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Voss - 64x VCAA


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VCAA is an outdated term from older video cards. Pretty much it means CSAA.


CSAA is just MSAA with extra coverage samples. The value of coverage samples depends on the makeup of the individual pixel, so the resulting increase in quality ranges from some to none at all. Extra coverage samples really provide very little overhead to modern day video cards which reinforces my belief you are using older hardeware.


Due to convoluted naming standards 64CSAA would simply be 1xSSAA with 32coverage samples, then doubled via SLI on modern video cards


You really wouldn't notice anything other then an overall blur.


Older cards I think could go higher via single core but this was removed due to it doing nothing of any benifit.



Here is a chart of some common AA modes




It is my belief that all you have done is select high amounts of coverage samples with some SSAA.


I suggest you keep SSAA to a minimum in a game like this where we currently have very poor AA compatibility bit profiles. You will get nothing but a large amount of blur and negative lod does not fix this.


Stick to AA such as 8Q. This is 8xMSAA. This will yield best visual benefit while still being playable.





Anything over true 4x MSAA receives dimining returns.


Also I believe 32x pure MSAA is the max samping rate a single GPU can attain.


You can double this via SLI however.





Until we can play this game with higher SSAA without the blur using it will just make everything you view very blury and not at all sharp.

Edited by Harower
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VCAA is an outdated term from older video cards. Pretty much it means CSAA.


CSAA is just MSAA with extra coverage samples. The value of coverage samples depends on the makeup of the individual pixel, so the resulting increase in quality ranges from some to none at all. Extra coverage samples really provide very little overhead to modern day video cards which reinforces my belief you are using older hardeware.


Due to convoluted naming standards 64CSAA would simply be 1xSSAA with 32coverage samples, then doubled via SLI on modern video cards


You really wouldn't notice anything other then an overall blur.


Older cards I think could go higher via single core but this was removed due to it doing nothing of any benifit.



Here is a chart of some common AA modes




It is my belief that all you have done is select high amounts of coverage samples with some SSAA.


I suggest you keep SSAA to a minimum in a game like this where we currently have very poor AA compatibility bit profiles. You will get nothing but a large amount of blur and negative lod does not fix this.


Stick to AA such as 8Q. This is 8xMSAA. This will yield best visual benefit while still being playable.





Anything over true 4x MSAA receives dimining returns.


Also I believe 32x pure MSAA is the max samping rate a single GPU can attain.


You can double this via SLI however.





Until we can play this game with higher SSAA without the blur using it will just make everything you view very blury and not at all sharp.

You do know my excuse was to post a nice picture of Voss right?


And if you're curious this is the full name of the AA Setting:



Have one from the Fleet: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43796780/SWTOR/64xVCAA/SuperVCAA_64x_8v8_1.png

Edited by Lemon_King
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