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As a warhammer veteran, this brings back horrific memories...


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People seem to always misinterpret "Quantity" and "Quality" of a class...


This game is 1 Month old! People didn't reroll Sorc because it seems op to them or anything. They played Sorc, because long before anybody had a clue about numbers in this game, BW presented the Sorc/Sage as the only real casterclass, so most people decided to play the "cooler" archtype. Stwarwars may be Si-fi but it has heavy fantasy elements and people love the Magixx.


The baddies on these forums see half a warzone filled with sorcs, some of them may be good players some not. At some point anyway there will be a good Sorc player and if this player deals some more dmg or outplays them, said baddies come to this forum and cry -.-


People have no feelings for number as it is now.

@OP So your screen shows a warzone game with 9! enemy players(which is a ridiculous bug but one of them was afk-ing) with 7 of them happen to be Sorcs and all of them seem to be medicore players. None of them did really good dmg if this game went for nearly its full length which i assume(based on you played 4:6 objektive pointwise - what indicates a balanced strenght between teams)


Good players deal 300k+ with ease in a warzone game and it mostly doesn't matter which class they play, i saw juggernauts,marauder,operatives, sorcs, powertechs, etc.. deal those amounts of damage.


The blancing in this game is opposed to your argument really good. Sorcs are fine, play one you'll see. If anything i'd say dmg or better said burst dmg overall sometimes a little to high.

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what your seeing is called damage padding... here is basically what is happening and why sorcs feel so broek when look at the charts...


1: dot spam=huge numbers at end of battle

2: when deal enough damage(only like 20% of health) you get a kill credit even if you didnt deal killing blow...

3:dots=hp its a small amount but when you have 2 dots running on 2 or 3 people it adds up...


effectively what people are seeing is sorcs spamming dots, and assisst killing but really not major killers in pvp. 9/10 if a sorc killed you 1 vs 1 you were half dead to begin with, didnt focs them or, were over geared because a good melee can shut us down easy and NO way we are casting our main heal before we get interupted trust me i try it all the time! i rarely if ever can pull it off...because majority of players know what an interrupt is! btw is me sprinting away and using line of sight to!


sorc/sage are not heavy hitters people killing you are ops/gun slingers, merc/commandos, and maurders/sentinels most of the time we just kill assist and take credit for there hard work!


I can see that your list of "overpowered" classes are only classes that give sorcs a hard time. Its sad that sorcs can tank more damage than me a tank specced guardian with 15.5k hp.

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Playing gunslinger wrong


Against that team? No. You try doing any damage when an enemy team has that many shields, CC, and damage/healing output.


I'm pretty sure I spent half that game CC'd, I'm sure if both of us sat in town shooting at target dummies... the gunslinger would come out ahead, but in terms of real battlefield DPS - the sorc/sage is much more mobile and versatile and it allows them to constantly pump out damage while I'm trying to reposition for cover, shake melee off me, etc. If you let gunslingers sit still in cover they will do more damage, but out of cover we are pathetic, and I know that with how chaotic most battles are, I cannot just sit still in cover and expect to live.

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And again the same general problem, people do not understand that most sorces are doing high numbers by spamming AOE and playing zero for team..


They should stop showing numbers in the result tables and all those rage against sorcers threads will dissapear.


Also reminder for all sorc bashers, we have 41 skills points as everybody else and no , we cannot be DPSHeal masters, we must choose to be either healers or DPS and then it you have only so much of benefits and not all!!


So no , sorcerrors do not have epic DPS+Heals+CC+everything that pwns you else.


L2P ;)

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I see no problem being as a HEALER sage, and getting no medals for it, except times when I pull a lot of heal and my team nominates me more than anybody else.

As a Sage i see that i have too much CC and if I put my talents on telekinetics and balance i can get ridiculous amount of CC..


I mean even now, as a healer.. I have stun, i have 2 slows, i have knockback, i have lift, i have force speed.. this is way too much CC. But every class here has too much CC.


When it comes to PvP and pure dmg sorcs/sages it comes to the fact that they do a lot of damage from RANGE, they have a lot of CC to stop threat approaching them, and when its needed they can heal quickly, especially with their 20% alacrity skill.

So too versatile, same like scoundrel, operative.


I have no problem with pure healing specs either, they come across as well balanced and game-changing when utilized properly. My problem is that, in addition to a VERY strong CC/DPS package, sorcs can go hybrid and pump out decent healing as well. It's not enough if you're the only sorc on a team... but when you start seeing 4+ in a warzone, its like trying to play whack-a-mole... you focus one and he force speeds away, shields, starts getting heals, breaks LOS, and anyone chasing gets stunned to high heaven. 10 seconds later he's back at full health and it goes on and on....

Edited by Sogui
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Agree with the underdog system, it should realy help the population imbalance in Ilum. I would love to see the war cc system also which rather than this we have here actually worked :p No chainstuns, chainroots knockbacks that would be great...


I'm trying to find the old screenshot where we went against 11(obviously not op) BW in tier 3 sc :p


I don't have my Warhammer screenies anymore, but that's what my OP reminded me of... games against 70-90% BW teams that would just carpet bomb the battlefield.

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And again the same general problem, people do not understand that most sorces are doing high numbers by spamming AOE and playing zero for team..


They should stop showing numbers in the result tables and all those rage against sorcers threads will dissapear.


Also reminder for all sorc bashers, we have 41 skills points as everybody else and no , we cannot be DPSHeal masters, we must choose to be either healers or DPS and then it you have only so much of benefits and not all!!


So no , sorcerrors do not have epic DPS+Heals+CC+everything that pwns you else.


L2P ;)


Given that every warzone encourages people to clump up, AOE is very potent and being able to have multiple sorcs dumping AoE on a group is almost a guaranteed win for that teamfight.

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And again the same general problem, people do not understand that most sorces are doing high numbers by spamming AOE and playing zero for team..


They should stop showing numbers in the result tables and all those rage against sorcers threads will dissapear.


Also reminder for all sorc bashers, we have 41 skills points as everybody else and no , we cannot be DPSHeal masters, we must choose to be either healers or DPS and then it you have only so much of benefits and not all!!


So no , sorcerrors do not have epic DPS+Heals+CC+everything that pwns you else.


L2P ;)


What a lame attempt to get ppl off the idea that sorcs need a nerf. Maybe you are the one that needs to l2p, because every time i encounter a good sorc he can beat me.

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These threads about DPS spec'd sage/sorc outhealing dmg comming in is BS. As a fully spec'd Sage healer with 501 expertise I get dropped in seconds and cant out damage 2 people on me. No way a 3 SECOND heal that heals for 2k outheals damage comming in.


I would drop you in 3 to 5 globals as a 6xx expertise Assassin if my consumables/relic/CD is up.

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Yay, more Hyperbole.


I played Warhammer, , I played in a duo with a friend, ironbreaker and ruinpriest. Best fight I was ever in, we won a 2 v 8. We routinely won 4-5 v 2's, matter of fact I don't remember a single time I ever lost anything less than 4 v 2. *THAT* was overpowered. BW were just like Sorc/sages in this game, cannon fodder if you knew what you were doing. Squishy as heck.


Classes like this do well in unorganized play, but are nothing but a speedbump in any kind of organized PvP. Focus fire on squishy class = dead, nothing you can do about it.


You got killed by a sorc, because there are a lot of them. The reason there are a lot of them, is because most of the classes in this game are a laughable jumble of skills that make no sense together. Most of the classes in this game have about 50%of the toolset rendered useless depending on spec, and that's a real issue that needs to be addressed. Nerfing the one class that doesn't seem like it was created by a combination of alcohol and dart boards is not the best solution to the problem.

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What I find hilarious is the SS that shows these "OP" sorcs doing meh damage, and low heals, and killing at a ~2:1 kills to death ratio...


I play with a gunslinger that does 300-399k in warzones...


oh not just that his screenshot showed a powertech, not even a mercenary (notice how it has protection points? sure give away) as the 2nd highest damage and the most medals in the warzone.



And their all sorc team...lost too.

Edited by Adzzy
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People seem to always misinterpret "Quantity" and "Quality" of a class...


This game is 1 Month old! People didn't reroll Sorc because it seems op to them or anything. They played Sorc, because long before anybody had a clue about numbers in this game, BW presented the Sorc/Sage as the only real casterclass, so most people decided to play the "cooler" archtype. Stwarwars may be Si-fi but it has heavy fantasy elements and people love the Magixx.


The baddies on these forums see half a warzone filled with sorcs, some of them may be good players some not. At some point anyway there will be a good Sorc player and if this player deals some more dmg or outplays them, said baddies come to this forum and cry -.-


People have no feelings for number as it is now.

@OP So your screen shows a warzone game with 9! enemy players(which is a ridiculous bug but one of them was afk-ing) with 7 of them happen to be Sorcs and all of them seem to be medicore players. None of them did really good dmg if this game went for nearly its full length which i assume(based on you played 4:6 objektive pointwise - what indicates a balanced strenght between teams)


Good players deal 300k+ with ease in a warzone game and it mostly doesn't matter which class they play, i saw juggernauts,marauder,operatives, sorcs, powertechs, etc.. deal those amounts of damage.


The blancing in this game is opposed to your argument really good. Sorcs are fine, play one you'll see. If anything i'd say dmg or better said burst dmg overall sometimes a little to high.


You misinterpret my post. The theme of seeing 8 sorcs on a team reminded me of a similar class made by many of the same people balancing PvP for this game. In that old game (Warhammer Online), Bright Wizards (and their mirror) were a badly broken class, yet it took the developers WAY WAY WAY too long to properly tone down the class. Meanwhile on the forums, legions of Bright Wizards (many of whom switched to them because it was the flavor of the... 6 months) would harass and insult anyone who pointed out how badly OP they were.


Seeing many of the same class on one team could just be a coincidence. But from what I've seen, with ops/scoundrels being nerfed... everyone is breaking out a sorc/sage because they are simply a better package than the other ranged classes.

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With a rakata medpac alone you can do at least 25k healing, if you hit it a lot


This is from my perspective in the 10-49 bracket. I'm sure the problem scales up to 50 as well where heals will be more potent.

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I have no problem with hybrids, but having 40k healing and topping the damage charts shouldn't be happening every game.


You don't think that 40k healing came in 4 or even 10 heals do you?

Edited by Rhazesx
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Look at all those deaths, in that picture. For a class that is "unkillable" and some how able to spec 31-31-31 they always have tons of deaths.


Lots of people flying off bridges on both sides, trust me - it was work on the Republic side.

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Ah Warhammer. Comparisons between thee and this game always make me chuckle.


Not because of the obvious correlation between Bright Wizards and Sorcs.


But because people complain about PvP here being 'unbalanced'.


I played a Shadow Warrior in Warhammer.



You people have no idea what unbalanced means.

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