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Tatooine Ballon Datacron


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I wanted to get the blue Matrix Datacron today.. headed to that sandcrawler..Ballon was far away.. k.. lets wait.. about 20 min later that thing gets close.. 30-40 min travel- no problem.


I did some crafting checked my keyboard settings for some changes, then decides to tab out to check my mail... about 30 min of traveling so far.

Before i tabed out i saw the crawler withthe glowing datacron.. yep soon ill get it.. tab out.. check mail 2-3 min.. get back in.. i find myself on the ground !! i had antoher person with me up there... he was besides me.. NO Ballon around us! like it never excist!


almost 1h for this? u got to be kidding!


( no i wont cancel, i am just pretty ****** about this bs )


So, if u are trying this.. never tab out and watch the screen!

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taht must be the single most f****d-up datacrons (yes, theres 2 of em on that crawler)

in the whole game.


Fortunately I always kinda had good ride companions for a little chat.


I wish I had known about that when I went and got the one on top.


.... I need to ride the slow-moving balloon of death a second time with that guy.

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I wanted to get the blue Matrix Datacron today.. headed to that sandcrawler..Ballon was far away.. k.. lets wait.. about 20 min later that thing gets close.. 30-40 min travel- no problem.


I did some crafting checked my keyboard settings for some changes, then decides to tab out to check my mail... about 30 min of traveling so far.

Before i tabed out i saw the crawler withthe glowing datacron.. yep soon ill get it.. tab out.. check mail 2-3 min.. get back in.. i find myself on the ground !! i had antoher person with me up there... he was besides me.. NO Ballon around us! like it never excist!


almost 1h for this? u got to be kidding!


( no i wont cancel, i am just pretty ****** about this bs )


So, if u are trying this.. never tab out and watch the screen!


You get kicked out of the balloon when you go afk.


Nothing new.


[usual Interwebz comments ]

Edited by IPaq
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This datacron is absolutely horrendous. Waiting for 30 min for a baloon? Srsly? Not to mention when I went there today the baloon had just left the spot where you board it, so now I have to spend like 1+ hour doing this.


Datacrons should give some fancy clothing or something and not permanent stats. By giving permanent stats you are forcing this down the throat of raiders who want to max their character's stats. That's seriously annoying.


And you expect me to do this for every one of my characters? The designers really dropped the ball with this. Please when expansions are released, DON'T implement these types of datacrons with permanent stat boosts. Make them give a vanity reward, so that those who enjoy doing this type of activity have a reason to do it but those who don't can ignore them without being at a disadvantage in the activity they enjoy (in my case raiding).

Edited by ddayyy
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SWG had a bugged quested called "Hero of Tattooine." Picture searching 100 square mile desert for an NPC that randomly walks in circles. This was OK when the game had the Ranger class (you could use the search feature), but after NGE no dice. Took days and sometimes weeks to find him (sadly, the quest broke and there were a few people who searched and searched. They are all in a mental hospital now).
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had a few probs with that on my smuggler, decided to go for the balloon run,


first attempt saw the balloon despawn on the current rider, and respawn infront of me and several other ppl at the crawler, just past the point where anyone could jump on to it.


2nd attempt saw my pc go absolutely crazy as we reached the final jump, meaning I missed the crawler by about a foot.


got it on the 3rd run... barely (needed a friend with a grapnel just to get the 2nd cube)


Its not the best datacron run by a long shot...

Edited by Cytheria
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This datacron is absolutely horrendous. Waiting for 30 min for a baloon? Srsly? These datacrons should give some fancy clothing or something and not permanent stats. By giving permanent stats you are forcing this down the throat of raiders who want to max their character's stats. That's seriously annoying.


And you expect me to do this for every one of my characters? The designers really dropped the ball with this. Please when expansions are released, DON'T implement these types of datacrons with permanent stat boosts.


There is nothing that can be done to please those that complain... But:


When do Universe, Inc. is planning to release the "get real" patch to fix those humans?

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Just so everyone knows... You do NOT need to take the balloon to get either of the datacrons.


All you need is an Iquisitor or a Sith Juggernaut (jugg > inquis... easier to aim)


Go to the side the red datacron is on and move down to the corner that is closer to the ground.. now move diagonally away from the crawler. Someting like the following









| x






You wanna be around where teh dot is. (except more to the left... it doesnt let me indent here. "X" is the 'lowest' corner of the crawler, closest to the ground


Then duel your pal and have him force push you on the crawler... much easier if he does so while you jump i nmid air.. only liike about 3 or 4 pushes to get it... pretty easy.


So yea.. dont wait 40ish minutes for this.. just run out there and get it...lol.

Edited by IreScath
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AFK? no lol.. maybe 1-2 min but most time at the keyboard. Like i said.. there was another player right besides me. he wasnt afk either. Both on the ground at the same time.. so yea. that thing can despawn?? who the hell programmed that bs??


The game will put you AFK quite quickly in some instance.


But you're more than welcome to keep up your current attitude about "your" situation.


In my case, I'll be getting that Datacron on my 7 other alts.

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I've travelled on it twice with no problems. Pay attention next time.


Again, the balloon DOES randomly disappear. Saw this happen when my friend was riding it with many others and she deffo wasn't alt+tabbed or /afk when it happened.

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If you get disconnected or timeout, you spawn on the ground under the balloon.


As others have said, stay in game, active. Nothing you can do about getting disconnected if it happens (happened to a party member when I got mine). I understand that it seems frustrating to tab back into the game and find the balloon gone...but my feeling is that if you're away from the game, come back, and don't know what happened, it's pretty hard to legitimately complain.


Other thing about folks saying the balloon needs to be faster/needs to be alternate ways to get it... I disagree. The balloon is a perfect example of a reward--you see something in the game, you think to yourself "I'm going to take a chunk of time to try this hilariously outrageous thing, just to see what happens," and for your efforts in extreme exploring, there's a shiny reward. It's *exactly* what should happen. And, getting 2 big crons for a 40 minute balloon ride is pretty darned nice.

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OP..same thing happened to me just now ...and I was NOT afk. I got booted because of EXHAUSTION. I was 35 minutes into the trip,..and almost there when BAM! exhausted and dumped to the ground


Nice going FAIL ware. You not only made the quest horrendous with the slow speed...a bug has just sent this fail datacron quest to the stratosphere level of bugged quests. You failed to think about the consequences of a bug in an incredibly slooooooooow datacron quest


There is no reason the balloon should be moving that slow when there is the possibility of a bug dumping you like that :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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