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The Travel System Is Severely Hurting The Gameplay!


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I find the need to maximize every nano second of play time amusing. That guy can't check his gear or rearrange his bags if he has the ability to move his character on his own. That time MUST be spent "working the grind" because god forbid he had to stop playing his character for 2 mins to use the bathroom. Oh no it must be done during designated break moments where he can't do anything with his character anyway.


The funny thing is people talk about their precious time and how they don't got time and stuff yet they discount the fact that even with the manual navigation of the travel system it's faster to get from one end of the galaxy to the other than any other game currently.


There's 3 separate ways to get to fleet FAST, there is no wait times for a shuttle to get to anywhere, Quick Travel beats HS hands down. Yet they still complain.



Except that is good game design.


Having to stare at a loading screen (multiple loading screens in fact) is not good game design.




Admittedly much of this issue would be relieved if they took Fleet Passes off the Security Key vendor (this is a silly idea in a game with a well designed and thought-out travel system, never mind SWTOR).


SWTORs current system is like having to tap a key or input a password on a horse/griffon/speeder based system (or you end up getting booted off back to your start point), because you HAVE to be there, you HAVE to sit through each and every loading screen, it's purely really bad game design, which is why no MMORPG has had this many loading screens through a travel nexus before, and the trend up until SWTOR was to reduce loading screens and pointless delay through any travel nexus.

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Call it what you want but I prefer the shorter time for travel over a 10min afk flight/ride/whatever.

If I want to go afk I just go afk. I don't need a travel system to facilitate me going afk.



So then you'd agree that being able to avoid the loading screens would be a very good thing, as that would make travel quicker (as well as remove the pointless annoying of watching multiple loading screens for the fun of watching loading screens)?

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I think people need to step back and think about what you're actually doing and make constructive suggestions... instead of OMGTRAVELSUX kthxbai...


You can't land a spaceship just anywhere... Seriously. You just can't. You could land a shuttle in a few places but just think about it. It's like the difference between landing a commercial airliner and a helicopter.... but worse.


I do agree that running through spaceports could be improved by letting us ride our speeders.


I think that the suggestion to let level 50 players join some kind of transport service from the Fleet to Ilum is a good one and makes sense considering how the Republic is effectively sending you out there.It could also bring in the opportunity to meet other level 50 players which would be cool. Instead of making it a personal instance perhaps it could be a shared area but that isn't everyone's thing.


I think orbital stations are necessary staging points but perhaps it could be arranged that if you didn't want or need to go there, then as suggested previously in this thread, when you exited your ship you could select an option that, instead of zoning into the orbital station that part is taken for granted and you see a short cs of you taking off from the station and then landing on your destination. If you want to progress or flag a quest, or even visit a vendor then you just exit to the station.



A lot of the areas which have been created, incorporate plot. I think they're necessary. This isn't an high-fantasy environment where magic can solve everything. There is ancient technology and maybe that could solve some issues... We've begun to see it on some worlds already with teleportation devices.


A quick travel point back to the hangars would be a nice compromise but I often end up using Fleet passes (and should use FP shuttles) to go back to the fleet and then zone out to my ship from there.


TL : DR?


  • Offer constructive solutions
  • You can't land a spaceship anywhere you want
  • Being able to ride speeders in spaceports would be awesome
  • Republic provided travel between the Fleet and Ilum would be great and could be a group instance rather than an individual one
  • The option to skip orbital stations when you don't need to visit them would be great
  • This is not a high fantasy environment where magic can solve everything
  • A quick travel point in the hangars would be awesome

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So then you'd agree that being able to avoid the loading screens would be a very good thing, as that would make travel quicker (as well as remove the pointless annoying of watching multiple loading screens for the fun of watching loading screens)?

I never said I liked load screen. However most of the complaints in this thread is against the running through the spaceports and stuff. I actually have made a thread suggesting a possible way to reduce the amount of load screens.


What I am against is having an automated travel system that takes longer just so people don't have to navigate through the spaceport. I don't think the answer to people's travel issues is allowing them to teleport all over the galaxy. I think it's pretty cool to see your ship as you enter your class hanger.

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  • Offer constructive solutions
  • You can't land a spaceship anywhere you want
  • Being able to ride speeders in spaceports would be awesome
  • Republic provided travel between the Fleet and Ilum would be great and could be a group instance rather than an individual one
  • The option to skip orbital stations when you don't need to visit them would be great
  • This is not a high fantasy environment where magic can solve everything
  • A quick travel point in the hangars would be awesome



Yeah many of those thing have been suggested.


For some reason though there seems to be a small number than seem to believe the current system is either "immersive" or "the best it can possibly ever be".


No idea why, as if the majority of the things you list there were imprlimented, SWTOR would be a much smoother and more user friendly game to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, maybe I represent a minority of the subscriber base, but the whole idea of an immersive RPG is that it is immersive. It is the fact that it takes so long to get from one place to another that keeps the world big. When you start shortcutting everything you begin to take away from the feeling of actually being in a galaxy or world.


Another thing that makes helping out your guildies, is the fact that to do it, you just don’t click a button and appear. When you have to really go out of your way to do it, it makes the help more tangible or substantial, whatever the word I am looking for is.


Part of the downfall of one of the other popular MMORPG is that their expansive world, spread across multiple continents, suddenly became really small with the introduction of mechanics to reduce travel times.


Travel times will just be the first step, then people will want shortcuts to leveling, then shortcuts to tier gear, then shortcuts to endgame, it will never stop. At that point, a one-month subscription will be enough to max out the game, then you can just wait for the next expansion and buy another subscription.


PLEASE, keep it the way it is, there is more money in it for you!!

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Maybe bioware should add a requirement to use rations and water like we had in EQ, but add the further requirement that the character chew their rations slowly and while sitting down. And don't drink your water too fast or you'll get a tummy ache! And careful with that stick you'll put an eye out!


These measures would almost completely eliminate complaints about travel time.

Edited by Gleneagle
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Ok, maybe I represent a minority of the subscriber base, but the whole idea of an immersive RPG is that it is immersive. It is the fact that it takes so long to get from one place to another that keeps the world big. When you start shortcutting everything you begin to take away from the feeling of actually being in a galaxy or world.


Another thing that makes helping out your guildies, is the fact that to do it, you just don’t click a button and appear. When you have to really go out of your way to do it, it makes the help more tangible or substantial, whatever the word I am looking for is.


Part of the downfall of one of the other popular MMORPG is that their expansive world, spread across multiple continents, suddenly became really small with the introduction of mechanics to reduce travel times.


Travel times will just be the first step, then people will want shortcuts to leveling, then shortcuts to tier gear, then shortcuts to endgame, it will never stop. At that point, a one-month subscription will be enough to max out the game, then you can just wait for the next expansion and buy another subscription.


PLEASE, keep it the way it is, there is more money in it for you!!





There is nothing "immersive" at all about run.... loading screen... run... loading screen... run.... etc.




If it took oyur ship longer than 5 seconds to travel from any point in the galaxy to any other point in the galaxy that might be "immersion", but that's not what is going on at all. :csw_yoda:

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There is nothing immersive about Load Screens and Copy Pasted Corridors.


Paying 15 dollars a month to stare at a loading screen inbetween running through the same corridors over and over is the height of idiocy.


And I paid for a 6 month sub... DOH!

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It doesn't help that, Bioware has created ridiculous reasons for you to travel.


1 Go to planet A for class quest(Do your basic travel, and finish quest).


2. Travel to the planets spaceport


3. Take elevators


4. Take shuttle


5. Run through orbital station


6. Use your ships intercom


7. Repeat steps 5 through 2 respectively so you can return to the planet


8.Go to Imperial Fleet (But don't use a fleet pass or the game may bug your quest, so repeat steps 2 through 5)


9. You make it to the fleet, find the NPC, and he doesn't even talk to you! You click him, and you receive 1200 xp for wasting your time. This is one of the most moronic moves in the game; they are unapologetic about time sinking you. Time sinks are expected, I played FFXI for 4 years, I know time sinks, but usually they have a reward tied to them. (No, 1200 xp doesn't count at lv40)


10. Use your ships Intercom.(If nothing else is changed, step 9 should be completely removed)


I love the game, and I'm not going to unsub because some devs made stupid decisions, but since I am paying to play, I am entitled to /rage now and then.


tl;tr: The travel system blows, but what's worse is that they have added fliller quests that include no content(no text, no chat, no voices, no nothing) simply to waste your time.

Immersion has nothing to do with this at all.

Edited by Solemnone
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tl;tr: The travel system blows, but what's worse is that they have added fliller quests that include no content(no text, no chat, no voices, no nothing) simply to waste your time.



Hey, that kid they are paying minimum wage to is doing the best he can... flipping burgers is the next quest he is writing up. All based on his life experience...

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Having quests that do exactly NOTHING and summoning you to do things that are absolutely not necessary are a joke. LOAD zone hell. No MMO has this many problems. 12 years ago this game was done - then someone updated their software skills and did away with zones. There are so many damn zones in this game that it's unplayable. From every stinking elevator to getting on your ship - time killing nightmare. Go to fleet. touch bob. now go back through all those loading zones to return to where you just were?!?


I don't care what game it is - if all you can do to waste a players' time is make him travel - you FAILED as a game maker. This is the year 2012 - and you're stuck in 1999.


Eve Online has many MANY great things that are enjoyable to do. You don't spend 99% of your time going from a to b.


Bottom line - when subscribers leave - it's because you failed to put any kind of content in the game. Half-life 2 videos and redundant quests get OLD fast. Now what's left? Oh- that's right, nothing - except the same dumb mob AI (all are the same - hit one and they simply run and attack you - ZERO new there) - it's the same as all the other games out there. Oh - wait, they still have the epic failure space battles - point that mouse and click! Seriously?!


you can put lipstick on this jawa but it's still a jawa. So new art does not change what's underneath.


You like traveling - good for you! this is your game. They made a travel game. MMOs put that in for game filler - so i repeat - nothing new.


You have to walk to new york so you know where it's at before you can fly there? If this game had content - you would know where all the taxis are and how to get places quickly. And NO I don't buy the WOW comparison in travel.


If this game had be programmed right - no load zones. (go ahead - make excuses for this dev team - they blow with all those loading zones). I can assure you, you can do live updates and remove the zones - just not these guys.


You get in your ship and do what? Watch loading zones and videos. Wow - really? You guys like that? You wouldn't rather get in your ship, take the controls, and fly and doc on other stations and planets? You would rather go through loading hell and time killing travel??!



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Are there people out there who enjoy and/or appreciate the convoluted travel system? Or just a lot of people who like arguing? I figured this would be universally disliked. Personally, I get a feeling of disappointment whenever I travel, knowing I need to run through various unnecessary, empty areas and loading screens.


I have a feeling that much grander plans were in place for these transitions that was never implemented.

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Are there people out there who enjoy and/or appreciate the convoluted travel system? Or just a lot of people who like arguing? I figured this would be universally disliked. Personally, I get a feeling of disappointment whenever I travel, knowing I need to run through various unnecessary, empty areas and loading screens.


I have a feeling that much grander plans were in place for these transitions that was never implemented.



This should make some people happy. This is from this weeks Q&A:


Zennis: Has there been any discussion to streamlining the Space Port process? Perhaps allowing speeders in the Space Ports besides the Fleet?


Brian Audette (Senior Designer): We've absolutely heard what the fans are saying and have been exploring options to address these issues. While we are still investigating allowing speeder use in Space Ports, we've also been looking for other ways to get people from point A to point B with greater haste. One such feature will specifically affect planets that have Orbital Stations instead of Space Ports such as: Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Belsavis. We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks. This feature and some additional tweaks will start showing up in Game Update 1.2.

Edited by CeruleanNite
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Zennis: Has there been any discussion to streamlining the Space Port process? Perhaps allowing speeders in the Space Ports besides the Fleet?


Brian Audette (Senior Designer): We've absolutely heard what the fans are saying and have been exploring options to address these issues. While we are still investigating allowing speeder use in Space Ports, we've also been looking for other ways to get people from point A to point B with greater haste. One such feature will specifically affect planets that have Orbital Stations instead of Space Ports such as: Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Belsavis. We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks. This feature and some additional tweaks will start showing up in Game Update 1.2.



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threads like this hurt the game


anything thats posted in this thread that talk about wow as if it was the greatest thing in the world needs to go back to wow


so what you have 2-3 mins loadscreen, every planet has a ship that takes you right to the fleet with out all the stations to run in.


wow is easy mode, everything from quests, instances and raids, even the areas have been changed so everything is close by and on a set path, extra flight points added so its quick to get from one end of the area to the other, which killed fun things like doing the wetland mile, running from the ironforge to the docks in wetlands to get to stormwind or the other way around, when you were lvl 11, great times


now we have portals in every city that takes you to the other ones... lame so lame

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I absolutely agree with the OP that there are many times when people ask me to help them kill heroic such-and-such on a different planet, and I pretend to be afk because I don't want to spend 20 minutes in loading screens trying to get to them. This problem definitely impacts the user community in a negative way because people get all ticked off when nobody wants to help them.


On the other hand, I hear what people are saying about the RP aspect. This is space travel, so it should take a long time, right?


My proposal is that guilds should receive special "technology" that allows them to teleport to each other every 4 hours. You can put it on a long cooldown so people don't abuse it and also so I don't have to spend my entire day helping people on every planet in the galaxy. That way there will be more cooperation and less "there's only 2 people on this planet, how am i supposed to do my heroics??"

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Since a few days I aint using any elevator, airship or fly route anymore, but just my speeder to travel from one section to the other on the rep fleet.


After using my emergency fleet pass on hoth to drop some rare items on gtc I just didnt feel like taking those steps to travel back to my unfinished questing zone.. yes :( its those loading screens I just had enough of it and im avoiding it for now.


So the only thing im just doing as of lvl-46 is just hang around in the rep fleet while I queue for warzones and alt-tab in the meantime to do other stuff untill the queue pops, and no I'm not an afk-er after entering a warzone. I always endup in the top-3 summary tables even in my current tank spec :cool:.

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There is no real point to the cooldown times on the quick travel abilities that I can see. Simply removing the cooldown timers on the fleet pass and the quick travel would make this game so much less tedious, especially when it comes to having to fight back through a dungeon of the same boring trash mob encounters that I already had to fight the way in.


Just remove the cooldowns. Seriously, what's the big deal? Why are they needed?

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Taking some time is no big deal. If your time is so important that you must rage about it you need to stop wasting it playing a game.


I think some of the difference is that in levelling (apart from a few R&R "quests") it's not sure a big deal.


But later on, or when doing stuff like travelling to help guildies, the rigmarole to get from A to B becomes an issue.


Especially when it's the 1000th time you've done it.

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