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Romance Kaliyo or Temple?


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There was a point where I gave Kaliyo a RING. After I reached 3K with Temple I was offered the option to make her 'mine'. I dumped Kaliyo and chose Temple, Oh man was the cat fight in my ship quarters worth the entire box price! Ill never regret dumping Kaliyo for Temple!


Damn damn, dont even tell me what i missed! :eek::D

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Not much....just Kaliyo saying "If you want the kid fine, don't come crawling back to me when she reaches her breaking point".


And that's it. Of course in your mind, you can imagine all kinds of things. Like I imagine that it was all a ruse and I never dumped anyone :rolleyes:

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Honestly, I can't see the appeal of romancing any of our companions beyond the "one night stand" level.


Kaliyo is a cruel, narcisistic, user who only cares about herself, if that. She'll stick with you while you're fun but will literally sell you out if it benefits her.


Vector is sweet in a way, but the things he says make no sense and his joining makes him seem detached most of the time.


Lokin is the coolest, I think. He's smart, resourceful, experienced, and surprisingly well-built. He reminds me of the "Most Interesting Man in the World", actually. He does have an undercurrent of selfishness, though, that you can uncover based on his affection gains in surprising places. I get the feeling that he'd abandon me if things ever got too tense just out of a sense of self-preservation. And there's the whole Rakghoul thing...


Temple is hot, but freakin annoying. The constant pleas for attention and praise are grating. And her unquestioning devotion to the Empire is just stupid based on her past.



She *literally* kills her own loving father who basically gives up his whole life to protect her just because she's so brainlessly devoted to following Imperial rules to the letter!




Even if you could romance SCORPIO, whould you dare? Even at full affection, she barely moves off her "I'll kill you the first chance I get" stance.


I understand Vector completely. When you pay attention to his conversations, you figure out what he means. Communication is a listening skill. ;)


Lokin... yep, I agree!

Kaliyo, well said.



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You lost a lot of points talking her out of it.


I didn't lose any, actually. In fact I gained some for talking her out of not killing the wussy guy in the casino, and the girl, whose names I can't remember. I might have lost like -1 for paying off the guy that she owed money to. Besides, losing a few small bits of points here and there is nothing. You can give her a gift and gain 3x of it back.

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That thing that kind of upset me is that I was romancing Temple, already married Kaliyo, and then was at the part where I had to tell Kaliyo, so I told Kaliyo about me and Temple. I was hoping for some sparks to fly or something. All I got was a 5 second cut scene of Kaliyo telling me if I wanted Temple to go for it. Then nothing else happen.....


Kind of disappointing since I was expecting more to that. I just wish it was that easy to break up with your wife/girlfriend like that in RL. :)

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Eh personally I prefer Temple over Kaliyo, mainly because I know a girl with a similar personality as Kaliyo (minus the whole anarchist stuff..well kinda) and I find it slightly annoying.. Mainly the whole, not let anyone get close to you because your afraid of getting hurt or w.e I find to be annoying. On another note I hope in one of the future patches they come out with some more class based quests/convoes with all your companions so you can get to know them better or change them more to your liking.
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i thought to stick with Kaliyo all the way..

Now i'm 50 and she really pissed me off.

Now i regret i said Temple, when having talk, that "Kaliyo comes first" for me. Is there any way to repeat some romance talks? (or particularly generally speaking any way you can 'redo' some quest choice?).


I really would like to start romance Temple now, but flirt options are not present now when i talk to her, since i said, what i said. Any chance for 'replay'?


cheers :)


They are planning on tweaking the romance system to allow SGRA with some companions in the future...perhaps they'll also make changes to the OGRA ones?


It's something you could suggest them adding (i.e., a new chance to break it off with Kaliyo).

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I started with Kaliyo, but she brought some guy on my ship. Then Temple gave me the "make a choice option" That was a no brainer- I kicked Kaliyo to the curb. She's not trustworthy. Temple adores me,

I just have to make sure she doesn't need me dead to protect her from being found by the sith. I saw how that went for her dad.......shivers.

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