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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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It's still funny to see ppl spouting the "Deal with it" nonsense. A couple of things, in retrospect.


1) Guild decided via several polls to roll Empire PVP.(initially 100+ in this chapter) We actually have a Republic non-pvp chapter playing on a different server.

2) Kinrath Spider, the supposed Brazilian server never really came about, but alot of folks left because they were scured. Our Empire Allies stayed but the Republican guilds all left to greener pastures. So now we put down FLux alot.

3) Current guild size is over 350 unique accounts, so rerolling is not really an option for us.


These are the reasons why we are dealing with it.


So I re-iterate...When are they going to merge servers?

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If they start merging servers after a couple of months does this not mean swtor is failing?

BTW I like the game and have sub for 6 months :p


Nah this just fearmongering by the uninformed. What would BW rather do? Sit on their laurels and let the players who are bored from low population servers to unsubscribe?

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I play on Ven Zallow, which i think is pretty decently populated compared to what I read here in this thread. Even there, where the population seems to be higher compared to others, worlds have an empty feeling. The high level planets - Voss & Corellia have 10-30 people on them on prime time. That's a very lonely feeling. I can't imagine these worlds on low pop servers. Wow.
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Dont care about merges....just get with the program and do cross server queues for WZ and Flashpoints/Operations....Then server populations will not matter, unless you are a AH fanatic.


Oh yeah and AH sucks....maybe we need cross server AH as well :p


I did a search for Bio crafting materials and there was 2 items on the AH.....2! some green goo or whatever it is.

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Many people on my server (Harbinger) have recently moved to us from lower population servers. I suggest that anyone who really is interested in grouping heavily (which is great!) come to one of the higher pop servers. Eventually there will be a server transfer option and you can get your mains off as well.
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If there going to merge servers, they'll need to work on making them able to hold everybody. When traffic gets too heavy on mine the lag becomes unbelievable, and I've had times where I've been lagged out during a battle or quest. If this happens to all the servers we'll be getting people crying "Split the servers!!!".
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First you give each character a code, this code shall be used to identify characters in features that would name would have previously identified them in. For example, instead of typing in your friends name, you would type in there code. This would allow anyone to have any name on any server and would eliminate the problem of people having to change there name if they move server.


Next you merge each server so they are high population but you don't just put all the lows together. You merge servers with higher amounts of Republic players with servers that have less Republic players, this would move a little bit closer to getting faction balance.


Next you write a code for a automated scaling reward system, this system will take into account the faction imbalance and give incentives to the outnumbers faction accordingly. These rewards could be a quicker capture time on objectives in open world PVP to a Valor Experience buff. This would help faction imbalance slightly more.


Now you pair servers together, matching two PVP servers together, two PVE servers together and you get the idea. These servers will have a cross server Flashpoint Finder and Warzone Finder between each other, this would make it easier to find dungeons and operations but you would have more of a chance of meeting new people.


Now with the servers paired you can start doing special cross server challenges and such, this is so you further develop that community that people seem to crave so much. They could even go as far as creating a world that is in limbo between the two servers, this world would pit the two servers against each other. The could be objectives to hold that give bonuses to whatever server holds them, there could be special Operations that offer new loot... There are a lot of possibilities.


But my ideas don't stop there, I believe each world that can be visited by both factions should have a PVP capture point on it. When players get near to this objective they receive the same buff you get in Warzones so that it is a easy playing field. For each and every objective a faction hold, everyone receives a bonus to how much of every currency they receive.


And finally this is not a major point but throughout this they should be working on the quality of the servers, constantly expanding there size and capabilities.

Edited by DoomStride
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i am not happy with the amount of people in my server at all. I would like to see server merges for standard population servers so they can be heavily populated. This is rediculous, there were more people in beta servers than a standard swtor server. Why?


Has there been any response from a bioware/lucas arts employee about this issue?

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As it is, there are way too many US based servers. They should fold the lower population servers into some of the "standard" servers that are near the low end of that category. Maybe it's because Imps outnumber Reps 3:1 on my server, but it just seems like there are no Republics online. There MUST be incentives given to play Republic on PvP servers, otherwise we'll be playing Sith Wars: The Old Empire before the year ends.
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Catch 22 really isnt it.. Obviously you want them merged to fix the population problems on some servers, but at the same time its like a message to the world that things are going downhill fast with your game...


Tough call, all I know is they have to do something to the ghost town servers...

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I think part of the problem is that the game engine is poorly optimized, and just can't handle large numbers of people on any given server. What TOR considers to be a "full" server load, many other MMOs would consider to be "medium" at the worst.


So to compensate, BioWare set up a large number of servers, and did everything they could to spread people out across those servers (setting up guilds in advance of release, then purposely assigning those guilds to specific servers). Even then, the servers were overloaded, leading to the long login queues.


These days, now that the initial crush of "OMG-we-gotta-play-this-NAO" has worn off, server populations seem especially low due to instancing of popular zones, which seems to be caused by an overly zealous threshold for instancing that is set too low. That is, new instances are created (and players tossed into them at login) according to some arbitrary number set by BioWare, and that number is fairly low to keep large groups of people from forming in any given instance. Yes, you can always change instances, but many people either forget it's possible or simply don't bother.


(Just my $0.02 worth.)

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If they start merging servers after a couple of months does this not mean swtor is failing?




It means they need to do some serious house cleaning though. It was pretty obvious to most MMO vets in beta that the population caps are way too low to sustain healthy server communities. Even the largest servers ( like Tomb of Freedon Nadd, arguably the largest EU server ) are pretty empty by the standards of comparable products like LotRO or, well, WoW.


You'd think that professionals shouldn't f up such a fundamental design decision these days, but appearantly that's expecting to much of the managers and engineers of a quadrizillion dollar project.

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Why would they do this,first off they would have to Admit that the numbers in this game are in the Toilet, Anyone with any sense can see this just by playing the game and the numbers that are on the planet with you at any given time,but hey good thing all the fanboys here dont have the sense to figure that out
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