new MMO and not everything can be done at once!

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People are thinking of this game in the wrong way. It's not a game where you come in and your goal is "50... gotta grind to 50." The game is different from all other MMOs in that the primary focus is on story. So your goal is to finish the story, not to get to 50. Stop thinking in the primary convention of "I've got to level". This game was designed more for "ok I'm going to login and experience my character's story."


Guess what happens when you finish your story? You are (or are close to) 50! You are leveled as a result of the story... not "I finished my story as a result of leveling". They created this game differently. I realize this isn't the way everyone plays, but this sort of change in mechanics is lost on those who simply want to go grind. This game specifically tries to remove the traditional "grind" found in a lot of other MMOs.


It's fine to not like it, but this is the basic design of the game, and was the central focus behind the development of the game and the story lines. It's not going to change.

Edited by Cavi
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Am I the only one that thing there is not enought grind in this game?


I have played many mmorpg and i do believe the exp is to easy to get in this game. Lvl 50 in a week of release!!!!! battlemester in the next week!!! cmon!!!


Im not a hardcore player, in fact i just got to lvl 50 from playing couple hour a week.


So you made Lvl 50 within a week of release by playing a couple, maybe even 4 or 5 hours?


Rubbish, can't be done

0/10 terrible troll, must try harder.

Edited by Woodspoon
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The "grind" is fine, no need to make it worse.


You're supposed to reach max level from doing your class story/planet stories, it's working as intended.


MMOs aren't about grind, crappy ones focuses on them, but better ones supplement the game with a variety of content that is either unlocked through player progress or via content patches. The base game is always just a long tutorial on how to play and gearing you up, the real game is always what comes after. What the devs can push out now and later will determine the survivability and quality of the game, making grinding harder just means you're padding out the game by slowing down player progression, heh, it never works out well for the devs.

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My guildmates played about as much as the OP...as they just started reaching 50. I can say for sure that you didn't get to 50 in the time you said...because they sure as hell didn't. You spent much more time...perhaps it just felt like a couple hours because you were enjoying yourself.


The game absolutely does not need more Grind...it's perfect the way it is (the level of grind, the game itself is another matter, and does need work).


Telling him to roll an alt or two doesn't help...that means he'll get rest xp....making things worse. If it weren't for that leveling all my alts would seem more like a grind than it is. 14 characters across 3 servers.

Edited by Thunder-God
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im not sure im reading it right.... Needs more grind? I have read so many posts of people on other mmos that they need less grind.... Damned if u do damned if u dont....


Theres no way a few hours a week and ur 50 just a week after launch.... I play 6 hrs a day since dec 14th and im lvl 43....

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I agree, if you do all quests on each planet you level faster than what the planet aquire. And if you pvp a lil along with that most quests will be too easy since you levelled too fast.


Its a shame to miss quests or do them while being too high level, it wont give the challange to it and makes the quests boring.

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not sure if serious or trolling :rolleyes:


I think your trolling.


It's way too easy and fast to get to 50. It's why a lot of us are complaining there isn't much to do. I didn't skip dialogue, I finished my class quests and at completely did all the quests from Korriban to Belsavis. It took very little time. Now that I'm 50 I'm doing what I did in WoW. At least Vanilla WoW it took me months so by the time I reached the endgame I had another goal and that was to gear 39 other people for raids.

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I wonder if anyone remembers or read some early game design discussions by a key BioWare head hancho (at the time) who once said "let them quit".



Here read for yourself. Click here.


Read lessons 8 and 9. WHile the man has since left BioWare (I think), I'm sure his philosophy is alive and well at the company, and I don't disagree with it.


Lesson Eight


"Don't tune for the hardcore." Turning to the audience, Walton asked for a show of hands: "How many of you have shipped an MMO? How many of you remember a discussion about making the game harder to keep people in the game longer?" He dismissed those who had but didn't, and suggested that this stems from "forgetting our object is not to keep people as long as humanly possible, but to provide entertainment." When it comes to grinding, "they will do it, but they will hate you."


When he first encountered WoW, he admits thinking that the game would be over in 50 days -- because it's so fast paced. But when its success became apparent, Walton realized something. "I was thinking about crazy people! Crazy people can finish the game in 50 days, but crazy people are not who we should be thinking about.... where's the real market, our real customers? If anything, I think people should make games that level faster than WoW -- that have the right content to hold up."


Lesson Nine


He then suggested something even more controversial -- "Let 'em quit." He warned of making promises for features in patches that would never come to fruition (or do so far down the line the promises don't matter anymore.) "City Of Heroes taught me this before WoW -- a game that you finished and felt good and you'd re-up." But with other games "they quit because they'd stayed too long... the only way for them to escape was to demonize the game."


His personal experience is that he'll drop in and out of WoW at a whim with no ill feeling. However, he didn't think it was relevant that WoW doesn't delete inactive characters -- the "namespace" freed by deleting characters makes them worth deleting. He warned gamers get dissatisfied "if it takes more than three tries before they can have a name that they want."

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