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Money Making Crew Skills


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Slicing. You do it by using the skill in any way. Enjoy!


Not so much any more. The missions will make on average about 200 creds profit for an hour. You could do slicing missions for 5 hours sending out all of your companions and make less than one daily at level 50. Slicing does make money if the character is out actively questing, though.


Frankly, I have having great success at companion gifts through Diplomacy or Underworld Trading. 2k per mission, I can sell blues for 5k and purple ones for 9k all day long.

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Slicing works ok - keep in mind the "Rich" yields will generate the most profit. I find that I sometimes have to go back one mission level and go for a lower number lockbox, but with a "Rich" yield I sometimes get blue lockboxes for several thousand over what I spent on the mission.


Cybertech is popular on my server - spaceship parts sell really well.


Good luck! For others reading, I would certainly recommend Slicing as one of your first crew skills - having some credits around eases things. Even helped my hubby get his level 25 license for his hoverbike.

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He did say "most efficient for making a ton of money" and slicing is the only skill designed to do just that. I know it was nerfed recently, but it still works fine for its intended purpose, to efficiently create credits out of thin air, easily.


Admittedly, you might be able to find better credits per hour making ears or ship mods as a cybertech for certain holes in the GTN, or say level 32 implants or stims as a biochem if nobody else is really producing them for some reason, etc. But its risky and time consuming, you have to watch the market, and no guarantee of good returns.


Slicing is definitely the most efficient. Click button, get credits. Works when your out questing, works when sending companions to do it when your bumming around the fleet.

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