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Is biochem worth lvling after nerf?


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Since the nerfs to biochem, is it still worth it to lvl up? i am currently lvl 50 jedi shadow who likes tanking a dps with 400 slicing, 400 diplomacy, and 400 bioanalysis.


With the nerfs to slicing i was planing to drop it for biochem, but now i am not sure if it is worth it to jump into biochem since more nerfs may be coming. How profitable are the products of biochem? are they just as profitable as simply selling the mats?

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The Rakata Stim is still the most powerful level 50 item you can acquire. It always confused me why the Medipak was seen as the broken aspect of the crew skill, when in actuality it's the 130+ stats and 50+ power bonuses you get from the Stim that really stands out after you're maxed in level and gear.


Sadly, I went Synthweaving and all I got was +4 rating (140) bracers and belt over what's readily available in T2 (136). One of these days I'll probably dump the credits necessary to switch to Biochem.

Edited by ArcadesSabboth
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If you are only looking for short-term profit then Biochem probably isn't for you. You can make good money just selling the mats and be done with it.


However the long-term profitability from Biochem comes not from money made in selling, it's in the money saved in buying. If you play long enough, and especially if you plan on raiding, then things like stims and such become much more important, most guilds expect/require you to use them during raids. If you are Biochem you get your handy dandy unlimited reuse purple stimpack that you made or bought and that's all you ever need. If you aren't Biochem then you are buying 2-4 stimpacks, per raid, every raid. And at what cost?


Personally I am gathering mats right now for my own Biochem grind for this very reason. I plan to raid and I plan to be playing this game for a good long time, and with the reusables I'm going to end up saving myself probably tens of millions of credits in stims and healthpacks over that time because of it, even if I never sell an item I make via Biochem.

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