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Founder Title Cool Idea . . .


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I like the idea behind the founder title, unfortunately forcing us to choose between advertising that we are a founder and our other titles means the founder title looses to our other titles. This makes the founder title a mute point and ruins the intention the game had behind of having such a thing because if players chose to use the other titles, the founder title is not used, not affective and provides no ncentive for others to subscribe to the game play.


It would be nice if identification as a founder was done in another manner so as not force players ti choose between their favorite title and promoting that they are a founder. Being able to accomplish both would be far more affective and more would do so.


I played a game (planetside) where accolades were proudly displayed on the player's toon as special items such as gear and medals on the toons chest. Other players could tell how "bad ***" a player was just by looking at what he was wearing. Much as in real life as where elite forces has certain things on their uniform that indicated them as such, special colored berets, jump boots with their non combat uniforms, medals and and other items that signify that they are special.


I love the diversity of this game where players can excell an many arenas. It would be nice if we could show off our accomplishments at first glance with out having other players go through the trouble of looking up our our stats (because nobody does that). That's half the fun of MMORPGS is to get the kewl stuff and show them off. Give us more avenues to show them off and it will only increase the enjoyment of the game.

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I rarely notice anyone's title or accomplishments in game. Not to mention the fact that while leveling we really don't see that many other players, so internet epeen isn't very important. However, I think we should glow bright orange if we are a Founder!
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Main problem I just have is that it's the most out of character title I can think of (other than maybe The ubar l33t haxx0r ****pwner)


But I don't really consider it a big deal. A gift is a gift, they also couldn't have given us anything.

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I will tell you how I feel about titles.. ( and I was in beta and preordered the game months ago, so I do have the "founder" title ) If they donot give me some extra power. skills..etc..I could'nt careless. I use no titles at all on my chars. Being known as a Master Jedi, yet without any special skills, talents, etc. than any other Jedi at my level means nothing. Any title worth it's salt also comes with power to do some things. What good is a General for example in a Army if he could'nt command anyone?
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Playing the long game on this one. It's a bit meaningless now, but it'll be awesome in 2 years...




It's not for use now. It's for use assuming the game does well and in three or four years you'll have people jealous that you have that awesome Founder title.


Of course it's kind of meaningless a month after release when we are ALL founders.

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Its not too exclusive if everyone has one. Havent seen one person using the title yet.



It's one of those crap gifts I'll never use, unfortunately like the DD digital items like the flare gun and stuff. Just takes up space


Dont forget our exclusive vip vendor... that only sells one item... :confused:

Edited by Folgrin
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I also played a game called Eve where buying toons is condoned and part of the game. People dished out big bucks to buy old characters not because they were old, but so they could BS others into believing that they were here since the beginning. I think the founder title was meant to serve a similar purpose.


Call me petty, call me sillly, but I kinda enjoy it when an uber player walks into a room and everyone marvels at his or her accolades even if I am not the uber player. It's sort of like watching a cherried out 69 Camaro roll drive down the street. Yes, I am one of those that oggle.


I think it all started back in EQ2 when another toon walked into an area and all the NPC guards saluted him as an officer. I was like, "Wow, that was cool".

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I like the idea behind the founder title, unfortunately forcing us to choose between advertising that we are a founder and our other titles means the founder title looses to our other titles. This makes the founder title a mute point and ruins the intention the game had behind of having such a thing because if players chose to use the other titles, the founder title is not used, not affective and provides no ncentive for others to subscribe to the game play.


It would be nice if identification as a founder was done in another manner so as not force players ti choose between their favorite title and promoting that they are a founder. Being able to accomplish both would be far more affective and more would do so.


I played a game (planetside) where accolades were proudly displayed on the player's toon as special items such as gear and medals on the toons chest. Other players could tell how "bad ***" a player was just by looking at what he was wearing. Much as in real life as where elite forces has certain things on their uniform that indicated them as such, special colored berets, jump boots with their non combat uniforms, medals and and other items that signify that they are special.


I love the diversity of this game where players can excell an many arenas. It would be nice if we could show off our accomplishments at first glance with out having other players go through the trouble of looking up our our stats (because nobody does that). That's half the fun of MMORPGS is to get the kewl stuff and show them off. Give us more avenues to show them off and it will only increase the enjoyment of the game.


If you have a Suggestion for the title you speak of, posting your idea in the suggestion forum should be considered so that the Dev's can take a look at your idea.

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Like the person said above me... people will complain about anything. Why can't I display ALL my titles all at the same time?!? Seriously....


The "value" of this title (I use that term very loosely) will become more apparent in 5 years time. Today, everyone has that title, and it says nothing other than the fact that you are playing the game this month, just like everyone else in the game.

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Like the person said above me... people will complain about anything. Why can't I display ALL my titles all at the same time?!? Seriously....


The "value" of this title (I use that term very loosely) will become more apparent in 5 years time. Today, everyone has that title, and it says nothing other than the fact that you are playing the game this month, just like everyone else in the game.



I agree, the title gains more value as time goes on. when enough time has past people will ask "how do I get that title" and you have the honor of saying "You can't get it anymore, it was for the people who pre-ordered the game when it was brand new"

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Not really...


The title is kind of lame, I mean I'll never use it over Lord or Darth or something more Star Wars oriented. Plus it isn't even presented well. "<name>, founder" Would've even looked better as "Founder <name>"


And it's not all that impressive at the moment since basically everyone playing right now has it.


Giving us some lame *** title really isn't that much of a show of appreciation, but whatever. Some games do a good job at their loyalty systems others don't.


Not bashing them, just saying I'm not all that impressed.

Edited by HavenAE
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I'm amused that everyone who buys the game through March is a founder, rather than everyone in ega, or in the first billing cycle. If this game does as well as WoW is doing now, then approx a quarter of all the players will be founders :D


But hey, a meaningless title for free? Ok, I'm cool with it.


If bw wanted to really shake things up, they could move customer support tickets to the top of the queue for anyone with a founder title. That'd be worth solid gold, there. O.o ;D


What would give titles more meaning to you guys?


For me, more specific achievements would do it. When I was informed by the Council that I was the 3rd Barsenthor of the Jedi order I was like "cool..I think? What'd I do?"... Turns out, us consulars are allll Barsenthors. Whooo. For me, it'd be cool if there were undisclosed criterion, so *everyone* might get a title for certain things, but the exact title might vary, depending on the sorts of things you did along the way. (Kinda like the Uncompromising title)

Edited by Journeyer
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Founder title will be special in 2 years when people who were on the server at start up will few and far between. Many Mmos in the past have offered a special item that ends up being worth untold amounts of money, albeit you cannot do this with the Founder title, but it will be special.
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